DC Database

In 2014, DC takes another look at the future: Futures End is the next dark apocalyptic future and this time, the culprit is Brother Eye. The series introduces Batman Beyond to the mainstream.

After years of delay, Grant Morrison's The Multiversity finally arrives in August. It features a main storyline featuring the heroes of the Multiverse against the Gentry, accompanied by six one-shots and a guidebook exploring worlds and concepts Morrison previously introduced during Final Crisis and their run on Action Comics (Volume 2).


The following creative talent passed away in the year 2014:


The following comic titles debuted with a 2014 cover date:

The following Comic titles were last published with a 2014 cover date:

The following One Shots were published with a 2014 cover date:


Selected 2014 character debuts. See all.


Selected 2014 team debuts. See all.
