DC Database

Quote1 If Julian Assange and Edward Snowden had a kid... that kid wouldn't be half the hacker that Felicity is. Quote2
— John Diggle src

Felicity Smoak is a computer hacker originally hired to take down Green Arrow, but ended up joining his team.

Early History

Felicity was a hacker-for-hire who has done questionable things in her past. In a job, she dumped the soft-target home addresses of several metahumans, thereby exposing the loved ones of several of them, including Cheetah. At some point, Felicity was hired by an unknown person to kill the Green Arrow.[1][2]

Helping Green Arrow

Felicity deflected money from the Glades Memorial Hospital's endowment fund, and John Diggle traced her to a building. Green Arrow went to the location and encounters her, who introduces herself as an assassin hired to kill him,[3] but she then explains that she did not know her target was the Green Arrow when she accepted the job, but now that she does she can't follow through. She can't name her employer because she was hired anonymously via World of Warcraft, where she does all of her deals. She points out that she already knows he is Oliver Queen, and everything about him. Like the existence of his half-sister Emiko, the whereabouts of Henry Fyff and Naomi Singh, and about his relationship with Zehra Darvish.

Felicity states that she wishes to help Oliver save Seattle. She has already pinpointed three people who might be able to stop her employer, and one of them was a street-kid she hasn't got the name of yet. Oliver then introduces Felicity to John Diggle, the latter of whom doesn't trust her. As a show of her trustworthiness, Felicity hacks into the network to find the middleman who gave her the mission and reveals that his name is Garret Diamond. Upon breaking into his house, they find Garret has been killed with an arrow. Felicity takes the opportunity to hack his computer and she learns that the street kid she had spoken of is Mia Dearden. Despite Oliver and Diggle failing to find any word of Mia on the street, Felicity manages to locate her via satellite, in Mack Morgan's passenger seat.[1]

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Felicity with the Green Arrow

Unfortunately, Mia was being pursued by a deadly archer, but Oliver managed to save her. Back at their hideout, Mia reveals that Felicity's employer is her father John King. She explains her tragic history, but she doesn't know what his secret is. However, she stolen a USB drive from him that she hopes will provide answers, though it is password protected. Felicity cracks it quickly and discovers a list of nearly ten thousand names.

Come nightfall, Felicity, Oliver, and Diggle dresses up and preparing to board John King's blimp. Upon his meeting with King, the man reveals that he knows Oliver is the Green Arrow. Soon, many of the fundraiser attendees have pulled guns on Oliver and his guests, and King explains that his subjects are eager to kill for him. He takes the honour for himself, opening the glass panel behind Oliver and causing he, Diggle, and Felicity to be sucked out into the air high above the city. Fortunately, they are caught just in time by the Green Lantern, but the King captures Mia.

Later, Felicity shuts off the lights of the Seattle General Hospital so that Oliver and Green Lantern can sneak up on Dr. Reynolds. Unfortunately, Reynolds cuts the power to all ventilators and life support devices at once. So the Lantern creates breathing tubes with his Power Ring. With Felicity's help, Oliver finds his way to the control room and turns life supports back on after knocking Reynolds unconscious.[4][5]


Felicity then reveals that the person responsible for transferring the Queen Foundation's entire endowment to King's is Zehra, and upon entering the Foundation building, Felicity is arrested for hacking government servers. As she is processed for her imprisonment, Felicity notices the use of advanced technology in the security systems, and realizes that she is going to a Supermax facility, where she shares a cell with Cheetah. Felicity insists that it had just been a job to her, but Cheetah is not dissuaded from her anger and promises that as soon as the light's go out, she will demonstrate the myriad ways in which she can be unforgiving. With help from Steve Trevor, Oliver eventually saves Felicity from the prison and Cheetah. She was surprised that anyone would bother to rescue her, and is moved to kiss Oliver on the cheek before he drags her through the halls with only seconds left before they'd be caught on camera.[2]

Last mission

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Felicity with Team Arrow

Oliver guides Felicity into an empty elevator shaft using a grapple to pull them both up. Once on the 70th floor, they look for King's office, but accidentally found an explosive booby-trap that would nearly kill them, if not for Oliver's grapple. They later discover the office, and Felicity begins downloading the incriminating information to send to Batman. Before she can complete the download, though, Zehra barges in, warning them to delete the files or King will kill Mia Dearden. Via phone, King orders Oliver to bring Felicity's hard drive to the build site for his housing project within twenty minutes. In response, Felicity leaps up and punches her in the face with a left hook. Before long, the news is reporting of how evidence had come to light, demonstrating King's corruption and murder. Felicity later is invited by Steve Trevor to join A.R.G.U.S., but Oliver wonders if she might like to stay and work with him and Diggle. Before she can answer, she spots two thugs who got away from them on a surveillance feed, and becomes involved in tracking them - which Oliver takes as a yes. Felicity then says that her stay will be contingent upon her getting a suit.[6]




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Team Arrow member
DC Bullet 2024

This character is or was a member of the Green Arrow family of vigilante super-heroes, who fight crime using archery and martial arts. They are a loose connection brought together through family bonds and shared experiences. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Team Arrow members."
