DC Database

Quote1 She should've lived. It's the great heartbreak of my life. But she's gone. And she's been gone for a long time. I had to keep going, and if the roles were reversed, I'd want her to do the same. Quote2
— John Stewart src

Katma Tui was a member of the Green Lantern Corps and the wife of fellow Green Lantern John Stewart.

Green Lantern Corps Vol 3 1
Green Lantern
The DC Universe heavily changed its continuity following the events of Flashpoint in 2011. While most characters saw massive changes to their origins and history, the Green Lantern mythos was widely exempted from these changes. Green Lantern-related characters should be assumed to have the same history as before Flashpoint unless and until stories contradict them.

Katma Tui fought with the Green Lantern Corps and their reincarnated allies Hawkman and Hawkwoman against their mutual foe Eclipso,[1] and was assigned to train John Stewart of Earth, a new recruit to the Corps. After assessing his skill with his Green Lantern Ring, she sent him back to his home planet for a test of his willpower—learning not to use his ring—imparting on him the cautionary tale of Patmos Prime, a world that was kept in line by the authoritarian Green Lantern Sinestro only to return to chaos once he was called away. Stewart ultimately did use his power to fight police brutality on Earth, and rather than discipline him, Tui revealed that the true purpose of the test had been to teach him when to disobey in the face of injustice. Tui began a flirtation with Stewart[2] that eventually led to their marriage.[3]

Together, Tui and Stewart were deployed by the Guardians of the Universe to the planet Xanshi in Sector 1313 to investigate a plague ravaging the world. Tracing it to its source, they found a spherical, gold-colored bomb which Stewart inadvertently detonated in an attempt to destroy it,[4] annihilating Xanshi and its millions of inhabitants.[5] She and Stewart pursued a life together outside the Corps, but it was cut short when Tui was killed.[6] After her death, Tui was mourned deeply by Stewart, and was at one point resurrected only to die once more.[7]

She was one of the "Fallen Lanterns" memorialized beneath the Green Lantern Corps' citadel on the living planet Mogo,[8] and resided in the other-dimensional Dead Zone, from which she was recalled by Black Hand to serve in the undead Black Lantern Corps, fighting alongside him and Green Lantern Hal Jordan against the New God Orion and the Divine Guard of New Genesis.[9] Later , her spirit was also present in the Emerald Space, an afterlife for those who died for the Green Lantern Corps, where she spoke with the still-living Jordan about Stewart's reaction to losing her.[7]

When the New God Esak claimed to John Stewart that Katma Tui was alive once more, one of Stewart's selves—having been duplicated via Hypertime—set off in search for her.[3]




Black Hand 008
DC Bullet 2024

Black Lantern Corps member
This character is or was a member of the Black Lantern Corps. Those who have died may wield the Black Power Ring, symbolizing their lack of both life and emotion.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Black Lantern Corps members category."

Green Lantern Corps 001
DC Bullet 2024

Green Lantern Corps member
This character is or was a member of the Green Lantern Corps, chosen by the Guardians of the Universe to act as their sector's Green Lantern and to protect it from interstellar threats with a Power Ring.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Green Lantern Corps members category."
