This article is about the original X created by JC the Hyena in 2011. For for the variant featured in the original fangame duology, see Sonic.EXE (MY5TCrimson). For the current, rebooted variant of the character, see X. For the one present in its first reboot, created by its original author, see X (2017 reboot). For the scrapped alternate continuation of this timeline, see "Sonic" (Sonic.exe 2). For other uses of X, see X (disambiguation).
“ | I AM GOD. | „ | |
― X |
X, often referred to as Sonic.exe, made by JC-the-Hyena is the main antagonist of the creepypasta by the same name. An entity created from an extraterrestrial cataclysm, X is a being of pure evil, whose obsession with Sonic the Hedgehog fuels a hypocritical mimicry of the blue blur, and using his visage to commit horrid acts onto his friends and enemies alike. To add insult to injury, X takes the souls of the players of his game, leaving them in a brutal near-death state while putting them into a world of infinite torment. As of the present day, this character has been rebooted twice.
Sonic.exe looks exactly like his idol, Sonic the Hedgehog, except there are several noticeable differences to his appearance. X's fur and quills are a darker blue and less smooth and more unkept, his skin a sickly pale color, with a black color fading into his forearms, hands, forelegs and feet, symbolizing X's dark matter in a way. His claws are sharp and pitch black (though sometimes they're also a bright purple). X's mouth is often unnaturally wide when he smiles and it's always fanged and yellow (JC explained that the yellow on his teeth is not a result of tooth decay but one of the few side effects when his body was first made), and his eyes are pitch black, with two glowing red dots as irises with very tiny pupils. For some reason X seems to always produce blood under his eyes even when he's not actually crying, though this is a major birthmark (when he was born, X's eyes hurt greatly). When X isn't crying blood, one can see a faint but noticeable rash under his eyes from crying so much blood.
X actually has multiple forms, all of them usually resembling Sonic. As Classic Sonic, he looks just like the original Sonic the Hedgehog only with the same dark, bleeding eyes and wide, fanged grin. The Sonic Plushie (which acts as a spy for X) looks like any other ordinary Sonic plush doll, except there are bloodstains under its eyes and if you look closely, you could see a faint red glow within the black pupils.
X's body is merely a shell for the real beast, however. What X truly looks like is a giant shapeless mass of pure Dark Matter, giving him a black and purple thundercloudy appearance, with two glowing red dots for eyes. X's true form can inflict severe damage in contact, and is considered his most dangerous form despite being the weakest. It’s considered the weakest because his defense in said form is the weakest out of all of them, making him receive more pain than he usually would.
X's signature outfit is a purple and black sleeveless, short-legged, skin-tight spandex suit complete with a black fur collar around the neck ending to an emblem of X's own design, resembling a blue demonic smiley face with four large red ribbons shaping an "X". X also wears a black and gold-lined cloak around his waist, supported by a black leather belt with a red "X" as the buckle. X's boots are knee-high and gothic-designed, having 2 belts on the back of each boot, and have purple lights under the heel and sole, signifying X's anti-gravity device made with the boots. His gloves are fingerless having purple lining on the finger holes and the cuffs being large and cuplike, much like the original design of Tails’ glove cuffs, but without the straps.
Sonic.exe, personality-wise, is considered evil incarnate. X views humanity to be the perfect plaything and desires to one day have it all to himself for eternity, and believes himself to be a god thanks to his reality-controlling powers. X's arrogance and sadism appears to stem from his creative side, so it's possible that he also uses his powers to torture humans just to see what he can do with them, not just because it gives him great pleasure and power over them.
Aside from his insatiable love for humans and his sadistic and creative need to play with them, X also idolizes Sonic the Hedgehog, which inspired X to create a body for himself similar to his idol's and also create a world that has many aspects from Sonic's world, and hopes to one day have Sonic all to himself as he rules over humanity. While X does truly admire Sonic to the point of possible homosexuality and fanaticism, he also shows great disappointment whenever Sonic doesn't act like the Sonic he idolizes.
In addition to X's arrogance, X greatly dislikes God and the Devil, believing that they both are unfit to rule over humanity (In fact JC stated that the "SEGA 666" on the first Sonic.exe story was X's way of making fun of both God and the Devil).
X also has a rather violent temper if provoked correctly, which can prove to be his undoing. If X doesn't get his way all the time or if the game isn't being played in his favor, X will get uncharacteristically angry. If one were to anger him enough, he would rage quit, but by doing so the resulting damage to his "system" would cause him to go into temporary sleep mode before waking back up. JC believes this fatal flaw of X's to be part of X's connection with the game. If someone were to defeat or at least outsmart X, X will not stop until he either gets even with them or makes them his newest slave.
Even though X loves tormenting humans in the worst way imaginable, he never considered killing one. X abhors death in several ways, believing that a dead human is a waste of a good toy, which is why he steals the souls instead, because the soul is eternal even in death, and X believes if he steals the soul and shapes it into a slave, it will live forever with him. X is also a very good sport most of the time and can be easy to impress, despite being painfully arrogant, as he's shown his admiration to Derek's persistence in stopping him before deciding to steal his soul. X is aware that he's evil, and even admits that he has a very monstrous personality.
X is also known to be extensively manipulative and clever, as he influenced a master programmer to create the game disk, led a cult to believe that he's really a good guy, and has warped the minds of several of his slaves, most notably Tom.
- Humanity and Sonic: X desires nothing more than to enslave all of humanity and have Sonic all to himself. He finds that humanity is purely fascinating on all accounts, he loves the good in it, the bad in it, humans are basically the ultimate toy to X, and as such he believes that the humans only exist to give him infinite satisfaction and joy. X greatly idolizes Sonic the Hedgehog to the point of unstable fanaticism, willing to do whatever it takes to have him all to himself when he rules. Whenever Sonic acts the opposite of the hedgehog X loves, X expresses great disappointment. X's idolization of Sonic is what inspired X to look like him and even create a world that has elements related to Sonic's world.
- His own “Godhood”: Due to X's immense powers, he views himself as a god, which he has technically is since he created his world. This pride of his tends to get him in trouble whenever he gets humbled in a game, since the resulting rage-quit forces him into sleep mode.
- The Cult of X: X really likes the Cult of X due to how loyal they are to him, and thus he trusts his minions whole-heartedly. However, just because they’re a part of the Cult doesn’t mean he won’t punish them if he catches them betraying him.
- His Guardians and the Game Disk: X has something of a small symbiotic relationship with his seven guardians and his game disk, this is most likely due to X using his dark matter to create them.
- Games: Due to his psychotic and sadistic personality, X has something of a childish mindset, and as such he really enjoys playing games with people, horrifying or otherwise. Notable games he enjoys playing are Hide-and-Seek and video games (mostly the Sonic ones).
- Food and drinks: X's favorite food is a bowl of meatballs with tomato sauce and sliced pickles as a side humor for his character. When asked about the pickles, it was revealed that it was mainly based on Mr. Krab's description of a soul in the Spongebob Halloween Episode. In addition, X likes chili dogs, milk, and spaghetti.[1]
Just as there are things X really likes, there are also things that X really hates.
- "Haters": While X loves humanity, he does seem to deeply resent those who seem to do nothing with their life but rage and hate about him (such people are called "Haters"). As such, whenever X captures a Hater, he sees to it that they get more torment than the rest. X's motto is "Haters gonna bleed. HARD."
- Not getting his way: X's temper is also his Judas. While X does enjoy a good fair game and does accept losing once in a while, sometimes outright losing or not getting his way all the time is what really sets him off. Get X angry enough times, he'll rage-quit and leave you alone....for now.
- Amy Rose: X hates Amy Rose with a fiery passion. He sees her as a threat to him having Sonic all to himself, and will not hesitate to put her in her place. He also dislikes anyone who likes Amy Rose, as he made two slaves resemble her.
- Death: X dislikes death in the human world in several ways. Despite viewing it as a basic part of nature, X often expresses great disappointment at the death of a human being, claiming that it is a waste to such a good toy. X also has never actually murdered anyone before in his life (all of his victims are left in a Persistent Vegetative State), mainly because he doesn't want to kill anyone, again thinking that human death is a waste. However he is perfectly fine if the Cult of X kills someone for him, though he still expresses disappointment at the fact somebody died.
The Tale
The Birth of Evil
In mid-2011, the creature that would soon become Sonic.exe was born within the void between dimensions. It is unclear how he came to be, but according to JC the Hyena (the creator), the creature was born within a cataclysm brought on by multiple forms of primordial energy accidentally ramming into each other all at once after said energy was trying to assemble itself in a creative manner. These "ingredients" created a sentient mass of Dark Matter, a creature purely made of primordial energy.
After X was born, he explored the recesses of subspace, floating in the darkness as a giant blob of pure dark energy with two red eyes. Suddenly X discovered a dimensional window that revealed planet Earth and all that it contains. It is here that X learned about humans and Sonic the Hedgehog, and right then and there he was utterly fascinated by both, mostly by Sonic, who he was smitten with.
X then copied Sonic's very image and formed a suitable body that would house all his energy, a body that all in the universe would remember. After he created his body, his eyes experienced great pain and started to bleed, a distinguishable birth mark. X was seemingly unshaken by the pain his eyes felt, and instead laughed, his very first laughter echoing through the void; a testimonial example that X was born as something that can be considered pure evil.
X decided that all the living creatures on Earth (namely the humans) were meant to be under his control, that he was born to have all of humanity to himself and himself only until the very end of time. He realized that in order to have his slaves he needed to have a place to keep them all in, a world where they (in his view) would live forever in harmony with him as their king, a world where he was a god.
This is how he discovered his true power: X can manipulate reality in any way he desires. With his reality-warping powers he was able to create his own dimension in a matter of hours. The way he created the layout of his world was by creating "rooms" in it, many of them being based off of the levels in the Sonic the Hedgehog video games (Example being Hill Act 1 being based off of Green Hill Zone from the first Sonic game), albeit in his own sinister style.
After creating the basis for his world, X grew more egomaniacal about his powers, viewing his creativity as superior beyond all else. He was really eager to have humanity under his command, hoping to show them all how "wonderful" his newly-built home looked. Unfortunately X learned that he did not truly exist in the other universe and thus was not able to access into the human world very easily. He was, however, able to channel some of his powers into it to find ultimate access into it.
Prior to the First Pasta
X used his powers to find a way into the human world, and found a suitable alternative through an unknown computer programmer. This programmer was highly skilled at what he did, in fact according to JC, his skills were said to be near U.S. government levels, and X believed him to be his ticket to glory. With his powers, X "influenced" the programmer to create a computer game that would serve as a temporary doorway between our world and X's.
The final tool required to make such an object is a sample of X’s own essence, so he could have full control over the system of the game within. X sent out a piece of his dark power to the human world, which arrived into the game in a manner similar to that of a meteorite. The newly made game disk survived the resulting explosion brought on by the shard of power, but the programmer was nowhere to be found, and thus presumed dead. The piece of X’s power, according to JC, is said to have made a huge X-shaped crater when it landed. The Cult of X, some time after it was founded, believed X came into the world in a "falling star".
X began his soul collecting when the disk started getting handed down person to person, every time a human inserted the disk and downloaded the "game", X gained full access into that person's computer and in turn total control over it as well. As the person plays the game, X uses his reality-altering powers to show that person what's in his world due to the game being a gateway into it. Once the game is finished, X could channel more of his powers into the human world to spy on the human who played it (such as sending a Sonic plush as a spy or creating horrific illusions), until the time to steal their soul came.
According to JC, the reason X has to steal a person's soul so quickly is because X doesn't exist in the human world, and thereby can't be in it for too long. If X takes too long to steal someone's soul, the reality within the human world will force him back into his world and even destroy his body (though JC stated that even if X’s body gets destroyed, the dark matter inside it always survives), and thus X has to wait an hour to head back into the human world.
The first time X captured a human was rather hasty; when he obtained their soul he did it very poorly, resulting in the mouth, throat and chest getting quite mutilated, yet the body was still alive due to the loss of the soul causing merely a Persistent Vegetative State. As time went on X’s captures became more and more careful and elaborate to the point where X simply used his powers to pull the soul out rather than just using his hands, leaving the body unharmed yet still in a Persistent Vegetative State. Each time X stole the soul, he always carved a number into the chest of the victim to keep track of each of his victims in order.
As the attacks continued over the few years, news started to come in about them and the police began to classify the case as "the Sonic.exe Murders" (it's not exactly accurate to call them murders due to the bodies of the victims still being technically alive) based on the evidence that the downloaded game called "Sonic.exe" is in the computer of every single one of the victims. X was amused at how the police coined the name "Sonic.exe" and thus decided to call himself that.
The Cult of "X"
At some time around the "murders", a secret religious group that called itself the "Cult of X" was founded. The Cult is fanatically loyal to "X" and view him as a god and a holy savior. They believe that he is to bring all of humanity out of the horrors of the real world and into a paradise under his rule, though it's hard to tell if ALL the members actually believe such a maniacal idea or if they have different motives in serving X.
The Cult plays a huge role in X's campaign, being the very group that gets the game into the hands of a potential victim. Right after a person's soul gets captured, the Cult retrieves the game disk and has it ending up at a new place for it to be found (such as eBay, the Black Market or even basic mail), and thus the cycle starts over. As a safety precaution, the Cult has also had the game disk copied in case anything happened to the original one.
The Cult recently has been attempting to find newer ways to have X gain full access into the human world, but so far they haven't found a way yet.
The Original Pasta
After 29 captures, X's disk then fell into the hands of a boy named Kyle in 2012. Exe managed to snag Kyle's soul very easily despite Kyle's efforts to stop him. In a last ditch effort to put an end to Exe's game, Kyle sent the disk to his friend Tom, believing the destruction of the disk would mean the destruction of X himself (this proved to be false in the sequel).
Kyle warned Tom in note to not play the game, but Tom dismissed Kyle's warning and played the game anyway, falling right into Exe's trap. Exe did his usual spin on Tom, but the monster found particular interest in Tom as well. Tom had a persistent curiousity and an obsessed desire to help others, and Exe found these traits of Tom's to be astoundingly entertaining. Exe tormented Tom by using the two traits against the boy, up until Tom was driven to suicide in an attempt to escape Exe, however X still obtained Tom's soul and made him another slave.
Round 2
Throughout the entire murder case, each murder has been investigated by Detective Derek Green and his sister, Chelsea. After Chelsea got captured by X, Derek was dropped out of the case for unknown reasons, but that didn't stop him from pursuing his sister's captor. As he secretly investigated each murder that Exe commits, Derek slowly becomes more and more paranoid to the point where he believes everyone is working for the Cult. Through a mysterious contact named "Cole", Derek discovered that the Cult was behind the conspiracy and that Chelsea was trapped in Exe's world. Eventually Derek got captured by the Cult and confronted one of the Cult Leaders, Shannon Goldman. Derek believed that by destroying the disk (which he did), would once and for all stop Exe from tormenting humanity, but Shannon proved his efforts pointless and revealed that the Cult made multiple copies of the game disk in case anything happened to one of them. Shannon then summoned Exe who then proceeded to steal Derek's soul.
3 weeks later after Exe stole Derek's soul, Derek's boss, Bob Richardson received a message from Cole who filled him in on what happened.
To this day, the Cult of X has been passing down the game disk from person to person continuously and Exe has been collecting more and more slaves.
X’s Seven Guardians
Either before Exe captured Tom or after, X decided to create seven "Guardians" to both maintain order in Exe's world and help capture more souls in the human world. These seven creatures all greatly resemble Exe in some manner, except were created through the combination of Exe's dark matter with human emotions (for example Gekido is Rage and Kofuku is Happiness), and each one has a different personality according to the emotions that made them and a different style on how to lure humans into Exe's world.
Kirai is X's guardian of hatred. Created around the time of the events of the original creepypasta, Kirai is a cold, hollow being who holds little more than pure contempt and hatred for others around him. Being an extension of X himself, Kirai is the one who gathers his master's targets by exploiting the hatred burning within their hearts.
Kirai is a short, but still taller than Sonic is, being that vaguely resembles a green hedgehog, with an olive green muzzle, and a forest green mark that is present underneath his right eye. His eyes are a verdant green, and he is draped in a large, circular green cloak, which surrounds him like a bullet shell, a collar poised and presented around the back os his head, with threads that are in a green x-like shape. Underneath his clock, he is wearing a dark gown, which does down past his feet, with a vest which has a design which has a red 'X' surrounded in emerald green lines around it.
While not much is directly known about Kirai, only having a few mentions in JC's works, Kirai is known to be a simplistic being, in terms that the only thing that he knows is hatred. He knows how it feels, he knows how it works, and overall, seems to be able to only express it. While this does seem rather flat, Kirai does seem to have a hope that he can learn to NOT hate the ones within the cult of X. Additionally he is often seen as cold, being a consequence to the massive hatred that fuels his heart, leading to him being rather apathetic, due to hatred being a silent emotion.
Kirai's abilities have not been directly shown, but the implication is that he would have similar abilities towards his creator. On top of that he seems to have the following ability:
- Cryokinesis
- Likely due to his ice powers, and possibly due to the fact that hatred is often seen as a cold emotion, Kirai's body is frozen from the inside out.
- It is why he wears a cloak, in order to keep himself warm.
- Kirai’s color and attribute were taken from the Green World Ring from Sonic and the Secret Rings.
Kito is X's guardian of prayer. Created around the time of the events of the original creepypasta, Kito is a being who represents and thrives off the theistic fervor of the masses that in which he incites. Being an extension of X himself, Kito is the one who gathers his master's targets by exploiting the need for religion's guidance for prayer.
Kito is a short, but still taller than Sonic is, being that vaguely resembles a yellow hedgehog, with an butter yellow muzzle with no visible deformities or imperfections. His eyes are a pale slate gray, and he is draped in a long sleeved yellow with grey lining religious gown, and a dark yellow cape which reaches to his front, being connected with an insignia that resembles an X. He also wears a 'crown', really a papal mitre, with a yellow horn on top and a similar X insignia on top.
While not much is directly known about Kito, only having a few mentions in JC's works, Kito is known to be a diligent being, in terms that the only thing that he knows is the power of religion and following the order of it. It appears that it seems to be connected to his very being, judging by his innate connection to religion, and the fact that he does take his job as being a guardian of X rather seriously. It also appears that he holds a view of himself of being high, judging by the crown that he wears on the top of his head.
Kito's abilities have not been directly shown, but the implication is that he would have similar abilities towards his creator. On top of that he seems to have the following ability:
- Photokinesis
- Kito is the youngest of the guardians.
- This may because of how X views religion.
- Kito might be much stronger, but due to the decline of religion over the centuries, his power is much lower than what it is implied to be.
- Kito‘s attribute comes from the Blue World Ring from Sonic and the Secret Rings.
- Apparently there is a hospital named after him.
Gekido is X's guardian of anger. Created around the time of the events of the original creepypasta, Gekido is a being who represents and thrives off the anger of people over the little and big things in life. Being an extension of X himself, Gekido is the one who gathers his master's targets by exploiting the hidden rage inside all of mortals.
Gekido is a short, but still taller than Sonic is, being that vaguely resembles a red hedgehog, with a tan muzzle with visible red veins spreading from his eyes. His eyes are a deep red in black sclera, and he is in a gentleman's outfit, complete with a grey undershirt, a red x-shaped tie, a red cartigan, a brown overcoat with a red satin inside, a pair of dark grey shorts, red cuffs against white gloves, with a red cape attached to the coat and dark black shoes which seem to resemble Sonic's but with a different shape white section with buttons on the side. He adorns a tall dark red top hat with an X insignia on it, and holds a golden cane.
While not much is directly known about Gekido, only having a few mentions in JC's works, Gekido is known to be a firey aristocrat, one who hides his firey hot temper, not much unlike his creator's, anger, behind a posh and gentlemanly facade. He seems to have a short fuse and is quite to provoke, despite the attempts to present professional and mature, holding an air of arrogance on top of it as well.
Gekido's abilities have not been directly shown, but the implication is that he would have similar abilities towards his creator. On top of that he seems to have the following ability:
- Pyrokinesis
- X seems to specifically have Gekido help torture and harm his victims out of all the guardians.
- This is likely due to his fire powers.
- Gekido’s color and attribute were taken from the Red World Ring from Sonic and the Secret Rings.
Kyoufu is X's guardian of fear. Created around the time of the events of the original creepypasta, Kyoufu is a being who represents and thrives off the primal emotion of fear and the terror that comes from it. Being an extension of X himself, Kyoufu is the one who gathers his master's targets by exploiting the deepest darkest fears.
Kyoufu is a short, but still taller than Sonic is, being that vaguely resembles a purple hedgehog, with a lavender muzzle with dark circles under his eyes. His eyes are a deep purple in yellow sclera, and he is in a torn cloth which has purple images of terrifying faces on it, spreading well past his legs close to his feet, and over this, he wears a large black duster overcoat, with a necklace with the X insignia on it. He is almost always seen with his purple tongue hanging out, and has a black, wide rimmed hate with a purple band with another red X insignia on it.
Kyoufu is known to be a dangerous and chaotic boogeyman come to life, holding an air of extreme cruelty and sadism and would serve it to you with a smile, finding that fear is an amazing thing to deal with, and proceeds to make his appearance and air around him the most clear. As such he is clearly the most dangerous, and holds an air around him that makes him a menace.
Kyoufu abilities have not been directly shown, but the implication is that he would have similar abilities towards his creator. On top of that he seems to have the following abilities:
- Umbrakinesis
- Shapeshifting
- Shadow Travel
- Teleportation
- He is considered the most dangerous of the seven guardians.
- This is likely due to how dangerous fear can be.
- Kyoufu’s color was taken from the Purple World Ring from Sonic and the Secret Rings.
Kofuku is X's guardian of happiness. Created around the time of the events of the original creepypasta, Kofuku is a being who represents and thrives off the joy and happiness and laughter of others. Being an extension of X himself, Kofuku is the one who gathers his master's targets by exploiting the hidden joy and excitement within all of humanity.
Kofuku is a short, but still taller than Sonic is, being that vaguely resembles a blue hedgehog, with an greenish-gray muzzle, and clown-ike marks underneath his eyes. His eyes are a bright blue with black sclera, his quills being covered in a jester's mask and he is wearing a blue and grey coat that is similar to the Happy Happy Cultists from earthbound, wearing a blue striped tie with a red X on it, and a pair of blue underpants, with a noticable bulge in them. His hands are not visible, instead he is holding them behind sleeves, holding two paintbrushes with blue paint on them and his boots are blue grey and cyan.
While not much is directly known about Kofuku, only having a few mentions in JC's works, Kofuku is known to be a spry, athletic and cheerful being, one who is nearly insane with his happiness. He believes that the color blue happens to be the physical source of all happiness, and desires to paint the world the color blue to make it forever happy. He is very spry and energetic as well, acting a lot like an actual clown in ways.
Kofuku's abilities have not been directly shown, but the implication is that he would have similar abilities towards his creator. On top of that he seems to have the following abilities:
- Paint powers
- Pathokinesis
- For some reason Kofuku has a very visible bulge in his design, a hint towards the later controversy for JC.
- Kofuku is greatly inspired by the Happy Happyism Cultists from the Super Nintendo game "Earthbound".
- JC has cited that he really likes Earthbound, having made a club based off the aformentioned cult.
- Kofuku’s attribute was taken from the Yellow World Ring from Sonic and the Secret Rings.
Aishu is X's guardian of despair. Created around the time of the events of the original creepypasta, Aishu is a being who represents and thrives off the sinking despair and sadness that drags themselves down and others. Being an extension of X himself, Aishu is the one who gathers his master's targets by exploiting the depression and sadness that life brings.
Aishu is a short, but still taller than Sonic is, being that vaguely resembles a cyan hedgehog, with a pale gray muzzle, and blood dripping from his eyes. His eyes are a bright cyan with blood red sclera, and one of his eyes are obscured by his quills in a bang shape. He wears a long navy blue gown with japanese markings on the end, with grey sweatpants underneath, sky blue prayer beads around his neck, and a bloody red X across his chest. He is wearing no gloves or shoes, and his fur is matted, and he has visible claws on his hands and feet.
While not much is directly known about Aishu, only having a few mentions in JC's works, Kirai is known to be a quiet mature being, being the eldest of the guardians, and has a fierce protection of his lord. Due to his sadness, he appears quite near dead to some, and having such an aura around him that the weather seems to darken and become sad as well. His sadness is only matched by his desire to drown those who defy X in endless sorrow and sadness.
Aishu's abilities have not been directly shown, but the implication is that he would have similar abilities towards his creator. On top of that he seems to have the following abilities:
- Hydrokinesis
- Spectrokinesis
- He's the oldest Guardian, even considered the older brother of the group.
- Aishu’s attribute was taken from the Purple World Ring from Sonic and the Secret Rings.
Yukubo is X's guardian of desire. Created around the time of the events of the original creepypasta, Yukubo is a being who represents and thrives off the vanity and desire to want. Being an extension of X himself, Yukubo is the one who gathers his master's targets by exploiting the hidden avarice and desire that humanity has on others.
Yukubo is a short, but still taller than Sonic is, being that vaguely resembles a light grey hedgehog, with an pale tan muzzle, and red cracks that are present underneath his right eye. His eyes are a bright yellow, with his sclera being split from black and white. His quills are rather long and he has a sort of feminine apperance to him, but much like Aishu is male, he wears a long white nightgrown with an open cowl that shows an inner zipped up grey suit with a light grey zipper, with large white gloves. He has a X shaped cravat on his chest, and has bushy eyebrows.
Yukubo is known to be a calm and quiet being, often being seen as quite collected, and holds an air of being the leader of the guardians, also being the strongest. He's far more interested in the desires of humanity, and as such proceeds to attempt to provide them, and manipulate them, despite himself being likely the simplest of the guardians out there.
Yukubo's abilities have not been directly shown, but the implication is that he would have similar abilities towards his creator. On top of that he seems to have the following abilities:
- Illusion creation
- Manipulation
- Neurokinesis
- Yukubo is often confused for a woman, despite being male.
- He is in a very abusive relationship with Shannon Goldman the leader of the cult of X.
- Out of all the guardians, he's the strongest, and considered the unofficial leader.
- Yukubo’s color and attribute were taken from the White World Ring from Sonic and the Secret Rings.
Sonic.exe has a massive array of powers and abilities, ranging from his reality-warping powers to the dreaded black hole inside his mouth.
- Reality Manipulation: X's most famous ability. X can control reality in anyway he likes. He can create matter, destroy it, remake it, change things, create worlds, change shape, he can do it all. The most notable forms of his reality powers is the creation of his world, the control over the game disk, his illusions and being able to turn a soul into a slave.
- Teleportation: X can warp himself from one place to the other, as shown in the first Sonic.exe Creepypasta. X can even teleport into the human world though he can only be in it for a few minutes before having to go back into his world.
- Soul Stealing: In order for X to have slaves for eternity, he needs a human soul to make one. Whenever X comes out into our world he has limited time to steal a person's soul. After he steals one, the soul resembles a wispy ball of bluish light. X can easily alter the shape of the soul into a slave's body, the body resembling a video game character that the soul's owner liked most. X can even eat a soul, though doing so doesn't result in digestion, as a soul is eternal, so X can eat one soul as many times as he likes, though even nibbling on a soul can damage and dehumanize the mind of the slave the soul belongs to.
- Dream Manipulation: X can enter and modify the dreams of his victims to his whims.
- Shapeshifting: X can change his own appearance in addition to his reality powers, though he always prefers to resemble Sonic in some way. Over time X's main appearance has "updated" and changed drastically to look more like himself.
- Black Hole: Arguably considered as X's most gruesome and most dangerous ability ever, and he never uses it. If X ever gets bored with a slave (he never gets bored of one), he opens up his mouth and also opens up a black hole inside. When X sucks up a soul with the black hole, the soul shrinks into a singularity and then vanishes, and is thus lost forever, erased from existence. X hates having to use the black hole in his mouth because he doesn't want to kill anyone.
- Dark Matter consistency: X is made entirely out of Dark Matter. He lives off of it and can use it to use his powers. Just like a soul, X's Dark Matter is eternal, and as such, he can never be killed by normal means. He can also remove pieces of his Dark Matter to use however he deems neccessary, such as sending a piece to the programmer in order to complete the disk and creating the Seven Guardians. Removing the Dark Matter piece by piece has no real effect on X's psyche.
- Hacking: X is a very skilled programmer and hacker, considering how he's able to take full control of a PC once his game disk is in and how he manipulates what goes on in the game to show the player what's going on in his world.
- Levitation: X can fly, as shown in the Creepypasta when he chased after Tails. JC explained that his ability to levitate is caused by his boots, which are used to cause anti-gravity.
- Mind Manipulation: One of X's more obscure abilities. X can influence those with evil in their hearts, which is how he got into contact with the programmer who made the original disk.
- He was created by JC the Hyena who was inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Stephen King.
- X's first appearance was in a Furaffinity journal, as a mere edit of the Sonic 1 title screen JC made, which was stated to be a teaser for the creepypasta he was working on. The edit was released in July 25th, 2011.[2]
- The original depiction of the title screen did not feature that many changes. It lacks the sea turning into blood and the decay of Sonic's logo.
- Although its release was dated to be in July 25th, JC stated that Sonic.exe was created July 24th. Considering how the journal showcasing the image was published at 2 AM, we can assume work on the story began on the last few hours of the day before.
- This is also confirmed by how JC's subsequent birthday posts were posted on the 24th.
- Although its release was dated to be in July 25th, JC stated that Sonic.exe was created July 24th. Considering how the journal showcasing the image was published at 2 AM, we can assume work on the story began on the last few hours of the day before.
- X is canonically bisexual, but he has a preference for men.
- The blood on his mouth described in the pasta strongly implies that he eats the remains of his victims after taking their souls.
- Much like the blood he cries, his yellow teeth are a side effect of his vessel's creation.
- The Sonic.exe creepypasta was originally called Sonic.avi. Creepypasta wiki mods forced JC to edit the name of the pasta after its release in order to not have the pasta recategorized as a movie pasta.[3]
- There had been speculation that the Sonic.exe creepypasta was a ripoff of another pasta created months before it, named The Blue Pendrive. Although this pasta features many similarities to Sonic.exe, like the fact that the one handing the protagonist the cursed item is his best friend, or that the item in question contains a paranormal Sonic game which tries to harm the player, it's likely that these similarities are coincidential.
- X has a mother figure named Shannon Goldman who is based on Shannon Love, as well a father figure named The Father, who is based on JC the Hyena.
- X's feet didn’t have toes until the 2016 redesign.
- This incarnation of X was originally gonna have his own fangame, which would've been directed by JC himself, as seen here.
- The game is commonly referred to as Sonic.EXE: The 7 Guardians and it was originally planned to have Markiplier as its protagonist, as shown in the game's teaser trailer. However, this was changed later in development, and Mark was replaced with a custom character. Due to the game's silent cancellation, the identity of this character is unknown.
- JC was gonna voice Sonic.exe himself, and Sheygrell would've voiced the guardians.
- The Sally.exe pasta was stated to not be canon by JC himself. However, the design for Sally.exe as a victim is indeed canon.
- Said design was created by Falsecow_, and it started as a fan-made design before becoming canon. Many years down the line, Falsecow would reimagine said character into the entity we now know as Sally_ALT.
- There was also another fanmade design made for Shadow.exe which received the same treatment, created by Sammi-Bishie.
- Both of these designs are described in Round 2, the sequel to Sonic.exe.
- Sally.exe also makes a massively important appearance in the original draft of the Sonic.exe sequel, being a side antagonist that helps X.
- Said design was created by Falsecow_, and it started as a fan-made design before becoming canon. Many years down the line, Falsecow would reimagine said character into the entity we now know as Sally_ALT.
- X's "True EXE" form from 2014 was based on Master Xehanort from the Kingdom Hearts series. [4]
- X believes that God and Satan are both unfit to rule over humanity.
- The "SEGA 666" bit in his title screen was included to make fun of them both.
- X forces his slaves into oral sex on a leash upon entering his realm, as depicted in official art which showed a close up of X's crotch from a first person perspective, which has been censored here due to policy issues.
- If someone teleported behind X and whispered "Hello~" behind his shoulder, he'd French kiss them to creep them out.[5]
- In August 2021, JC was exposed for abusive and predatory behavior towards minors alongside his ex-girlfriend, Shannon Love/srloctober23, whom he had emotionally abused and conditioned into believing his behavior was acceptable. After the exposure, both left their respective communities, relinquishing ownership of Sonic.EXE, after it being given to srloctober23 after JC's initial exposure, to Shei/Deadmaster1317, and JoeDoughBoi, creator of Lord X.
Alternate Official Canons
X has various official reinterpretations, either created to improve upon or explore the potential of the Sonic.exe universe. These alternate versions are listed on this page.
File | Title | Composer | Description |
Save Select Caverns of Winters (Reversed) |
Keiichi Suzuki Hirokazu Tanaka |
Plays on the save select menu | |
HILL | Mihaelkyeah/Kyu Sawamura | Tails' first stage | |
Chasing Drowning |
Masato Nakamura | Sonic.exe chasing Tails | |
HIDE AND SEEK Event:3 Black Noises |
Kenichi Tokoi | Tails' second stage. The music is described to be pixelated. | |
YOU CAN'T RUN Final Battle (Giygas) |
Hirokazu Tanaka | Knuckles' stage | |
FOUND YOU My Heaven |
Akira Yamaoka | Knuckles fighting with X | |
... Hill.gym |
Mihaelkyeah/Kyu Sawamura | Robotnik's stage |
The truth about Sonic.exe
Round 2
Sonic.exe 2 (original, non-canon)
Official Sonic.exe canons | ||
Main Canons | X (2011 ▪ Lord X) ▪ "Sonic" ▪ Xenophanes | |
Extended Canon | EXE ▪ Bandado ▪ Lord Mortis | |
Discontinued | Sonic.exe ▪ Sonic.exe (Sonic.exe 2) ▪ Sonic.EXE (MY5TCrimson) ▪ X Prime ▪ Sally_ALT | |
Sonic Legacy | X (Sonic Legacy) ▪ "Sonic" (Sonic Legacy) |
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