DEMO.SATURN/Demo is Demonic if he could withstand Satan’s power within himself. Because of this, he is in constant pain. He is the Mortis to the King’s Rigor.
The Devil[]
Demo is the Blue Devil if his physical form could hold the devil’s power. All that power pent up has him in immeasurable pain whenever he moves. This obviously has him in the worst of moods. Despite his attitude, he takes his new role as the King of Hell very seriously, and if pushed far enough, by demon or otherwise, then he will gladly show what horrific abilities led him up hell’s food chain.
Demo is a giant demon with unkempt blue fur that covers most of his body, and tan skin that covers his arms, muzzle, hands, insides of his ears and front torso. He has small, triangular ears on top of his head, six long, purple horns on the back of his head that curve down and leak a black energy at the tips, two purple spines protruding from his back behind his shoulders that do the same at their tips, purple hoof toes, purple hoof-like claws, and a short tail. His eyes are too small for their sockets, his nose is short and curved, he has a little blue beard, and his eyes cry streams of blood. Small pitchfork piercing scars remain near the top of his chest where he tried to kill himself.
D, throughout his experience with being a king in constant pain, has since been broken and has matured from his impish nature, even losing his love for a bit of trickery. However, said trickery is the only thing that keeps him distracted from his constant pain, with the other Princes of Hell being surprisingly happy to deliver, especially Mammon. Even with the boringness of doing a job and the eternal suffering that comes with being the devil, D’s dangerous imagination and sadistic creativity never falter, and now that he can essentially do whatever he wants, he enjoys taking advantage of that from time to time.
When not being in pain, D is a pretty chill guy that just wants to have fun, which is why he’s very open to having friends, even going to realms not his own to get one. Underneath all that power, responsibility, and suffering, he’s just a lil guy that got hit with too much tomfoolery.
- Firebending: D has an unrestrained power over fire, able to make them appear from anywhere, change their color, and even change their heat. The flames he creates can only be dowsed by holy water, and even with that, it takes a while for the fire to fully extinguish.
- Possession: As a demon, Demo can possess someone indefinitely.
- Absorption: Like what he did to the devil himself, D can absorb other beings into himself to make himself stronger.
- Self-Bodily Manipulation: King D can do absolutely anything with his own semi-physical body without any pain on his end.
- Dimensional Travel: Pretty self-explanatory.
- Time Travel: Also pretty self-explanatory.
- Money Magic: Mammon is teaching Demo how to manipulate the economy of any and all possible realms.
- Flight: He can convert his spines into big black wings to fly and do cool air shit.
- Angelic Entry: D is allowed to enter heaven.
- The Devil’s Pitchfork: Along with his mass and power, Demo stabbed himself with and accidentally absorbed Satan’s iconic pitchfork as well. This ancient item grants D near limitless power added to his already stronger state.
- Hypnotism: D can hypnotize absolutely anyone and anything, a large number of them at that.
- Electrokinesis: D can summon and control lightning.
- Teleportation: D can teleport by thought alone.
- Psychic Abilities: With a single thought, D can lift things with his mind, talk telepathically, or even distort things beyond repair.
- Occasional Omnipotence: By looking into his mind, D can see whatever’s going on anywhere, past, present, or future. He doesn’t really use this power often.
- Creation: D can create anything he sets his mind to with a wave of his hand.
- Swimming: Somehow, Demo has found the time and place to learn how to swim.
- Lasers: Whether harmful or for show, Demo can shoot lasers out his eyes, fingers, horns…basically anywhere on his body. They work like Darkseid’s laser eyes, except for his entire body. The lasers always go in crazy directions because his immense pain makes him loose focus.
- Holy Things: He’s a demon, what did you expect?
- Mammon: Fuck Mammon~
- Below Average Speed: Literally a fucking giant that feels physical pain whenever he moves.
- Immense Pain: Literally a fucking giant that feels physical pain whenever he moves.
- His pain is highly unbearable.
- Demo and Mammon have indeed had hot gay sex.
- It helps with the pain a bit.
- He likes eating rabbits.
- If he sleeps while standing up, then he just stands while sleeping.
- He’s met the multiple continuities of the real Sonic before and has them all as therapists.
- He’s currently in a wheelchair that Mammon pushes around.
- D can hear the clanging of very small coins.
- Demo and Belphagor have a special club for random ass shit they think about.
- He enjoys the others’ company.
- Demo’s entire skeleton turned purple.
- Cream’s infection numbs the pain.
- His favorite song is still Switch.
- it’s fair to say that D rules over (at the very least) a third of this wiki.
- This is because of the abundance of demon EXEs.