"Hero" is a retake on "Sonic". "Hero" is an alternate branch of Xenon, only this time instead of his obsessive study of humanity, he found the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise more quicker at his arrival and so became obsessed with it and studied it until it started to craft a world and fell for his own delusions.
The "Hero"[]
He is an alternate branch of Xenon, he was born the same and acts the same. The differences begin when instead of Xenon getting hooked on humanity, "Hero" gets hooked on Sonic right off the bat. Xenon's obsessive nature causes him to study Sonic and it's franchise, he studied it so much something clicked in his mind that he was Sonic, that blue blur was him.
His body morphed into his perfect image of Sonic, what he believed was Sonic. Though since this variant went down the Sonic path instead of the human path, he is not that aware of earth or it's resources, he's not aware of humans or their emotions and feelings. Xenon is just his default, unpredictable and quick to rage.
This variant is not held back on the thought of being "God" since that's not who he thinks he is, he's the centre of attention, he's "Sonic". He does not care about his actions and how he could be perceived, if he gets angry, he will not hold himself back. Once he does get angry, he will justify his actions. When he gets angry, his body cracks like porcelain since it's not made of the meaty flesh that is Xenon's body since he did not study the human anatomy. The new form he takes on is much bigger and beastly, this form he justifies as being "Super Sonic".
"Sonic" looks at humanity as being his friends trapped within cages, he sees traits of his friends out in that world, he can only get back his friends with the gateway he has created. Most of the time his victims will be scared and frightened of "Hero". They will call him a monster and not "Sonic". This goes against what "Sonic" believes, he's far too deep into his obsessive nature that he sees these souls as evil, they're trying to trick him into thinking he's not who he says he is, they are gas lighters.
The Tale[]
"Hero" is unpredictable and very quick to rage. His personality is a poor replica of "Sonic's" as he feels he does not need to be close to Sonic because he is Sonic, so anything he does is correct.
- They were originally going to be a future variant of X Prime. This was scrapped as it felt restricting and the new concept for him felt more fitting.
- Xenon and "Hero" are meant to be a sort of metaphor of autism.