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Magic Attack (also known as Magic Power or simply Magic) is a character stat that shows the extent of a character's magical abilities in Chrono Cross. The use of Elements in Chrono Cross is effected by Magic Attack. For instance, the damage done by an offensive Element such as AquaBeam or PhotonRay will be greater if a character's Magic Attack is higher; alternatively, character's with a low Magic Attack stat deal less damage when casting offensive elements. Healing spells such as Cure and HealAll restore more Hit Points when the caster has a high Magic Attack score. Elements like Revive have fixed restoration levels and therefore are unaffected by Magic Attack. In Chrono Trigger, however, revive techs like Raise require less MP to cast with higher Magic Attack.

The Magic Attack stat can be Buffed by Elements such Genius and Debuffed with Elements such as Imbecile. Enemy spells and tech are also affected by the this stat, and suffer penalties and boosts when buffs and and buffs are used.

See also[]

Chrono Cross Elements
ColorlessChrono Cross
Chrono Cross Techs
Serge (White)Dash&SlashLuminaireFlyingArrow
Kid (Red)PilferRedPinHotShot
Guile (Black)WandainWandaSwordsLightninRod
Norris (Yellow)SpiralRaySunShowerTopShot
Nikki (Blue)GrandFinaleChillOutLimeLight
Viper (Yellow)G-ForceAirForceFlagBearer
Riddel (White)SnakeEyesSnakeSkinSnakeFangs
Karsh (Green)DragonRiderAxialAxeAxiomatic
Zoah (Yellow)DragonRiderGyronimoToss&Spike
Marcy (Blue)Cat'sCradleStringPhoneWebSurfer
Korcha (Blue)HeadButtHook&SinkerBigCatch
Luccia (Black)Pin-UpGirlMix&MatchTestAmeba
Poshul (Yellow)K9-BallDoggyDunnitUnleashed
Razzly (Green)Raz-StarRaz-HeartRaz-Flower
Zappa (Red)HammerBlowHammerThrowBallsOfIron
Orcha (Red)SpiceOfLifeMysteryMenuDinnerGuest
Radius (Green)LongShotQuickDrawVitalEnergy
Fargo (Blue)PillageCannonBallsInvincible
Macha (Red)BottomsUpFoldingDirtyDishes
Glenn (Green)Dash&GashSonicSwordDive&Drive
Leena (Blue)MaidenHandMaidenHeartMaidenFaith
Miki (Red)HeadBopperSexyWinkDanceOnAir
Harle (Black)MoonBeamsMoonShineLunairetic
Janice (Red)BeatIt24CarrotsWhat'sUpDoc
Draggy (Red)CoughDropCoughMixBigBreath
Starky (White)StarLightStarBurstStarStruck
Sprigg (Green)Doppelgang
Mojo (Black)VoodooDanceCartWheelHoodooGuroo
Turnip (Green)VegeChopperVegeMightVegOut
NeoFio (Green)PopPopPopSlurpSlurpBamBamBam
Greco (Red)ClotheslineFlip-flopGraveDigger
Skelly (Black)BalloonLoanJugglerVeinOnARoll
Funguy (Yellow)LumberJackSporeCloudMyconoids
Irenes (Blue)WaterBreathMerMelodySirenSong
Mel (Yellow)SnatchDoodleTantrum
Leah (Yellow)RockThrowTailSpinTripleKick
Van (Green)JumpThrowWetPaintPiggyBoink
Sneff (Yellow)BigDealHPShuffleSwordTrick
Steena (White)DireaShadowHydraShadowGaraiShadow
Doc (White)HighFiveGnarlyHangTen
Grobyc (Black)RocketFistHairCutterStrongArm
Pierre (Blue)MedalsomeFoiledAgainSlapOfCyrus
Orlha (Blue)MultipunchPunchDrunkSisterHoods
Pip (Various colors)PounceSootheCanonCannonHeaven'sCallHell'sFury
Lynx (Black)GlideHookFeralCatsForeverZero