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Chrono Wiki

Black Tyranno is a boss that appears in Chrono Trigger. It appears in the Tyranno Lair during Prehistory. Black Tyranno later appears as Rust Tyranno in the Middle Ages, having apparently survived this entire time (and possibly fossilizing partially in the process).

Boss Battle Strategy[]

Azala casts powerful Magic Techs in this battle and her mere presence on the field increases the Defense of Black Tyranno to a near-invulnerable height. After charming the Magic Capsule she carries, destroys her immediately with physical strikes, or dual-techs involving Ayla. In addition to this, Ayla's single techs, Cat Attack and Boulder Toss are incredibly useful in slaying her. Once she is defeated, spend several turns healing any wounds the party members have using Robo's Heal Beam, Marle's Cure, or the dual tech Slurp Kiss, which includes Ayla and Frog. The latter is most advisable, as it heals all party members for large portions. During this time, Black Tyranno bides his energy, preparing for a lethal attack. Strike it with Light-element Techs such as Lightning, then use strong physical techs thereafter. Black Tyranno will inevitably breathe columns of fire on the party, causing massive damage. It is advisable to use Ruby Vests, as they nullify the fire damage. Do not stop attacking. Designate one character to heal, while keeping the heaviest hitters engaged in strong physical techs or dual techs. Ayla's Boulder Toss cannot harm Black Tyranno. Due to its massive weight, she cannot lift it, rendering the attack pointless. If a dual tech including Boulder Toss is performed and the other caster is knocked out before the tech is performed, she will be forced to use Boulder Toss, which does not affect the creature, and thus wastes a valuable turn.

Lavos Form[]

When the players fight Lavos, it will have the same strength as the bosses you've faced in the past. One of them is Black Tyranno (with Azala).

Name Etymology[]

Tyranno is a reference to the Tyrannosaurus, while black simply denotes the skin-color of this bipedal lizard.


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