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Castlevania Wiki
Note: Please see main page at Rondo of Blood Bestiary.
Caution: Updating the enemy numbers can cause incorrect data to appear on enemy pages.
Enemy Data: Rondo of Blood
Image Name - Game
Statistics Items Location Notes
Rob-apeskele2-1-Skeleton Ape DXC
Skeleton Ape  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 100
1. Abandoned Village
Rob-axearmorAxe Armor DXC
Axe Armor  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 14
Exp: 500
2. Castle Entrance, 4. Inner Passage, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
(Strategy)Weapons: Axe, Axe Armor Shield
Rob-skeleton-1-Skeleton DXC
Skeleton  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 200
2. Castle Entrance, 3. Chapel, 3'. Cemetery, 4. Inner Passage, 4. Inner Passage, 4'. Mountains, 7. Clock Tower
(Strategy)Abil: Bone Throw
Rob-zombieZombie DXC
Zombie  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 100
2. Castle Entrance
Rob-vbat-1-Bat DXC
Bat  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 80
1. Abandoned Village, 2. Castle Entrance, 3'. Cemetery, 4'. Mountains, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
Rob-axelordAxe Lord DXC
Red Axe Armor  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 14
Exp: 500
4. Inner Passage, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
(Strategy)Weapons: Axe, Axe Armor Shield
Rob-bbull-1-Behemoth DXC
Behemoth  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 24
Exp: 1000
2. Castle Entrance
Rob-bcrow-1-Raven DXC
Raven  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 120
2. Castle Entrance, 2'. Lake Bridge, 4'. Mountains, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
Rob-bldskeleton-1-Red Skeleton DXC
Red Skeleton  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 0
4. Inner Passage
Rob-fleamanFlea Man DXC
Flea Man  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 100
3. Chapel, 4. Inner Passage, 4'. Mountains
Rob-fishman-1-Merman DXC
Merman  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 120
2. Castle Entrance, 2'. Lake Bridge, 4'. Mountains, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
Rob-floateyePeeping Eye DXC
Peeping Eye  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 4
Exp: 250
2. Castle Entrance, 4. Inner Passage, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
Rob-ghost-1-Ghost DXC
Ghost  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 6
Exp: 150
3. Chapel
Rob-mhead-1-Medusa Head 2 DXC
Medusa Head [Green]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 80
3. Chapel, 5'. Wandering/Shudder, 7. Clock Tower
Rob-mtntbat-1-Vampire Bat DXC
Vampire Bat  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 80
7. Clock Tower
Rob-mudman-1-Mudman DXC
Mud Man  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 100
3'. Cemetery
Rob-pantherskel-1-Were-Panther Skeleton 2 DXC
Were-Panther Skeleton [Beast Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 250
7. Clock Tower
Rob-paranthrop-1-Giant Skeleton DXC
Giant Skeleton  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 48
Exp: 1000
3. Chapel
Abil: Bone Throw (giant)
Rob-pillarofb-1-Bone Pillar DXC
Bone Pillar  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 3 (Stage 2')
Exp: 200
2'. Lake Bridge, 3. Chapel, 3'. Cemetery, 4. Inner Passage
Abil: Fireball, Flame Breath
Rob-skeledragWhite Dragon DXC
White Dragon  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 12
Exp: 500
3'. Cemetery, 4. Inner Passage
Abil: Fireball, neck strike
Rob-speargrd-1-Armor Knight DXC
Armor Knight  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 8
Exp: 400
3. Chapel, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
Rob-swrdlord-1-Victory Armor DXC
Victory Armor  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 16
Exp: 500
7. Clock Tower
Rob-waterskullWater Ghost DXC
Water Ghost  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 50
7. Clock Tower
Rob-wereskele-1-Were-Panther Skeleton DXC
Were-Panther Skeleton [Man Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 6
Exp: 250
7. Clock Tower
SkullCrabSkull Crab DXC
Skull Crab  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 50
2'. Lake Bridge
SpinpictCaptain DXC
Captain  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 16
Exp: 1000
5. Ghost Ship
YellowmheadMedusa Head DXC
Medusa Head [Yellow]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 80
3. Chapel, 5'. Wandering/Shudder, 7. Clock Tower
Rob-frog-1-Frog DXC
Frog  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 50
4'. Mountains
Harpy-1-Harpy DXC
Harpy  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 350
7. Clock Tower
3eyeskullGiant Ghost DXC
Giant Ghost  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2x3
Exp: 1000
3'. Cemetery
Flearider-1-Flea Rider DXC
Flea Rider  (Semler) - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 100
5. Ghost Ship
Boweskel-1-Skeleton Archer DXC
Skeleton Archer  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 6
Exp: 200
5. Ghost Ship
Rob-garg-1-Gargoyle DXC
Gargoyle  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 250
2'. Lake Bridge
RockguyGolem DXC
Golem  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 14
Exp: 800
1. Abandoned Village
Bladeskele-1-Skeleton Blaze DXC
Skeleton Blaze  (Skeleton Blades) [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 350
1. Abandoned Village, 5. Ghost Ship
ChainskullLarva Skeleton DXC
Larva Skeleton  (Gege) - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 100
4. Inner Passage
Maceknight-1-Heavy Armor DXC
Heavy Armor  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 10
Exp: 450
5. Ghost Ship
Flailg-1-Skeleton Flail DXC
Skeleton Flail  (Skeleton Morning-Star) [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 6
Exp: 200
5. Ghost Ship
Rob-pskull-1-Flying Skull DXC
Flying Skull  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 50
5. Ghost Ship
GifleaThief DXC
Thief  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 6
Exp: 250
3. Chapel
Rob-eagleHawk DXC
Hawk  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 100
4'. Mountains, 7. Clock Tower
Gunskull-1-Skeleton Gunman DXC
Skeleton Gunman  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 250
5. Ghost Ship
Glosword-1-Ruler Sword DXC
Ruler Sword  (Poltergeist) [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
Exp: 100
5. Ghost Ship
Ectoplasm-1-Ectoplasm DXC
Ectoplasm  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 5
Exp: 250
1. Abandoned Village
Plantrob-1-Maneating Plant DXC
Maneating Plant  (Maneating Flower) [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 16
Exp: 300
1. Abandoned Village
Skelesword-1-Skeleton Soldier DXC
Skeleton Soldier  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 3 (Stage2')
6 (Stage5')
Exp: 200
2'. Lake Bridge, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
Masterkni-1-Great Armor DXC
Great Armor  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 24
Exp: 1000
2'. Lake Bridge, 5'. Wandering/Shudder
Gravekeep-1-Grave Keeper DXC
Grave Keeper  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 8
Exp: 250
3'. Cemetery
Rob-raftskeleRaft Skeleton DXC
Raft Skeleton  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 4
Exp: 200
4'. Mountains
Tombstone-1-Tombstone DXC
Tombstone  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 2
Exp: 200
3'. Cemetery
Dead Man's Hand  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' 3'. Cemetery
Rob-cyclopsCyclops DXC
Cyclops (Giant) - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' 4. Inner Passage
WyvernWyvern DXC
Wyvern  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 2000
1. Abandoned Village
Abil: Flame Breath, Wyvern fire, swoop and grab
WtrdragrobSerpent DXC
Serpent  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 2000
1. Abandoned Village
Abil: water wave, bridge spiral, leap
Werewolf2Werewolf DXC
Werewolf  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 2500
2. Castle Entrance, 2'. Lake Bridge
BonegBone Golem 1 DXC
Bone Golem  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 30
Exp: 0
2. Castle Entrance, 2'. Lake Bridge
Rob-boneg2Bone Golem 2 DXC
Bone Golem [2nd Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 30
Exp: 0
2. Castle Entrance, 2'. Lake Bridge
Rob-boneg3Bone Golem 3 DXC
Bone Golem [3rd Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 32
Exp: 2500
2. Castle Entrance, 2'. Lake Bridge
TaurusuMinotaur DXC
Minotaur  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 3000
3. Chapel, 3'. Cemetery
Weapons: Minotaur Axe (Axe Thrust, Smash)
DogetherDogether DXC
Dogether  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 3000
3. Chapel, 3'. Cemetery
DyruhanDullahan DXC
Dullahan  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 3500
4. Inner Passage, 4'. Mountains
Camilla2-robCarmilla DXC
Carmilla  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 86
Exp: 0
4. Inner Passage, 4'. Mountains
Cvrob-camilla2-1-Laura DXC
Laura  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 1
4. Inner Passage, 4'. Mountains, 7. Clock Tower (DXC-only)
Camilla-rob-1-Laura 2 DXC
Laura [Second Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 5
Exp: 3000
4. Inner Passage, 4'. Mountains, 7. Clock Tower (DXC-only)
RoB-DeathDeath DXC
Death  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 4 (Stage 0)
Exp: 0
0. Main Road, 5. Ghost Ship
Reaperdx1Death 2 DXC
Death [Second Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 46
Exp: 4000
5. Ghost Ship
Dx-phantbatGiant Bat DXC
Giant Bat  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 1000
6. Guardian
Abil: Fireball, wing drill
Allies: Shaft, Medusa, Franken, Mummy Man
MedusarobMedusa DXC
Medusa  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 1200
6. Guardian
Allies: Shaft, Phantom Bat, Franken, Mummy Man, Snakes
Akmodan21Mummy Man DXC
Mummy Man  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 1500
Drop: Pot Roast (Richter only)
Parfait (Maria only)
6. Guardian
Allies: Shaft, Phantom Bat, Franken, Medusa
FrankrobFranken DXC
Franken  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 1800
6. Guardian
Allies: Shaft, Phantom Bat, Medusa, Mummy Man
ShaftShaft DXC
Shaft  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 4000
6. Guardian
ShaftghoShaft Ghost DXC
Shaft Ghost  [alt] - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 3500
7. Clock Tower
Allies: Dead Warg, Dead Wyvern (Fireball)
Rob-dbull-1-Dead Behemoth DXC
Dead Behemoth  (Behemoth Dead) - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' 7. Clock Tower
Abil: Fireball
Allies: Shaft's Ghost, Dead Wyvern
Rob-dwyvern-1-Dead Wyvern DXC
Dead Wyvern  (Wyvern Dead) - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' 7. Clock Tower
Allies: Shaft's Ghost, Dead Behemoth
DracrobDracula DXC
Dracula  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 0
8. Count Dracula
Dracrob2Dracula 2 DXC
Dracula [2nd Form]  - Rondo of Blood [ edit ]
' HP: 92
Exp: 5000
8. Count Dracula


This template is used to enter a particular row into an Enemy Table (by passing its corresponding row number in this template as the first argument), which represents enemy data for a given enemy from the game Rondo of Blood. If no row number is specified, all rows are entered. This template should be used in between an "Enemy Table Begin" and "Enemy Table End" template and can be used alongside and instead of an "Enemy Table Row" template or other Enemy Data template.