Pokédex for iOS

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Pokédex for iOS
ポケモン図鑑 for iOS

Pokédex for iOS icon
Basic info
Platform: iOS
Category: Utility
Players: Single
Connectivity: None
Developer: Creatures, Inc.
Publisher: The Pokémon Company
Part of: Generation V spin-off
Release dates
Japan: December 6, 2012[1]
North America: December 10, 2012[2]
Australia: December 10, 2012
Europe: December 10, 2012[3]
South Korea: N/A
Hong Kong: N/A
Taiwan: N/A
Japanese: Minisite
English: Minisite
Bulbanews has multiple articles related to this subject:

Pokédex for iOS (Japanese: ポケモン図鑑 for iOS Pokémon Encyclopedia for iOS) was an app that was available for iOS devices. It is the iOS equivalent of Pokédex 3D Pro. It was released in Japan on December 6, 2012 and in North America, Europe, and Australia on December 10, 2012. It was delisted on November 30, 2015.


  • Initially, it features all Generation V Pokémon (except Meloetta and Genesect); the previous four generations of Pokémon can each be purchased separately and added to the app.
  • It allows the viewing of 3D models of Pokémon, and provides their AR Markers for viewing in Pokédex 3D Pro's AR viewer.
  • Displays Pokémon's Pokédex number, type (and the effectiveness of other types on it), moves, stats (as bars), height, weight, possible genders, Abilities, Egg Groups, category, Pokédex entries in all Generation V games, game locations, and its evolutionary tree.
  • Players can compare Pokémon using a special "compare" mode that shows the basic information of multiple Pokémon on the same page.
  • Includes a Move Dex with all moves in Generation V. Has their in-game description, effect, type, effectiveness on other types, power, accuracy, PP, damage category, range, and whether it makes contact or not. It also includes a list of Pokémon that can learn the move and how they learn it.
  • The search feature can search for Pokémon by name, Ability, Pokédex number, types, Egg Groups, and moves. Moves can also be searched using this feature.

Unlockable Pokémon

Not all Pokémon are available in Pokédex for iOS from the start and must be unlocked through special means.

Via password


  • To unlock both of Meloetta's Formes, the player must search using the keyword TCPBSDCR. This code will also unlock Relic Song in the Move Dex, Meloetta's signature move.
  • To unlock Genesect, the player must search using the keyword SNMPSCTP. This code will also unlock Techno Blast in the Move Dex, Genesect's signature move.

Other generations

The iOS app initially only has information on Pokémon introduced in Generation V. The previous four generations' Pokémon must be purchased for $5.99/£3.99/¥500 each.

Icon Generation Included Pokémon
Generation I #001 Bulbasaur - #151 Mew
Generation II #152 Chikorita - #251 Celebi
Generation III #252 Treecko - #386 Deoxys
Generation IV #387 Turtwig - #493 Arceus


iPod Touch and iPhone



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This game-related article is part of Project Games, a Bulbapedia project that aims to write comprehensive articles on the Pokémon games.