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These donuts are great! This article is about an episode of the Pokémon animated series that has not been dubbed into English. As such, its coverage may contain romanized Japanese names, rather than dub names.
Pokémon Horizons: The Series
HZ084   EP1316
Where Heaven and Earth Meet
First broadcast
Japan February 14, 2025
United States
English themes
Japanese themes
Opening Only One Story
Ending ピッカーン!
Animation Team Kumemura
Screenplay 福島直浩 Naohiro Fukushima
Storyboard 入好さとる Satoru Iriyoshi
Assistant director 岩田義彦 Yoshihiko Iwata
Animation directors はっとりますみ Masumi Hattori
isform isform
Kwon EunJoo Template:Romanizations/Kwon EunJoo
Kim sunmi Template:Romanizations/Kim sunmi
Kim Jina Template:Romanizations/Kim Jina
Lee Yerin Template:Romanizations/Lee Yerin
Hwang SuBeen Template:Romanizations/Hwang SuBeen
野馬動画 Yaba Animation
No additional credits are available at this time.

(Japanese: 天と地が出会う処 Where Heaven and Earth Meet) is the 84th episode of Pokémon Horizons: The Series, and the 1,316th episode of the Pokémon animated series. It first aired in Japan on February 14, 2025.

Spoiler warning: this article may contain major plot or ending details.


On the Brave Olivine, the Rising Volt Tacklers have landed near Kumuri Town and decide to ask the townspeople for information on getting to Laqua.

In Kumuri Town, Friede notices the lack of Laquium effects on the town before hearing someone mentioning the Black Rayquaza. Liko, Roy, Dot, and Friede move towards the source of the noise and find a father attempting to calm his son, Yuha, down. The group approaches the family and explains how they're looking for Rayquaza and Laqua, which not only Yuha's father is unaware of, but also causes Yuha to angrily demand the group to leave. Yuha's father apologises on his behalf before explaining how Yuha believes the stories he heard from the matriarch. When Friede asks about the matriarch, Yuha's father reveals she is his great-grandmother who apparently saw Rayquaza about a hundred years ago. Friede sends the younger members into the town so that they don't overwhelm the matriarch while inquiring about the events of a hundred years ago.

While venturing around town, Liko, Roy, and Dot hear Yuta's voice coming from a cave and decide to investigate further. With Crocalor's fireball helping to provide light, the trio venture deep into the cave where they were chased by many wild Vibrava alongside Yuha and his Noibat. After catching their breaths, Yuha becomes hostile again, but Liko deescalates the situation and Dot asks Yuha what happened. Yuha explains how he was looking for his Noibat when he was attacked by the group of Vibrava just as he found it. He once again blames Rayquaza but Dot stops the fight from continuing by saying they need to form a plan to escape, especially since the direction to the exit is blocked off by the Vibrava.

Meanwhile, the matriarch, with assistance from Yuha's father, reveals there was a mysterious explosion at the "place where heaven and earth meet" on Kumuri Mountain, with Rayquaza seen flying away from the mountain afterwards. The explosion caused the sun to be blotted out for three days and three nights, and when light finally returned, the matriarch saw a long-haired scholar leaving the site and getting his injuries treated by her mother. She concludes her story by warning Friede to be careful while trekking up the mountain. Back in the cave, Liko tries to talk with the wild Vibrava but fails, so Roy and Dot bring out Kilowattrel and Tinkatuff, having them use Uproar and Play Rough respectively. However, one Vibrava counters and lands a hit on the two Pokémon, causing Hattrem to use Heal Pulse. Reinforcement arrives and Dot recalls Tinkatuff to send out Quaxwell with Aqua Cutter. Crocalor and Floragato continue the assault with Disarming Voice and Magical Leaf, inspiring Yuha, who orders his Noibat to use Dragon Claw to clear a path for their escape from the cave.

Once they managed to get out, Roy compliments Noibat's Dragon Claw and Yuha elaborates how he had been training that move in the cave until Noibat went missing. Dot suggests the reason they had been attacked was because Yuha and Noibat accidentally entered the territory belonging to the Vibrava, with Noibat disappearing due to trying to get away from the Vibrava. This causes Yuha to realize it was his fault and not Rayquaza's, and apologizes to the trio for being hostile earlier before complimenting them on their battling skills and his wishes to be even more in sync with Noibat, with Liko, Roy, and Dot encouraging him. Just then, Friede contacts them with an update but Captain Pikachu senses someone watching them, missing Chalce when he turned around. Friede updates the Rising Volt Tacklers's on Gibeon being in Kumuri Town before and Laqua being at the "place where heaven and earth meet". Liko, Roy, Dot, and Friede change into winter clothes and entrust the Brave Olivine to the remaining members before setting off for the "place where heaven and earth meet".

While climbing Kumuri Mountain, Liko notices a building before getting distracted by Roy and Friede, who came across a troublesome wall to climb. Before they could ponder on further action, Pagogo calls out Arboliva from its Ancient Poké Ball, and it carries the group over the wall. They then come across a river with strong currents that make it unsafe to cross. As Friede suggests looking for a safe place to cross over, Pagogo summons Lapras, who gives the group a ride, with Kleavor helping to break the rocks that could endanger the trip. Once across, the group climbed higher to the point where there is no longer any reception. Friede cautions the group to not get separated as a huge boulder rolls towards them. Gouging Fire is summoned and pushes the boulder over the edge, allowing them to continue on safely. Continuing on, they encounter a Tyranitar and a Nidoking. Moltres helps the group by using Fiery Wrath to sap the energies of the Pokémon in their way, making it easier to get by. As they press on, Liko wonders if the Six Heroes helped out Lucius like this before. Finally, they come across an area where they could touch the clouds, and Pagogo urges them to enter the clouds. Liko, Roy, Dot, and Friede do just that, arriving at a dead end and a crater full of clouds.

Major events

For a list of all major events in Pokémon Horizons: The Series, please see the timeline page.


Pokémon debuts






Dub edits

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Pokémon Horizons: The Series
This episode article is part of Project Anime, a Bulbapedia project that covers all aspects of Pokémon animation.