Blue's Clues Wiki

Blue's Play is the 23rd episode of Blue's Clues from Season 3.

Characters Present[]


Steve and Blue act out a play about a mouse and a hippo living on a nearby farm for Tickety, who is the director and narrator of it, which is called "The Funny Farm". They also figure out the emotions Mouse makes like happy, sad, and scared. They reveal the truth on the reason the Hippo turned her head away from the mouse in a skidoo segment. Will Steve and Blue finish their play and will the Hippo go from being shy to and from being angry to being proud from that?


  • Question: How should our play end? or What should the mouse do?
  • Clues:
    • 1. A Mouse
    • 2. A Flower
    • 3. A Happy Hippo
  • Answer: Give the hippo a flower
  • Skidoo: Sneak peek at the funny farm: A collage of "The Funny Farm"
  • Living room picture: Green and Orange opera masks with surprised faces, then orange and purple opera masks with sad faces, then blue and green opera masks with scared faces, then blue and red opera masks with happy faces (Those Opera Faces were also used in Blue's Sad Day.)
  • Felt frame picture: Freddy the actor under a blue spotlight purple circle.
  • Letter: Yellow (US & UK)
  • Snail Appearances: (1. behind the right side of Side Table Drawer) (2. in the plant) (3. in front of the picket fence)


  • Notebook
  • Flower


  • The real hippo did not appear at the end of the episode because she was very busy, but Steve says, "And remember how we figured out that the hippo wasn't really mean? Just a little shy about meeting new friends.".
  • Danielle, Jennifer, Susan, and William Brown are all related to Content Consultant Laura G. Brown Ph.D.(not this episode), Sierra Leitner is related to Aiden Leitner, a friend of Joe from Blue's Predictions, Thomas and Nijer Poole are related to Emily Poole, a friend of Steve in Blue's Backyard Ballgame Bonanza, and Becky Poole, a future Technical Assistant for NDAS, Nicky Regina is related to Jessie Regina, a friend of Steve in Blue's Big Musical, and Anna Sherman Weiss is related to future Vice President of Production for Nick Jr., Teri Weiss. All those relatives are friends of Steve in this episode.
  • This episode reveals the reason why the hippo turned her head away from the mouse. It was because she was shy.
  • This is the second episode where the three clues were all found in the same room. The first time was in What Story Does Blue Want to Play?.
    • Coincidentally, both episodes featured plays.
  • This is the third of three episodes in a row where the first two clues are both found in the living room.
  • This is the very last episode in which the opening sequence had Blue hiding below Mailbox.
  • The credit sequence for this episode is a throwback to early Season 3. Only Blue, Tickety Tock, Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper appear. In fact, the sequence is almost recycled from Weight and Balance, but Blue peeking over was taken out.
  • At the end of the letter, the kids bow in the curtain call and sign off by waving goodbye afterwards. As soon as they say it, the boy with the snorkel waves his right hand, the yellow-shirted boy waves his left, the young girl uses the same hand as the boy with the snorkel, and the teenaged girl waves both her hands.
  • The youngest girl in the letter's play has no lines.
  • Paprika, Slippery Soap, and Magenta are absent, but they're credited.
  • As Steve closes the letter, he does various cheers like "Bravo!", "Encore!", "Amazing!", and "Stupendous!", clapping by himself with Blue interrupting them.
  • When we zoom out of the Blue's Clues house at the end, Blue's hippo mask gets taken off.
  • In this episode, we find out that hippos live in jungles, not on farms.
  • In the Funny Farm, the mouse watched what happened if he gave the hippo a flower. That made the hippo smile, but not roar anymore.
  • In this episode, the hippo is played by Blue. Roary will play her later in Fred's Birthday, but only in the Little Gorilla story.
  • In this episode, the mouse is played by Steve. Blue will play him later in Snacktime Playdate, but only in the story that the girls read in the letter, which happened in Blue's ABCs.
  • The play in the letter ends when the octopus goes back to where she belongs, and that was the water that the scuba diver revealed.
  • When the teenaged girl says, "We're putting on a play!", what she means is "Let the play begin!".
  • When Steve raises his voice, that means it was time for him to skidoo back home and find his last clue to straighten this out like he calmly says.
  • The part where Steve sings “We Just Got A Letter” in this episode has become a huge popular internet meme.


  • The DirecTV description of this episode describes it as "Storybook characters; Bunny's play."
  • When Steve said "That's brilliant! You're wonderful!", he uses his Season 1 voice.


Watch Episode[]

This episode is available for streaming on Paramount Global's video streaming service Paramount+.
Blue's Clues Season 3
Blue's Big Treasure Hunt | Art Appreciation | Weight and Balance | What's That Sound? | Animal Behavior! | Blue's Big Pajama Party | Draw Along with Blue | Hide and Seek | Thankful | Blue's Big Holiday | Pool Party | Anatomy | Signs | Nature | Geography | Occupations | Blue's Big Mystery | Periwinkle Misses His Friend | Blue's Big Musical | What's So Funny? | Blue's Big Costume Party | Inventions | Blue's Play | Prehistoric Blue | The Wrong Shirt | Words | Shy | Magenta Gets Glasses | Environments | Stormy Weather | Blue's Collection | Café Blue