Blue's Clues & You! is a revival of Blue's Clues which premiered on Nickelodeon on November 11, 2019. The third series in the franchise, after the original show and Blue's Room, the show takes place after the two said shows and introduces a new host, Josh (played by Joshua Dela Cruz), as well as two new members of the Spice Family: twins Sage and Ginger. The animated characters' designs were all updated for the show. The two original hosts Steve and Joe occasionally appear as recurring characters.
Blue's Clues & You! was first announced by Nickelodeon at its upfront presentation on March 6, 2018. According to Variety, twenty episodes have been ordered and production began during summer 2018. A new host (Joshua Dela Cruz) and the title (Blue's Clues & You!) were announced in September that year. On November 19, 2019, the show was renewed for a second season which premiered in August 2020. On February 19, 2020, the show was renewed for a third season which premiered in October 2021. On February 18, 2021, the show was renewed for a fourth season which premiered in October 2022. On March 24, 2022, the show was renewed for a fifth season which premiered in September 2024.
Nickelodeon held an open casting call for a potential host on April 14, 2018. The auditions were held at their studio in Burbank, California. The network sought applicants 18 years or older of all ethnicities.
Like the original show, there is a live-action host in an animated world. The revival features all-new production design and animation. The visual style remains true to the original, but the characters are rendered in CGI, as depicted in a teaser image.
See here for all episodes of Blue's Clues & You!.
The designs of most of the main animated characters were updated for the revival. Most notably, Cinnamon is taller and now wears a baseball cap. Paprika is also taller and mostly carries a cell phone with her. Some minor changes were also made to the main characters of the show, like giving The Shakers details on their seasoning color, giving Mailbox a metallic shine, and even giving Sidetable Drawer a wooden texture. The revival introduces characters, including spice twins Sage and Ginger (who were born on "Big News with Blue", the remake of "Blue's News").
Magenta also appears in the revival, though she has been shown without glasses like she first did. She has got them again later throughout the reboot, and at an earlier time, in "Getting Glasses with Magenta". Other characters may reappear in the revival. One of the chicks was shown in the living room picture in a production screenshot, and Periwinkle's house can be seen in the background of the theme song as well as several episodes, and he, like the original, was introduced in the season three episode "Our New Neighbor". Also, original hosts Steve and Joe make recurring appearances, but in rare times (e.g. Meet Josh!).
- Kevin from the UK version of the show, Duarte from the Portugal version of the show and HyunSup Shim from the Korea version of the show are absent in Blue's Clues & You! because the creators didn’t find replacements for them.
- The animation has changed from 2-D to 3-D, counting that as CGI animation.
- This series premiered on the same day as the premiere of PBS's Xavier Riddle and the Secret Museum, another children's series produced by 9 Story Media Group and Brown Bag Films.
- This series also premiered one day after the 50th anniversary of Sesame Street, a long-running children's show which has connections with the Blue franchise.
- This means new characters are being introduced out of nowhere with no introductory episode.
- Unlike the prior series (aside from TV broadcasts of "Blue's Big Musical" and "Meet Blue's Baby Brother"), Blue's Clues & You! has commercial breaks during all episodes.
- This is Angela C. Santomero's second show to not use the Out of the Blue Enterprises logo at the ending credits after the original TV show due to merging with 9 Story Media Group in 2018.
- All Season 1 episodes are made up of remakes of episodes from the original series.
- From Season 2 onwards, all episodes have an original plot and are loosely based on episodes of its original counterpart.
- Some episodes, such as Blue's Night Before Christmas, Blue's Show and Tell Surprise, It's Your Birthday!, The Ghost of the Living Room, A Blue's Clues Festival of Lights, and Building with Blue, do not feature The So Long Song.
- On March 28, 2024, the series was removed from Paramount+ as part of a "strategic decision to focus on content with mass global appeal.
External links[]
- Official page on
- BusinessWire article
- Deadline article
- Entertainment Weekly article
- Casting call on Eventbrite
- Deadline article
- "NickALive" article
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Blue's Clues • Blue's Room • Blue's Clues & You! | |
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Blue's Clues: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 Blue's Room: 1 • 2 Blue's Clues & You!: 1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 |