Blue's Clues Wiki

"Mailtime" (A.K.A: The Mail Song) is a song featured in nearly every episode of Blue's Clues with the exception of Blue's Big Musical, Blue Takes You to School, The Fairy Tale Ball, Skidoo Adventure, The Legend of the Blue Puppy, Blue's Dino Clues, The Wizard of Skidoo, and If You Don't See It, Be It!. It is sung at the beginning of every single Mailtime Segment.

Characters Singing[]

Chorus Lyrics[]

US Lyrics[]

Chorus Singer 1: Mailtime...
Chorus Singer 2: mailtime...
Chorus Singer 3: mailtime...
Chorus Singer 4: mailtime...
Chorus in Harmony: MAILTIME!

UK Lyrics[]

Child 1: Post time...
Child 2: post time...
Child 3: post time...
Children in Harmony: POST TIME!

Portuguese (Portugal) Lyrics[]

Chorus Singer 1: Chegou... (Arrived...)
Chorus Singer 2: Chegou... (arrived...)
Chorus Singer 3: Chegou... (arrived...)
Chorus Singer 4: Chegou... (arrived...)
Chorus: CORREIO! (MAIL!)

Korean (KBS2)[]

"Magenta Comes Over" (interrupted)[]

Chorus Singer 1: Mailtime...
Chorus Singer 2: Mailtime...
Chorus Singer 3: Mailtime...
Chorus Singer 4: Mailtime...
Chorus in Harmony (before being interrupted): MAILTi......

Magenta's Messages[]

Vocoded Chorus Singer 1: E-mail...
Vocoded Chorus Singer 2: e-mail...
Vocoded Chorus Singer 3: e-mail...
Vocoded Chorus Singer 4: e-mail.
Vocoded Chorus in Harmony: E-MAIL!

"Mailtime Mystery"[]

Josh: Mailtime

The Big Blue Derby[]

Chorus Singer 1: Race time
Chorus Singer 2: race time
Chorus Singer 3: race time
Chorus Singer 4: race time
Chorus in Harmony: RACE TIME!

The Silly Smelly Smell[]

Chorus Singer 1: Smell time
Chorus Singer 2: smell time
Chorus Singer 3: smell time
Chorus Singer 4: smell time
Chorus in Harmony: SMELL TIME!

Rock On, Rainbow Puppy![]

Chorus Singer 1: Fan mail
Chorus Singer 2: fan mail
Chorus Singer 3: fan mail
Chorus Singer 4: fan mail
Chorus in Harmony: FAN MAIL!

Hola, Mexico City![]

Chorus Singer 1: Correo
Chorus Singer 2: correo
Chorus Singer 3: correo
Chorus Singer 4: correo,
Chorus in Harmony: MAILTIME!

Blue's Big Pajama Party[]

Chorus Singer 1 (quiet voice): Mailtime...
Chorus Singer 2 (quiet voice): mailtime...
Chorus Singer 3 (quiet voice): mailtime...
Chorus Singer 4 (quiet voice): mailtime...
Chorus in Harmony (quiet voice): Mailtime.

Usual Lyrics[]

US Lyrics[]

Steve/Joe/Josh: Here's the mail, it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail
When it comes, I wanna wail, Mail!

UK Lyrics ("Posttime")[]

Series 1-2[]

Kevin: The postman's here, the postman's here,
Letters come from far and near,
All year round, they make me want to... Cheer!

Series 3-6[]

Kevin: The post is here, the post is here,
Letters come from far and near,
All year round, they make me want to... Cheer!

Portuguese (Portugal) Lyrics ("Shigo Correio Geemo")[]

Duarte: Chegou o Correio, (The mail arrived,)
Que bom que é quando chegou o correio, (How good it is when the mail arrives)
Chegou o Correio, Que Bom! (The mail arrived, How nice!)

Korean (KBS2) Lyrics[]

HyunSup Shim: 친구들의 편지가 오면은 (When I get letters from my friends)
블루는 꼬리를 흔들고 (Blue wags her tail)
덜컹이는 소리를 질러요 (And I shout out)
편지요! (Letters!)

"Mailbox's Birthday"[]

Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me wanna wag my tail.
When it comes, I wanna wail...
All: Happy Birthday, Mail!

"Steve Gets the Sniffles"[]

Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes, I wanna wail,
(Steve starts to sneeze again, but stops and puts his tissue up his nose)
(Calm voice) Mail.

"Kevin Gets the Sniffles" (UK Version)[]

Postman's here, the postman's here,
Letters come from far and near,
All year round, they make me want to,
(Kevin starts to sneeze again, but stops and puts his tissue up his nose)
(Calm voice) Cheer.

"Blue's ABCs"[]

Steve: Here's the...
Viewers: Mail.
Steve: It never...
Viewers: Fails.
Steve: It makes me want to wag my...
Viewers: Tail.
Steve: When it comes, I wanna...
Viewers: Wail.
Viewers and Blue: Mail!

"Blue's Birthday" (Pin the Flag on Mailbox) [Note: the tune is similar to that in Mailbox's Birthday][]

Mailbox: Pin the flag on Mailbox,
Pin the flag on Mailbox...
All: GO!

"Blue's Birthday" (Pin the Flag on Postbox) (UK Version)[]

Postbox: Pin the flag on Postbox,
Pin the flag on Postbox...
All: GO!

"What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day?"[]

Mailbox: I'm the mail.
Steve: You never fail.
Mailbox: I make you wanna...
Steve: Wag my tail.
Both: When it comes, we wanna wail, Mail!

"What Does Blue Want to Do on a Rainy Day?" (UK Version)[]

Postbox: I'll bring the post.
Kevin: From far and near.
Postbox: Letter's there.
Kevin: Letter's here.
Both: All year round, they make us want to cheer!

"Blue's Big Treasure Hunt"[]

Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me wanna wag my tail.
When it comes, I wanna wail...
Steve and Mailbox: Mail!

"Animal Behavior!"[]

Steve: Bok Bok Bok, Bok Bok Bok Bok
Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok
Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok Bok, B'COK!

"Blue's Big Pajama Party"[]

Steve (quiet voice): Here's the mail, it never fails
It makes me wanna wag my tail
(louder) When it comes, I wanna wail...
(quieter) Mail.

"Blue's Big Pajama Party" (UK Version)[]

Kevin (quiet voice): Post is here, the post is here,
Letters come from far and near,
(louder) All year round, they make me want to...
(quieter) Cheer.

"Blue's Big Pajama Party" (Portuguese (Portugal) Version)[]

Duarte (quiet voice): Chegou o Correio, (The mail arrived,)
Que bom que é quando chegou o correio, (How good it is when the mail arrives,)
(louder) Chegou o Correio... (The mail arrived...)
(quieter) Que Bom! (How nice!)


Here's the mail; it never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail;
When it comes, I wanna wail...
(trumpet sound)
(superhero voice): The mail's here!

"Superfriends" (UK Version)[]

Post is here, the post is here;
Letters come from far and near.
All year round, they make me want to...
(trumpet sound)
(superhero voice): The post is here!

"Superfriends" (Portuguese (Portugal) Version)[]

Chegou o Correio; (The mail arrived;)
Que bom que é quando chegou o correio; (How good it is when the mail arrives;)
Chegou o Correio... (The mail arrived...)
(trumpet sound)
(superhero voice) Que Bom! (How nice!)

"The Baby's Here!"[]

Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes, I wanna wail...
(Telephone interrupts Mailtime)

"The Baby's Here!" (UK Version)[]

Post is here, the post is here,
Letters come from far and near,
All year round, they make me want to...
(Telephone interrupts Posttime)

"The Baby's Here!" (Portuguese (Portugal) Version)[]

Chegou o Correio, (The mail arrived,)
Que bom que é quando chegou o correio, (How good it is when the mail arrives,)
Chegou o Correio, Que... (The mail arrived, how...)
(Telephone interrupts Shigo Correio Geemo)


Steve: Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes, I wanna wail,
Sock Puppet: Mail! Always wanted to do that.

"Puppets" (UK Version)[]

Kevin: Post is here, the post is here,
Letters come from far and near,
All year round, they make me want to...
Sock Puppet: Cheer! Always wanted to do that.

"100th Episode Celebration"[]

Steve: Here's the mail, it never fails.
Joe: It makes me wanna wag my tail.
Steve: When it comes, I wanna wail...
Joe: Mail!
(Note: Steve has the Signs version, and Joe has the Patience version)

"Magenta's Messages"[]

Joe: Here's E-mail; it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes, I wanna wail,

"Animals in Our House?"[]

Here's the mail, it never fails.
(the lion roars)
It makes me wanna wag my tail.
(the monkey chatters)
When it comes, I wanna wail...
(the elephant trumpets)
Mail! (All sounds)

"Meet Polka Dots!"[]

Joe: Quack quack quack, quack quack quack quack.
Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack.
Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack...


Mailbox: Here's the mail, it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail
When it comes, I wanna wail, Mail!

"Soccer Practice"[]

Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail,
When it comes, I wanna wail,
Goal! I mean um... um... Mail!

"Joe's Clues"[]

Blue: Bow bow bow, bow bow bow bow.
Bow bow bow bow bow bow bow bow.
Bow bow bow bow bow bow bow...


Joe: Oh, it looks like it's Mailtime onstage. Hi, Mailbox.
Mailbox: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special guest today. My good friend, India Arie.
India Arie: Hi, everyone, I'm India.
We're gonna sing the mail song with Reggae Music.
I love this song.
Here's the mail, it never fails
Mailbox: Wow!
India Arie: It makes me want to wag my tail
Mailbox: Oh, yeah.
India Arie: When it comes, I wanna wail,
Mailbox: Sing it!
India Arie: Mail!
Mailbox: Huh-uh-uh!
India Arie: Mail, yeah!
Mailbox: Whoo-hoo!
India Arie: Mail, oh, mail.
Thank you, everybody.
Joe: You know, reggae music makes me wanna move like this. How does it make you wanna move?
Mailbox: Reggae music makes me wanna move like this.
Heeeeeeeere's your letter!

"Getting Healthy with Blue"[]

Josh: Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes, I want to wail, Ah-ah-achoo! Mail!

"Pajama Party with Blue and Sleepy Singalong with Blue"[]

Josh: (quiet voice) Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes, I want to wail, (Louder) Mai...
(Quieter) Mail.

"Blue's Treasure Hunt[]

Josh: (Pirate Voice) Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag me tail.
When it comes, I want to wail, Mail!
Aargh! Shiver me parcels!

"Blue's Night Before Christmas"[]

When I hear a mailbox sing,
A song that can mean just one thing
My tail is wagging full of cheer
It's Christmas, and the MAIL IS HERE!

"The Ghost of the Living Room"[]

Josh: Here's the mail. It never fails.
It makes me want to wag my tail.
When it comes, I want to wail, (Howls) Aroo!

Mailtime (Extended verison)[]

Steve, Joe, and Rainbow Puppy: He brings the mail, it never fails
It makes me wanna wag my tail
When it comes I wanna wail... Mailbox!

He's always there on our front yard
He's a postal superstar
He makes us laugh so very hard... Mailbox!

Through rain or sleet or snow
You're always there
So we want to show how much we care!

Cards and letters, parcels too
Cause no one does the things you do
And so we're saying we love you, Mailbox!


The Legend of the Jack O'Lantern[]

Josh: (Vampire voice) Here's the mail, it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail
When it comes, I want to wail, Mail! Mwhahahaha!

Blue's Big City Adventure[]

Mailbox: Here's the mail, it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail
When it comes, I just want to wail, Mail!

A Blue Christmas with You![]

(Sung to the tune of Carol of the Bells)

Here is the mail, it never fails
Wagging my tail, making me wail
Jolly jolly jolly jolly holiday Mail!

Race Time (from The Big Blue Derby)[]

The race is here, so grab your gear
Racers, hit the gas and steer
When it starts, I'll wanna Cheer!

Smell Time (from The Silly Smelly Smell)[]

There’s that smell, that smelly smell
I sure wish it would say farewell!
When it comes, I wanna yell,
Smelly smell!

Fan Mail (from Rock On, Rainbow Puppy!)[]

Here's the mail, it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail
When it comes, I wanna wail, Fan Mail!

Josh Visits the Philippines![]

Josh: Here's the mail, it never fails
It makes me want to wag my tail
When it comes, I wanna wail-
(Loud, out of tune) Mail! Oh no.


  • The beginning chorus was not included in some episodes, such as "Playdates".
  • Steve's vocal range in this song is from B♭3 to A4.
    • Joe's spans from B♭3 to G4. Josh's vocal range does this too.
    • Duarte's vocals span from B♭2 to G3.
  • In "Magenta Comes Over", the beginning chorus was heard again when Mailbox returned (interrupting the chorus) to deliver a package to Steve, which had the 3rd clue (a camera).
  • In What Was Blue's Dream About?, Blue howls out the last "Mail" in a very high note in which Steve/Kevin/Duarte/HyunShup Shin's voice appears to be in a slightly lower volume than usual.
  • In "Blue's Birthday", Steve blew his party horn at the end of the song when Mailbox came in.
  • In "Blue's Surprise at Two O'Clock!", Steve had to wait a second, then a minute, before Mailbox came in.
  • In Blue's Big Treasure Hunt, it's the only episode the theme song got cut off, and this was the reason. It was Mailtime, but it's not.
  • In "Animal Behavior!", Steve clucks the Mailtime song like a chicken.
  • In "Periwinkle Misses His Friend", the tune was used during the credits.
  • In "Blue's New Place", Mailbox was busy listening to music (specifically "Pin the Flag on Mailbox") and dancing near the tree outside that he forgot to deliver the mail. Steve and the viewers called to him to remind him.
  • In "The Baby's Here!", the phone (from Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper) rang before Steve sang "Mail!" at the end. Mailbox had to remind Steve to sing "Mail!" When he had finished the call.
  • In "Making Changes", Mailbox couldn't get in the house because of the closed window, so Steve and Blue could open the window & let him in.
  • In "Animals in Our House?", various animal sounds are heard before and after each verse. Such as:
    • Before the song: kookaburra laughter
    • "Here's the mail. It never fails.": lion roar
    • "It makes me want to wag my tail.": monkey chatter
    • "When it comes I wanna wail,": elephant trumpet
    • "Mail!": various animal sounds including the kookaburra again
  • In 'Meet Polka Dots!", Joe quacks the Mailtime song like a duck.
  • In "Morning Music", Mailbox was asleep, so Joe woke him up the same way Steve got Mailbox to deliver the mail in "Blue's Surprise at Two O'Clock!".
  • In 100th Episode Celebration, Steve and Joe sing the Mailtime song from Signs and Patience, in both episodes, Blue's modern singing was used, but in this episode, Blue's high singing sound effect was used.
  • In Bluestock, India Arie sang a reggae version of the song.
  • In Blue's Show and Tell Surprise, the song was done at Blue's School instead of the living room.
  • In Behind the Clues: 10 Years with Blue, Steve and Joe performed a rap version of the song.
  • In the reboot's remake of the same episode, The song was sung in a Barbershop Quartet style.
  • In some cases, there is a delay between the song and Mailbox's arrival.
  • Mailtime usually happens after discussing the 2nd clue, and sometimes before the 2nd clue is found.
  • In Weight and Balance, Blue's Play, Occupations, Shape Searchers, and Animals in Our House?, Blue's barking is muted out.
  • In Steve Gets the Sniffles, Steve doesn't yell out the word "mail", he almost did but he was almost going to sneeze again so he just says it calmly.
  • The six episodes without Mailtime: Blue's Big Musical, Blue Takes You to School, The Fairy Tale Ball, Skidoo Adventure, The Legend of the Blue Puppy, and Blue's Dino Clues.
    • The latter other episodes had Mailbox absent.
  • This song is in the key of G major.
  • This song was written in 1995.
  • The Portuguese version is often known as "Shigo Correio Geemo!" It's a common misconception.
  • The UK version is known as "Posttime".
  • In Blue's Night Before Christmas, the lyrics had been changed to make it a Christmas theme.
  • In Mailbox's Birthday and Blue's Birthday, an instrumental party-themed version was used.
    • It was also used for the instrumental of the Pin the Flag on Mailbox song.
  • This song to be used throughout the entire series, from the Pilot episode Blue Prints to the reboot.
  • In The Ghost of the Living Room, Josh howls like a wolf at the end of the "Mailtime" song instead of shouting "Mail!".
  • In Mailtime Mystery, the song was played six times while the sixth one being a never-before seen extended version.
  • Magenta did the song with Blue and Josh in Into the Blueniverse!.
  • Josh did the blues version of the song in The Case of the Missing Thinking Chair.


