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Animals in Our House? is the 34th episode of Blue's Clues from Season 5.

Characters Present[]

Special Guest[]


Wild animals have escaped from the animal picture book and are causing chaos in the Blue's Clues house. Joe and Blue have to work together to get them back into the book.


  • Question: What animal does Blue want to find?
  • Clues:
    • 1. A Tail
    • 2. A Hopping Motion
    • 3. A Pocket
  • Answer: Kangaroo
  • Living room picture: Duck footprints, then Raccoon footprints, then Cow footprints, then Monkey footprints
  • Felt Frame picture: Fifi looking binoculars with safari hat
  • Colored Shirt: Blue
  • Snail Appearances: (1. On the window sill behind the right curtain) (2. Next to some books)



  • Katie McWane, Danielle Brown, and Jack Wilson are friends of Joe in this episode. Katie is the Music & Talent Coordinator, Danielle is related to Content Consultant Laura G. Brown, Ph.D.(not this episode), and Jack is related to Jeff Wilson, the Director of Photography for this episode.
  • This is the last episode that Periwinkle's voice is Kenny Kim.
  • There was no Blue Skidoo segment in this episode, but when the animals head back home, the skidoo sound effect was added.
  • This is Joe's version of Animal Behavior!.
  • When Joe asks the Giraffe if it gets a ball off of roofs in its natural habitats, closed-captioning reads "rooves," but the proper spelling is "roofs."
  • In the Mailtime Segment, Joe tries to sing the Mailtime Song but is interrupted by various animal noises. Afterward, Mailbox has him receive his letter from a goose that's been hanging around the house.
    • The goose also gave Joe the notebook by Sidetable Drawer.
  • When Joe is looking for the third clue (on the pocket located in the middle of the overalls), Joe goes behind the other outfits on the clothesline, posing as if he was wearing them (including the overalls).
  • In the credits, the first page is the only part that does not scroll upwards.
  • When the animals show Joe and the residents of the Blue's Clues house what they do, Joe gives out a quote like: "Great swimming, Platypus!", "Terrific tusks!", "That's a beautiful house, I mean lodge, Beaver.", and "Enjoy your snack, Giraffe.", just to name a few.
  • The list of animals that appeared (in order from when they go back in the book).
    • Monkey in the bedroom
    • Platypus in Slippery's bathroom
    • Armadillo in Pail's living room
    • Walrus in Mr Salt's kitchen
    • Beaver outside Periwinkle's fort
    • Giraffe next to the house
    • Kangaroo (answer to Blue's Clues), with the joey in the backyard
    • Goose, the animal that gave Joe the notebook and letter by mistake
  • The Mailtime vocals for Joe were re-recorded exclusively to the episode.
  • The game board seen in the bedroom is the same one from Geography.
  • This episode didn't zoom out from the house at the end of the episode and it went straight to the credits, just like in Anatomy.
  • This is the fifth and last episode where Blue's barking was muted out in the Mailtime Song. The last four episodes that have happened were in "Weight and Balance", "Occupations", "Blue's Play", and "Shape Searchers".
  • When Joe enters the bathroom, a picture of the treasure chest that appeared in Blue's Big Treasure Hunt is seen.
  • Joe does not clean the paw print. Instead, he pretends to be an elephant by scaring it away.
  • Joe wears a blue squared shirt in this episode.
  • Duck, Duck, Goose is played in this episode, just like in Blue Wants to Play a Game. This will happen again later in Away Great Playdate, which will be all about riding a train to the city to eat pretzels, a taxi to the beach to collect seashells, and an airplane to the farm while Jalen's hat got left behind and Blue and Sprinkles had to take it to him at his house and play the same game as the one in the playroom there.
  • Besides Blue, only Mailbox appeared and Goose made her only appearance in the credits.
  • This is the last episode that was not released on VHS or DVD.
  • Mr. Salt appears without Mrs. Pepper and Pail appears without Shovel in this episode, but Mr. Salt did not appear again with Mrs. Pepper in the end credits & Pail did not appear again with Shovel in the end credits as well.
  • Appearing in this episode is the hopping motion from Dress Up Day.
  • The episode was adapted into the coloring book Animal House.
  • In this episode, Joe says the word "found" instead of "have" while talking about all three clues to figure out what animal Blue wants to find.
  • In this episode, the goose gives Joe the notebook and letter by mistake and she could've sat in the Thinking Chair and Joe could've helped her think.
  • The kangaroo says, "Woo-hoo!" just like Joe who went down the slide.
  • The question "What does Blue want to find?" is used, just like in Up, Down, All Around!, but the word "animal" is added.
  • Before Joe sings the So Long Song, Blue closes the full book which used to be empty and puts it back on the shelf, but only after the house is neat and tidy again and it's not messy anymore.
  • In this episode, the goose gives Joe the letter by mistake, but in Playdates, Mailbox will help the Viewer do it on purpose.
  • After finding all three clues to figure out what animal Blue wants to find, the running gag could've been "Has a goose ever sat in our thinking chair?".
  • In this episode, the only characters the goose pretends to be are Sidetable Drawer and Mailbox.
  • After Joe sings the first "That we wanna do!", he pretends to be the answer who is gone.
  • While Joe says, "Thank you so much for all your help!", he does not say the word "today".
  • Joe says, "Thank you so much for all your help!", after he says, "Bye!" and before saying "Buh bye!" by doubling it.
  • While the goose gives Joe the notebook and letter, Sidetable Drawer and Mailbox could've shouted, "Hey!".

Running Gag[]

  • "Have you ever gotten your (insert item) from a goose?"


  • After the third clue was introduced, the first clue wasn't reviewed completely. It only says "Waggle, waggle.".


Watch Episode[]

This episode is available for streaming on Paramount Global's video streaming service Paramount+.
Blue's Clues Season 5
Can You Help? | Colors Everywhere! | The Snack Chart | The Big Book About Us | Playing Store | Patience | 100th Episode Celebration | Joe's Surprise Party | I'm So Happy! | The Boat Float | Bedtime Business | Shape Searchers | Blue Goes to the Doctor | Contraptions! | A Brand New Game | A Surprise Guest | Dress Up Day | Blue's Big Band | Up, Down, All Around! | Story Wall | The Alphabet Train | Numbers Everywhere! | Blue's Predictions | Our Neighborhood Festival | Blue Takes You to School | Meet Polka Dots! | The Scavenger Hunt | Let's Write! | Magenta's Messages | Body Language | Blue's Big Car Trip | Look Carefully... | I Did That! | Animals in Our House? | Morning Music | Blue's First Holiday