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Blox Fruits Wiki

Area of Effect, also known as AoE, is a game mechanic which refers to any ability that can affect multiple different players or enemies at once within a certain area. It can include things such as explosions, puddles, or energy fields.

While the ability to hit multiple things is an important part of AoE abilities, the main draw is usually the larger range they tend to have. Most AoE abilities have Destructible Physics, and many can break Instinct.

Types of AoE[]

There are 5 main types of AoE in Blox Fruits, which are:

Explosion/Beam A bomb-like explosion, which rapidly expands before quickly disappearing. These moves usually originate from a fired projectile, or the player's body. This type tends to have some of the largest effect radius, and are often very quick to activate, however, they do not exist for very long, requiring the player to aim the attack well. Almost all of these attacks have Destructible Physics and Instinct/Break, and some have knockback capabilities. Typically, the harder it is to hit the attack, the more damage it will do.

A similar type of attack is one that comprises a beam that either progressively gets longer, or has a set length, but has an increasing width. The main similarity is the short lifespan of the attack, although these tend to have longer range and possibly stuns, but tend to not have Instinct or destruction capabilities.

Puddles/Trail This type of AoE includes a puddle, trail or cloud of some hazardous substance that covers the ground, dealing tick damage to players or NPCs that are standing in it. These do not usually spawn as part of their attack, they are most often the aftereffect of a different one. Most examples of this can be found with the Venom, Magma or Kitsune fruits, although there are some other, minor instances of this. As for swords, all of Rengoku's moves are a great example when it comes to large AoE. These attacks generally do not break Instinct, although they may wear out their dodges with tick damage.
Energy Fields An area where a type of energy is released. These commonly originate from the player's body rather than from a separate attack. They tend to have a longer life and better stun than other types, although they are commonly more difficult to hit and slower to activate. Examples include the X-move of Soul Guitar and the second part of the V-move on Control. Note that not all attacks which use energy will necessarily work in the way described.
Barrages A quick succession of blows hit all players or NPCs in range. This type of attack almost always originates from the player or is used very close to them, so it is usually short-range. These attacks generally have good stuns and damage, although they are typically required to be held to work, and the AoE may be lacking in part due to the small radius. This type of attack is found very commonly on Fighting Styles, but another example is the V-move on both versions of Dough. Light is another fruit known for its barrage attacks.
Other Some attacks may combine different types of AoE, such as the Z-move of the Cursed Dual Katana combining the Energy Field and Explosion types, or may have something that doesn't fit neatly into any type.

Moves with AoE[]

Note: Some moves in the game are technically able to hit multiple things if the targets are extremely close to each other, so only moves with hitboxes large enough to hit multiple targets in normal play are counted.

Item Moves Notes
Rocket Z X C All attacks are explosion-based, although the flight move does not deal damage.
Spin Z X C Similar to Rocket in that all moves except for the flight move have AoE, although they are barrages rather than explosions.
Chop X The other moves have large hitboxes, but only apply to one player.
Spring C This move breaks Instinct.
Bomb Z C V F The X move has great combo potential but only hits one target.
Smoke Z X C F All moves have AoE.
Spike Z X C V The hitboxes may be quite small but it still hits multiple targets.
Flame (Unawakened) Z X C V Flame presents all AoE attacks in its skillset except for the flight move.
Flame (Awakened) Z X C V Like its unawakened form, all skills excluding flight can hit multiple enemies, with Z's bullets being able to hit a single target or explode depending on the user's aim.
Ice (Unawakened) Z X C V All moves somewhat explode and can hit multiple targets when close.
Ice (Awakened) Z X C V Same as unawakened version but the Z is a continuous hitbox that drags, unlike the unawakened projectiles that explode.
Light (Unawakened) Z X C V All moves multi hit in an explosion-type attack.
Light (Awakened) Z X V Despite having a large visual effect of an explosion, the awakened C does not damage multiple targets and is a single-target grab.
Magma (Unawakened) Z X C V F Almost all moves create puddles, and the F-move is an entirely puddle-based DoT skill.
Magma (Awakened) Z C V F Like the unawakened version, but generally larger and taller puddles are made. (Some puddles made are too small to deal damage)
Quake (Unawakened) Z X C V All of the moves are AoE, and the V move is one of the largest AoE.
Quake (Awakened) X C V The V move is the largest AoE in the game, while also stunning the target for 1.5 seconds.
Buddha (Unawakened) X C V All moves except V are AOE. This fruit also basically makes sword and fighting style M1’s moderate AOE attacks.
Buddha (Awakened) Z X C V All moves except the grab for F are AOE, with the V move being one of the largest in the game. This fruit also basically makes sword and fighting style M1’s large AOE attacks.
Love Z X C V The X move is infinite ranged. Though the Besto Friendo or V does not do general AoE, it can hit multiple targets if enemies are grouped up.
Spider (Unawakened) X C V TBA
Spider (Awakened) Z X C V Overheated Sniper (C) does one of the farthest ranges a fruit can have.
Sound Z X C V Z can be used multiple times.
Phoenix (Unawakened) Untransformed:
Phoenix (Awakened) Untransformed:
The slam on the C move (Untransformed/Transformed) deals AoE damage, and the pit of fire do so. The F move (Untransformed) does a small AoE tick damage when stopping mid-air.
Portal Z V F The slam on the Z move deals AoE damage.
Rumble (Unawakened) Z X V The C is a beam that does not really fit under AoE standards.
Rumble (Awakened) Z X C V Unlike the unawakened version, the AoE on C grows in width.
Pain C TBA
Blizzard Z X C V F All of the moves are AoE, and the V move is the laggiest of them all.
Gravity Z X C V TBA
Mammoth (Untransformed) Z C V F TBA
Mammoth (Transformed) TAP Z C V F TBA
T-Rex (Untransformed) TAP Z X C V F TBA
T-Rex (Transformed) TAP Z X C F TBA
Dough (Unawakened) Z C V TBA
Dough (Awakened) TAP Z X C V F TBA
Shadow X V F TBA
Venom (Untransformed) Z X C F TBA
Venom (Transformed) Z X C TBA
Gas (Transformed) TAP Z X Massive AoE and also breaks Instinct .
Control X TBA
Spirit Z X C V Every move has AoE hitboxes and create explosions.
Dragon (Untransformed) Z C All these skills create an explosion(or mutliple).
Dragon (Transformed) Z X C C move has one of the largest hitboxes in the game.
Leopard (Untransformed) Z X C V F Z has a lot of AoE, despite how it looks like.
Leopard (Transformed) TAP Z X C F The fourth M1 also has AoE, almost as large as the untransformed V.
Kitsune (Untransformed) Z X C V F The AoE from Z and V moves is not the best but still good.
Kitsune (Transformed) Z C The non-targeted variant of Z has quite a bit of AoE and C becomes much bigger.

Item Move Notes
Combat X Although the Z move cannot damage multiple enemies, it may push targets if the enemy hit was stacked in front of it.
Dark Step Z X C All skills hit multiple targets, including the V move despite it's long startup.
Electric Z X C TBA
Water Kung Fu Z X C TBA
Dragon Breath Z X C Moves have long startup.
Superhuman X Only multi-target skill.
Death Step Z X C The Z has an AoE if it is aimed on the ground and does not hit any targets before the impact.
Sharkman Karate Z X C TBA
Electric Claw Z X C TBA
Dragon Talon X C C does heavy knockback, similar to Awakened Magma [V] Volcanic Storm.
Godhuman X C Works only if it is held, [C] Sixth Realm Gun must be near.
Sanguine Art X C TBA

Item Move Notes
Cutlass Z X TBA
Dual Katana Z X TBA
Katana X TBA
Iron Mace Z X The Iron Mace’s third swing/M1 also has AoE.
Shark Saw Z X The Shark Saw’s fourth swing/M1 also has AoE.
Twin Hooks Z X While [X] Prehistoric Punt can only grab one target, the hit has an AoE.
Dragon Trident Z X TBA
Dual-Headed Blade Z X TBA
Gravity Cane Z X TBA
Jitte X TBA
Longsword Z X TBA
Pipe X TBA
Soul Cane Z X TBA
Trident X TBA
Wardens Sword Z X TBA
Bisento Version 1 Z X TBA
Bisento Version 2 Z X TBA
Saber Z X TBA
Rengoku X TBA
Shark Anchor Z TBA
Cursed Dual Katana Z The windup of the Z move also has AOE.

Item Move Notes
Slingshot Z X [Z] Sticky Pellet makes enemies stick to the blue circle and [X] Explosive Pellet is explosion based.
Flintlock X TBA
Musket Z X TBA
Acidum Rifle Z X TBA
Soul Guitar X The user summons a skull with the power of the undead above them, which rises to the sky with soul static, before exploding in the sky and creating a tick-damage AoE move that damages anyone unlucky enough to be standing on the ground.


  • Generally, items obtained later in the game have much more AoE than those obtained earlier. This is likely to keep pace with the greater mobility and speed available in the later seas.
  • Currently, the largest AOE skill from fruit in the game is Awakened Quake V.
    • Other skills with very large AOE include: