Forever Knight finally assembles his Round Table of young but super-powerful Knights, including— Ben?! With Ben's help, Forever Knight leads his new minions in an all-out attack on a Particle Accelerator - his true intention to transform it into a Time Machine and conquer history!
Phil works in his garage on something, which appears to fail after an explosion. He then tunes up his laser sword, but soon Max pulls up in the Rustbucket. Max tells Phil that Ben has disappeared, and they can't find him anywhere. Phil has an idea and bring Max and Gwen towards the garage. Phil tells the two that ever since Ben fought Vilgax, he's been tracking the Omnitrix. He found out that the Omnitrix emits a frequency, even when not in use. They find out that he is in Switzerland. The phone rings, and Phil tells an unknown voice that they've found out where Forever Knight is heading.
On Forever Knight's ship, he walks towards a table, where all of his recruits are sitting. He tells them that they are all there because they posses a skill needed to go through with his plan. Kevin for his aliens, Vin for his loyalty, Charmcaster's spells, Billy Billions riches, and Simon's battle suit. Then he calls out his last operative, Ben. Kevin gets surprised by the presence of Ben. Kevin yells at the Knight telling him that Ben is going to betray them. Kevin asks Ben why should they trust them, and Ben tells them because Max and Gwen don't. Kevin yells out questioning what that means, but Forever Knight silences him, and they continue with their plan.
In the Omni-Copter, Phil states that he alongside a few affiliates has been tracking Forever Knight's movements over the past few months. They discovered that he was forming some sort of team. He states that Ben's in Switzerland, in a lab in Geneva. Gwen questions how they will go up against Forever Knight. Phil gives Gwen a suit of armor to assist her in battle.
Forever Knight and his team arrives at the lab. Ben transforms into Diamondhead and runs into the lab, demanding one of the workers to let them in. She simply lets them in, and Billy Billions states that his father gave a sizable donation. Forever Knight demands Ben and Kevin to get in their positions, and prepare the gateway. Simon begins putting party hats on everyone.
Max, Phil, and Gwen arrives at the lab. Gwen sneaks in and tries to find where Forever Knight and his team are. She locates them, and leaves to tell Max and Phil. The portal is finished, and Kevin and Ben are demanded to get to their positions. Ben transforms into XLR8 and Kevin transforms into Rush. Vin counts them down to start running. They both run around the ginormous underground lab. They cause earthquakes above ground due to their speed. Vin tells them that they need to kick it up a notch, 888 miles per hour. Rush and XLR8 states that that's impossible. They both speed up, causing visible strain. Vin alerts Forever Knight that they're coming. Forever Knight demands Simon to fire the lasers. The laser hits both of them, causing a time portal to form. Gwen lets Phil and Gwen in. The tree hurry to the lab before Billy's drones get them. Back in the laboratory, Charmcaster stabilizes the rift and connects it to the Forever Knight's gauntlet, allowing him to jump between years at will. Forever Knight states that he will only need one of them to accompany him into the time portal. He tells Ben is his moment. Kevin gets mad stating that he's sick of Ben getting everything when he is "better." Billy Billions joins in, asking how they can trust him to do anything. Ben states that Forever Knight knows what he's doing, and made the right choice. Kevin transforms into Bashmouth. He attempts to attack Ben, and Ben transforms into Humungousaur. The two fight. Billy uses his drones to attack as well. Charmcaster jumps in, attempting to trap Ben using her magic, however she misses and hits Kevin instead. Humungousaur then destroys Billy's tablet controlling the drones. Defeating all three of them. Forever Knight demands them to stop, stating that all of this proves that Ben is worth more than all of them combined. Forever demands Ben to come.
Max, Phil, and Gwen lands inside the lab through an air vent. Forever Knight commands his team to take care of the Tennyson family. Gwen yells out to Ben stating that they're here to help. However Ben tells her to go away, and he doesn't need them anymore.
Gwen: Whoa. Max: Uh, Phil, you're not planning on using that hunk of junk are ya? Phil: Of course not. But it sure brings back some memories, right Max? Gwen: What's he talking about, Grampa? Max: Oh, nothing. He's just messing around.
Phil: Ever since Ben fought Vilgax, I've been tracking the Omnitrix to further study it's abilities. Through my research I've learned that the Omnitrix emits a frequency, even when not in use.
Phil: Okay, we've been tracking Forever Knight's movements over the past few months. Gwen: Who is "we"? Max: Best to just focus on the task at hand Gwen. Phil: With our intel, we came to the conclusion that he was recruiting some sort of team. We weren't sure of the reason why until now. I can say with certainty Ben's in Switzerland because Forever Knight is there at a laboratory in Geneva.
Forever Knight: You two -- prepare to construct the time portal. Timing is key in all of this. You must work together for us to succeed. Kevin: Yeah, well, let's see if the dweeb can keep up. Ben: Hang on a second. I'm the dweeb? You're the one with a mullet. Kevin: Yep. Ben: (Growls). Forever Knight: You will set your pride aside and do as I tell you. Kevin: But the pip-squeak can't even -- Forever Knight: Silence. Get to your position before I place you there myself.
Forever Knight: Well, we have some uninvited guests. If you'd like to prove your worth, take care of the Tennyson family. Gwen: Ben! We're here to help! Ben: Go away. I don't need you anymore. Gwen: Ben!