Team Tennyson checks out a samurai museum in Tokyo, where Ben is too impatient to wait out the calligraphy experience for the more exciting-sounding samurai one.[ATV 1]
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The Tennyson's arrive at a Samurai Museum tour. The guide tells them about what their going to do, Ben interrupts asking about when they will see the weapons, and other things. Ben is too impatient to wait.
In the calligraphy room, Ben is very impatient, and tries to rush through the experience. Gwen and Max tells Ben about the history and details of Calligraphy. Ben spills ink on the floor, causing Max to sit him outside. Ben sits outside the room, imagining what his aliens would look like as samurai. Max comes out and asks Ben if he wants to give calligraphy another shot. Ben declines and decides to sit outside longer. Ben tries to be patient, but immediately gets bored of it. He transforms into Shock Rock and attempts to open the weapons room door. Ben decides to wait and be patient, but he hears a loud sound causing him to break in, to find out what's going on.
Ben breaks in, and finds an armored knight stealing a sword. The knight runs out, wanting Ben to chase him. Ben thinks this though, if he should wait, or go after him. Ben decides to create an energy sai, and go after him. Ben chases him across building, and eventually the knight ends up stopping. Ben gives him the option to give up the sword, or have a sword fight. Ben hopes he chooses a sword fight, to which the knight does. Ben (as Shock Rock still) fights the knight, but the knight dodges every attack.
The Knight forms a mace from his arm, and attacks Ben. Ben questions why the Knight stole the sword, when his arm can form weapons. The knight still has the upper hand on Ben. the Knight's mace grows longer, allowing him to swing it around like a rope. Ben grabs on to it, preventing the Knight from flying away. The Knight uses his rocket boots, creating loots of fire, to escape from Ben. Ben chases after him, shooting energy blast at him, but the Knight blocks every attack using his shield. The Knight hops to another building, and Shock Rock does the same, but times out mid way across. Ben holds on to a building, hanging off. The Knight pauses and studies him. Ben manages to pull himself up. Ben yells saying he can still take him on, regardless of being timed out. The Knight flies away, with Ben chasing him from behind. Ben keeps asking what the stolen sword can do, but the Knight doesn't answer. Ben transforms into Humungousaur and grabs on to the Knight, causing them both to weigh down.
They land, and both engage in hand to hand combat. The Knight uses Humungousaur size against him, being able to avoid most of his attacks, and bring him down. Humungousaur grabs him by the head and throws him. The Knight pulls out his mace and swings it towards Ben, who blocks it with his tail, causing a shock wave. Ben starts fighting hard, he punches the Knight, but his punch is caught. Ben uses his tail and hits the Knight three times, the third hit causing part of the Knight's mask to break. The Knight compliments his unique tail ability, to which Ben responds calling himself the best, and asking for the sword.
The Knight refuses, saying "only if you can take it from me". Ben's confused on why he still wants to fight, despite his busted armor. The Knight tells him that Ben will never have the power to defeat him. The Knight talks down on Ben, causing him to react by hitting him very hard with his tail. Right before he was hit, the Knight dropped the sword, smirking. Ben's hit causes the knight to go flying very far away.
Back at the samurai museum, Ben tells Max and Gwen about the fight between him and the Knight. Gwen asks if the Knight just gave up, but Ben replies saying eh defeated him, fair and square. Max speculates asking Ben if he's saying the Knight didn't bother coming back, but Ben tells him that the Knight wouldn't bother coming back after the beating Ben gave him, and that he didn't have the patients for him to come back. Which that part Max believes. The calligraphy master tells the trio that the sword the Knight attempted to steal was a reproduction, and the original is kept far from public reach. Ben asks why the knight would steal a fake sword, and the master tells him that a master sword fighter thinks ahead, not in the moment. Ben is confused until Max tells him that the Master might be saying the Knight was testing him. Ben was confident he passed the test. The Master tells him that he might've won the day, but he hasn't won the battle that is yet to come. The Master reveals that he's the sword master. The Master asks for a volunteer to try on samurai armor, but skips past Ben and gives Gwen the armor. He tells Ben that he gets to go last.
Shock Rock: Ok, you big oil tin can, either you hand over the super cool sword, or get ready for a super cool sword fight. Oh, please pick sword fight. I am so bored! Forever Knight: Well, wouldn't want you to be bored, now, would we? Shock Rock: Aw, yes! Sword fight, ha! I mean uh, crime is bad.
Humungousaur: A'ight, time to give up yo! Forever Knight: Huh. That tail is deceptively fast-quite remarkable. Humungousaur: Yeah. I know. I'm the best! Sword, please! Forever Knight: Only if you can take it from me. Humungousaur: (Scoffs) Dude, are you serious? You armor's totally busted. Forever Knight: True, but you still don't have the power to defeat me, and you never will. Humungousaur: Yeah right. You don't know me! Forever Knight: Don't I? You're a child, in over his head, using borrowed power from technology you can't even control. Humungousaur: Uh, you're wrong. Forever Knight: And you think you know power? But without your technology what would you be? Humungousaur: I- Forever Knight: -Just a weak... Humungousaur: Hey! Forever Knight: ...useless... Humungousaur: Stop it! Forever Knight: ...scared little boy hiding from his own pathetic mediocrity! Humungousaur: I said stop it!
In one scene, when Ben is telling Gwen and Grandpa about his fight with Forever Knight, his Omnitrix arrow-like activation button is yellow, instead of Green.
This episode was apart of the World Tour arc that was promoted on Cartoon Network U.S.