Barney Wiki
Quotation1 Hi! I'm Riff! Let's go have some fun with Barney! Quotation2
— Riff greeting the viewer

Hi! I'm Riff!, also known as Riff's Clubhouse in the United Kingdom and Australia, is a 2008 direct-to-video Barney Home Video clip show that was released on May 6, 2008. Featuring newly written material written by Michael Anthony Steele and directed by Brian Mack, this video marks the final video to be distributed by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.

Hi I'm Riff

Riff greets the viewers at the start of this video.


Riff greets the viewer and encourages them to join him as they go and have fun with Barney. Transitioning into the park, Megan and Mei have fun planting flowers, and eventually Barney joins their fun when he springs to life. Riff eventually comes by and is informed that Megan and Mei were planting flowers as part of their scouting club. Barney explains to Riff that a club is a group of friends who plan fun things and do special projects together. Riff becomes excited about the idea of a club where camping can happen and eventually reminisces about the time he went camping with his cousin BJ. Wondering if that's what a club is like, he gets an idea to start his own club, only he doesn't exactly know what it will be about.

Riff photo (3)

Riff with camping gear.

Sharing the idea with Barney, Mei and Megan, they become the first members to join his club. Continuing to think about what his club will be about, Barney tells Riff that some people have bird watching clubs, after they both hear a duck quacking in the park's pond. Riff gets the idea to start a bird watching club, prompting both he and Barney to reminisce about the time Riff watched duck eggs.

Riff is unsure if bird watching is something that he'd truly like to do however. BJ and Victor eventually come by and Riff tells them that he'd like to start a club. Asking if they can join, Riff accepts but tells them that the club doesn't have a subject yet. BJ suggests a baseball club. Riff is unsure of the idea given that he isn't good at playing the sport, prompting him to reminisce about his time playing baseball in the park.

Riff photo (1)

Riff holding a drum.

Riff is unsure if a baseball club is the right club for him. Riff and Barney eventually stumble into Baby Bop receiving help in ballet from Jenna and Anna. Barney suggests that Baby Bop could help Riff with his club idea. Baby Bop suggests that Riff should start a Dancing Club. BJ overhears this idea and tries to tell Riff to not go through with Baby Bop's idea. Riff thinks that idea could be fun and tells the viewer that Baby Bop would definitely enjoy it, especially given that she has her own dance. Riff then reminisces about the time some special friends from Kenya came to dance in the park and even the time Barney had everyone dancing at the Art Festival.

Riff photo (2)

Riff posing with the Happiness Machine.

Riff sees that dancing is a lot of fun, but he's still unsure if it's the right club for him and his friends. After going into the caboose to get ideas from looking at a few books, he gets more club ideas, prompting him to be undecided. After Barney comes in to check on him, Riff asks Barney what kind of club he would start. Barney mentions that he would start an Imagination Club. Riff likes that idea given that he likes to use his imagination. Thinking about all the suggestions he's received, Riff is still undecided. After Barney asks what he likes to do the most, Riff mentions that he likes to take things apart to see how they work, think about new ideas and build things. He then gets the idea to start an inventor's club. As Baby Bop comes inside the caboose to draw, Barney explains to her what an inventor is after Riff declares he's going to start an inventor's club to her. They begin to reminisce about the time that they built a robot together. Baby Bop remembers that the robot that was built made a mess, and Riff begins to realize that his inventions don't always work out as he plans. Baby Bop then remembers that his Happiness Machine was an invention of his that worked, and made everyone happy.

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Riff posing with a guitar.

Riff asks the viewers their thoughts on an inventor's club. BJ and Victor enter inside the caboose as Riff picks up a guitar near by. It prompts BJ to think that Riff is going to start a Music Club. Riff begins to think and remembers that while he also likes music, he still likes to invent. Baby Bop suggests the idea to do both prompting Barney to say it's a good idea. Barney tells Riff that he's seen him invent a few musical instruments, prompting Riff to remember that music can be made with anything! Riff discusses the idea with the viewer as the others leave.

Riff eventually comes out of the caboose with a club idea. Handing out official club badges, everyone begins to wonder what his new club is about. Riff tells everyone that he decided to form The Best Friends Club where everyone can do whatever they'd like together. Riff turns to the viewer and hopes that they like his club idea knowing that fun times are ahead. The children head off to make more badges for the newly formed club. Riff then gets the idea to build a clubhouse for his newly formed club.


Riff's Best Friends Club

Members of The Best Friends Club.

New Material[]


  1. "It's a Fun, Fun Sunny Day!"
  2. "A Camping We Will Go" (Scene taken from "Separation")
  3. "The Having Fun Song" (Scene taken from "Separation")
  4. "The Duckies Do" (Scene taken from "Ducks and Fish")
  5. "Why Can't I?" (Scene taken from "Full Team Ahead")
  6. "Best of Friends" (Scene taken from "Full Team Ahead")
  7. "The Baby Bop Hop" (Scene taken from "Things I Can Do")
  8. "Kenyan Dance" (Scene taken from "Kenya")
  9. "The Dino Dance" (Scene taken from "Arts")
  10. "Hey, Look at Me! I Can Fly!" (Scene taken from "Dream Big")
  11. "How Does This Thing Work?" (Scene taken from "Airplanes")
  12. "Thinkety Think" (Scene taken from "Get Happy!")
  13. "The Rocket Song" (Scene taken from "Dream Big")
  14. "We Are Little Robots" (Scene taken from "Litterbot")
  15. "Laugh With Me!" (Scene taken from "Get Happy!")
  16. "You Can Make Music with Anything" (Scene taken from "Special Skills")
  17. "I Hear Music Everywhere" (Scene taken from "Beethoven's Hear!")
  18. "Being Together"
  19. "I Love You"


Home media[]

Hi! I'm Riff! was available for pre-order on April 9, 2008. The video was officially released on DVD on May 6, 2008 by HIT Entertainment and Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, at a suggested retail price of $14.98.[1] That same year, the video was released by HIT Entertainment and Maple Pictures in Canada. In Canada, the video was released at a suggested retail price of $15.98. In Hong Kong, the video was released on November 17, 2008, distributed by Intercontinental Video.[2] Hi! I'm Riff! was re-released in 2011 as a part of the "Learn with Us" series.




The Barney doll at the end of Hi! I'm Riff!.




v - e
Barney Home Video (Wink Gif)
Barney & The Backyard Gang
The Backyard Show (1988) • Three Wishes (1988) • A Day At The Beach (1989) • Waiting for Santa (1990) • Campfire Sing-Along (1990) • Barney Goes To School (1990) • Barney in Concert (1991) • Rock with Barney (1991)
1992: Barney's Magical Musical Adventure • Barney's Birthday

1993: Barney's Best Manners • Barney Rhymes with Mother Goose • Barney's Home Sweet Homes • Love To Read, With Barney

1994: Let's Pretend with Barney • Barney's Alphabet Zoo • Barney Live! In New York City • Imagination Island

1995: Barney's Families are Special • Barney Safety • Making New Friends • Barney's Birthday / Home Sweet Homes • Riding In Barney's Car • Barney Songs

1996: Barney's All Aboard For Sharing • Barney's Talent Show • Barney's Fun & Games • Barney's Exercises Circus / Barney's Parade of Numbers • Barney's 1-2-3-4 Seasons • Once Upon A Time

1997: Barney's Sense-Sational Day • Barney's Colors & Shapes • Barney's Musical Scrapbook • Camp Wannarunnaround • Barney's Adventure Bus • Barney's Stu-u-upendous Puzzle Fun! • Barney's Good Day, Good Night

1998: It's Time For Counting • Down on Barney's Farm • Barney in Outer Space • My Party with Barney • Barney's Big Surprise • Barney's Halloween Party • Barney's First Adventures • Barney's Good, Clean Fun! / Barney's Oh, Brother...She's My Sister

1999: Sing & Dance With Barney • What a World We Share! • Walk Around The Block With Barney • Let's Play School! • Barney's Night Before Christmas • More Barney Songs

2000: Barney's Rhyme Time Rhythm • Barney's Super Singing Circus • Come on Over to Barney's House • Be My Valentine Love, Barney

2001: Barney's Musical Castle • A to Z with Barney • Barney's Dino Dancin' Tunes • Let's Go To The Zoo • Barney's Pajama Party

2002: You Can Be Anything! • Barney's Beach Party • Round and Round We Go • Barney's Christmas Star

2003: Barney Songs from the Park • Read With Me/Dance With Me • Barney's It's A Happy Day! • It's Nice To Meet You • Barney's Red, Yellow and Blue! • Barney's Numbers! Numbers! • Barney's Best Manners: Your Invitation to Fun! • Happy Mad Silly Sad

2004: Movin' and Groovin' • Let's Pretend with Barney • Now I Know My ABCs • Barney's Colorful World! • Ready, Set, Play!

2005: Let's Go to the Farm • Just Imagine • Everyone Is Special • The Land of Make Believe • Can You Sing That Song?

2006: Let's Make Music

2007: Let's Go To The Firehouse • Shake Your Dino Tail! • Dino-Mite Birthday

2008: Celebrating Around The World • Barney's Animal ABC's • Hi! I'm Riff! • The Best of Barney

2009: Once Upon A Dino Tale • Top 20 Countdown • Let's Go on Vacation • Sharing is Caring! • Barney's Jungle Friends • We Love Our Family
2010: Please & Thank You • Egg-Cellent Adventures • Let's Play Outside • Furry Friends • A-Counting We Will Go • Best Fairy Tales

2011: Musical Zoo • Shapes & Colors All Around • I Can Do It! • 1-2-3 Learn • Big World Adventure • A Very Merry Christmas

2012: I Love My Friends • Clean Up, Clean Up! • Planes, Trains & Cars • All About Opposites • Most Loveable Moments • Let's Go to the Doctor

2013: Let's Go To The Moon • Play with Barney • Dance with Barney • Imagine with Barney • Most Huggable Moments • Perfectly Purple

2014: Story Time with Barney • Happy Birthday, Barney! • A Super-Dee-Duper Day • This Is How I Feel

2015: Tee-rific Bugs & Animals • It's Showtime with Barney • Barney's Worldwide Adventure!

2016: Dinos in the Park

2017: Playground Fun
Other releases
Feature film: Barney's Great Adventure

Blockbuster: Play and Learn with Barney • Barney's Time for School • Barney's Rockin' Rhyme Time • Barney's Favorite Songs • Barney's Big Top Fun • Barney's Valentine Adventure • Movin' & Groovin' with Barney • Barney's Learning Round-Up • Barney's Island Safari • Barney's Night-Light Stories • Barney's Summertime Fun • Going Places With Barney • On The Move with Barney • Sing-Along Fun!

Re-releases: Barney's ABC's and 123's • Barney's Outdoor Fun! • Let's Go to the Beach • Barney's Book Fair • Fun on Wheels • Mother Goose Collection
