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Baldur's Gate Wiki

Akae is a member of Samia's relic hunter group.


This elven male Kensai will spawn at the designated location when Samia's group is triggered by script to appear.

He will attack in melee combat wielding its two equipped weapons.

The elf will use its Kai ability initially, and every 30 game seconds by script. Has three uses.

When wounded to a preset hit point loss threshold, the elf will quaff a Potion of Extra Healing (has two potions, so can try that twice). He may also apply an Oil of Speed.


The game has assigned a Kensai kit to the creature but did not configure the files so as to fulfill the innate and passive benefits of that kit. So Akae is mostly kensai in name only, except for not wearing any armor and the use of Kai innate ability. It has no extra THAC0, damage, or speed factor boost commensurate with a 12th level kensai.


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Mod content[]

Mods icon This section is about unofficial content that is only available via fan-made mods.

The Sword Coast Stratagems mod makes a few changes to Akae. It provides a smarter AI script for better tactical behavior. SCS places all the kensai kit passive bonuses in the creature file that a 12th level kensai should have. It also changes the weapon proficiencies to 4 pips in katana, 1 pip in Wakizashi, and 3 pips in two-weapon fighting style. The passive +2 armor class is assigned too.

Akae ends up with a main hand -2 THAC0 and 3 THAC0 in the off-hand, with a 7/2 APR. The damage bonuses from the elf will be noticeable if any weapon hit lands on a party member.

Armor Class is now 3.

Will quaff a Potion of Magic Protection, will apply a Oil of Speed next, and later if damaged will also knock back a Potion of Extra Healing. Has one use of Kai scripted. A random SCS scroll treasure is in the inventory.
