- Not to be confused with Murky Oil of Speed.
Oil of Speed grants the Normal Haste effect for 1 hour or until dispelled. This potion lasts considerably longer than its spell counterpart and doesn't cause Fatigue. Repeated uses don't stack.
“ | This oil increases the movement and combat capabilities of the imbiber. The movement rate is doubled and the user gains one extra attack per round. Thus, a movement rate of 9 becomes 18, and a character normally able to attack once in a round attacks twice. This does not reduce spellcasting time, however. The duration of the effect is 1 hour. | ” |
One of the most useful potions in the game.
After quaffing this, the user gets what's stated in the description. A boost to movement rate and an extra attack per round, per the normal Haste effect.
Drinking this potion will neuter a Slow effect. A Free Action (status effect) will undo the potion's effects.
Conversely, a Slow effect will neuter the haste effect afforded by the potion. They basically cancel each other.
When the potion is consumed a "gulp" text display is shown, a lighting effect and color fade is played over the user's sprite, and a sound effect is audible. When the potion expirers another sound effect is played. The party member's portrait will also have a "Haste" icon (No. 38) displayed while its active. This potion is subject to Dispel Magic effects.
The Black Pits[]
Sold by[]
- The Concocter (∞)
Baldur's Gate[]
Dropped by[]
Equipped by[]
Sold by[]
- Sorcerous Sundries (×3)
- Potion Shop (×1)
- Potion Tent
- Black Lily
- High House of Wonders (×20)
- Entar Silvershield's Estate (2nd floor in a locked (80) drawer)
- Ducal Palace (3rd floor in a locked (80) drawer)
- A house in East Baldur's Gate
- Noralee's Warehouse
- Well-Adjusted Al's General Store (with a call the guards trap (Disarm: CAN'T) if spotted fingering the item)
- Candlekeep Catacombs Level 1 (in a trapped (Disarm: 50 | Find: 50) and locked (60) altar)
- Baldur's Gate:
Enhanced Edition (2012)
This icon indicates content from the Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition campaign. Cloud Peaks
Tales of the Sword Coast[]
Dropped by[]
- Durlag's Tower
- Second Floor (in a trapped (Disarm: 60 | Find: 40) and locked (50) chest)
- Third Floor (in a trapped (Disarm: 80 | Find: 50) and locked (50) chest)
- Labyrinth Level One (in a trapped (Disarm: 70 | Find: 60) drawer)
- Labyrinth Level Two (in the left-side altar in the secret "statue room")
- Labyrinth Level Three (in a treasure pile located on the floor of the fireball room)
- Labyrinth Level Four
- Isle of Balduran
- Wandering Eye (2nd deck) (in a trapped (Disarm: 70 | Find: 70) barrel)
- Werewolf Caverns (in a treasure pile on the ground)
Siege of Dragonspear[]
Dropped by[]
Sold by[]
Shadows of Amn[]
Dropped by[]
Sold by[]
- Arledrian in Gaelan Bayle's Home (×2)
- Gorch in Mae'Var's Guildhall (×1)
- Ribald Barterman at the Adventurer Mart (×3)
- Mrs. Cragmoon in the Bridge District (×10)
- Khan Zahraa in Trademeet (×2)
- From Adratha's Cottage in the Druid Grove (×10)
Throne of Bhaal[]
Dropped by[]
Sold by[]
- Arcana Archives (×7)
- Carras (×2)
- Karthis al-Hezzar (×3)
The Black Pits II: Gladiators of Thay[]
Sold by[]
- The original in-game descriptions still say it doubles the attack speed, but the Haste effect has never been implemented that way. Description changed in Enhanced Edition.