Anti-Entity Agency (A.E.A.)[]
Main Page: The Anti-Entity Group
The Anti-Entity Agency (A.E.A.) was a group consisting of around 120 people of unknown identity; they referred to themselves the Anti-Entity Agency and believed that they could destroy the creatures lurking within the Backrooms forever. The group was founded around 1950, and dissolved in 1988. It is unknown where the members went after the group dissolved, but some theorize that they were raided by the U.B.A.
The Anti-Entity Group (A.E.G.)[]
The Anti-Entity Group (A.E.G.) is a modern subgroup of the Anti-Entity Agency, created with similar goals after the former's dissolution. Similar to the A.E.A., the group actively hunts and kills entities in the Backrooms. The group has a total of 212 members, and holds a moderate amount of supplies, including Almond Water and a large armory of weapons. Their members are very highly trained, with most being proficient at hand-to-hand combat and weapon handling. The A.E.G. has remained largely controversial with their notorious kill-on-sight policy for entities, hunting down all anomalous non-humans, dangerous or not.
Almond Water Inc[]
- Main Page: Almond Water Inc
- Category: Almond_Water_Inc
Almond Water Inc., also known as "The Almond Water Cooperation", is named after the famous Backrooms object, "Almond Water". The producer of Almond Water goes with the name Almond Water Inc., but such company has not yet been found throughout the Backrooms. Almond water, as the symbolism of all objects of Backrooms, is used to metonymize all daily necessities for the survival within the Backrooms. Hence, the company is named after with almond water. The company later become the largest supplier of Almond Water, after the Almond Water Ocean Incident.
The Auto Nexus Guarding and Collecting Group[]
Main Page: Auto Nexus
The Auto Nexus Guarding and Collecting Group, commonly known as Auto Nexus, or A.N.G.C.G., is a relatively strong and socialist group in the Backrooms. The Auto Nexus' goal is to collect resources, spread its influence, weaken the M.E.G., protect their people and resources, and make anyone free. The Auto Nexus is infamous for torturing, abducting, and imprisoning traitors. The group seeks the freedom and liberty of its citizens and other citizens of other groups. The Auto Nexus mainly builds customized weapons, specifically firearms. Its most infamous firearms are the Light Rifle 102, the Auto Pistol, and the Nexusian Kolan. The Auto Nexus' presence in the Backrooms is ever-growing, and its peak was in 2018. It establishes new outposts yearly, with the planning, selecting of people, creation of local autonomous government, establishing of laws, and official opening taking a process of eleven months, the populating taking 27 days, and the remaining four days being the starting of businesses and commerce.
The symbolism of the Auto Nexus' flag is relatively complex. The three stars within the flag represent, individually, Level 986 as the left star, Level 275 as the smaller, central star, and Level 747 as the right star. The four red bars represent socialism, blood, war, and determination. The darkened background of the flag represents the Flicker and Achrophiline. On the center of the flag is the main emblem of the Auto Nexus, with blue gears, representing Level 275. Two pistons are seen behind the gears, representing the pieces dismantled to develop the customized firearms. On the smaller gear is a red, four-pointed star, representing the Ford Four.
Previously known for making flags online for a high price, now Back-Flags acts as a digital marketplace, with inbuilt gambling and stockmarkets. Inorder to track the value of certain products, they invented "Back-Cash" however as a business that is filled with controversies and no natural competitor, they tend to abuse their powers of being a monopoly.
Thanks to corruption within B.I.F., Back-Flags tends to be free from prosecution most of the time. Groups such as Backrooms Today tend to be neutral towards Back-Flags and The Database are often times against the actions of Back-Flags despite large financial benefit in parterning up with this group.
The Backroom Colonists[]
- Main Page: Backroom Colonists
- Category: Backrooms Colonists
The Backroom Colonists, previously known as The Backroom Pioneers, was originally an exploration group that ultimately united with a collection diverse factions and smaller groups under an elected minister. They are a powerful and well-known organization within the Backrooms, thriving in hundreds of levels. Unlike the M.E.G, the prime directive of The Backroom Colonists is to simply provide a place to call home for those who are lost, a place of survival under the harsh purgatory behind the codes that make up reality. They have a much looser, non-governmental approach to things.
Backrooms Association of the Red Cross []
Main Page: Backrooms Red Cross
Since its conception in the early 21st century, a group of physician’s interrogation into a hypothetical medical-based organisation has ultimately culminated into the modern day Association of the Red Cross. Their initial inception restructured modern cognisance of contemporary therapeutic philosophy, and further recognised that for a permanent inhabitance of man within the Backrooms, the study of Medicine becomes a necessary desideratum. The conceptualisation of the Association of the Red Cross primarily was founded on the cornerstone of emancipation of the wanderer from the constraints of injury and ailment, along with the neutralisation of biological and chemical pathogens located throughout the Backrooms’ labyrinthine hallways. In contrast to other groups, who care solely for themselves, the Red Cross seeks to distribute their philosophies and knowledge, and remodel the perception of contemporary medical understanding.Andrew Austin Explorer Group (Λ.λ.∈.G)[]
Main Page: Λ.λ.∈.G
The Andrew Austin Explorer Group, or Λ.λ.∈.G, is a group designed to find entities and levels in the Backrooms through a non-destructive and systematic means. Their mission statement reads that they try to spread communication and peaceful coexistence with these entities while warning explorers about the true dangers each level actually possesses. It has completed its information gathering and the development of safe methods with this FAX device for more than 300 members. This approach allows them to provide accurate and useful information. They can guarantee a higher survival rate of explorers while building an atmosphere of respect and taking care of each other.
Backrooms: Team Cryptic (B.T.C)[]
Backrooms Team Cryptic[]
- Main Page: None
Backrooms: Team Cryptic are the most secretive and unknown group, Team Cryptic are known for exploring negative level and the void. Team Cryptic tasked to eliminate all entities and help wanderers to safety, Team Cryptic usually puts papers with cryptic shapes to tell the danger level. Backrooms: Team Cryptic are allies with the M.E.G as they have the same morals, Team Cryptic wears hoodie with armors with M16 rifle, their hierarchy are still unknown, Backrooms: Team Cryptic are searching for more allies as of current. They are rivals against "The Backrooms Colonists"
Backrooms: Team Cryptic was founded back in the mid-2000 when the leader "John Rainwood T." found an unknown door in Prestonwood Town Center, Rainwood entered the door and discovered "The Backrooms" since then, Rainwood since then kept coming back to the same area to "re-check the area" until finally, he got lost. Since then, he started to recruit new people in the Backrooms.
Backrooms Investigation Foundation (B.I.F) []
- Main Page: Backrooms Investigation Foundation
- Category: Backrooms_Investigation_Foundation
Backrooms Today[]
- Main Page: Backrooms Today
- Category: Agency
Backrooms, Today! is a cooperative organization, specializing as a private news agency. It is the oldest and largest independent news agency in The Backrooms that isn't a state-run entity. Backrooms Today doesn't have outposts of its own, instead having headquarters situated within major metropolitan areas such as the 399 Megacolony. It operates as a unincorporated association, and produces news reports distributed to its members via BACK-CHAT.
Backrooms Wanderers Organization (B.W.O.) []
Main Page: B.W.O.
Category: Backrooms Wanderers Organization
Ecotopia of Atrego[]
Main Page: Atrego
Atrego, officially called the Ecotopia of Atrego, is a self-proclaimed anarcho-primitivist group active on multiple levels of the Backrooms. While not considering itself a steadfast organization, members of Atrego often work together to uphold the "ideas of true anarchism"—or so they claim. This can be through the means of violence, which the group is most commonly associated with. Only rarely do members of the group reach out diplomatically to any other present organization. As a result of this, a majority of groups do not recognize Atrego as an independent association, and more than often, it's grouped together with bandits and other loose troublemakers.
Entity Recycling Association (E.R.A.)[]
Main Page: None
The Entity Recycling Association (The E.R.A.) is a highly secretive trade organization consisting of a small group of unknown members. The group is thought to sell goods crafted from parts of hunted entities. The E.R.A. does not divulge any information regarding their practices, though it is rumored that they work in conjunction with the A.E.G. to receive a majority of their supply. It is thought that the group performs secure trades with high-profile groups and individuals. The rarer the entity is, or the more dangerous it is to hunt, the higher the buyers are willing to pay. The __cpLocations at which they operate are as of yet unknown, but it has been advised not to interfere should one come across a trade-in-action, as there have been reports of eyewitnesses going missing.
Entity Research Committee[]
- Main Page: Entity Research Committee
- Category: Entity Research Committee
The Entity Research Committee, or the ERC, is a Backrooms group created to research entities within the Backrooms. It is allied with the M.E.G. and is responsible for the discovery and documentation of numerous entities. They have various outposts stationed across levels of the Backrooms. They are friendly and are heavily armed.
![Toxari Logo](
Insurgent Rogueware and Infiltration Syndicate
Infiltrate. Manipulate. Sabotage.
The Insurgent Rogueware and Infiltration Syndicate, commonly referred to as I.R.I.S., is a highly secretive, malicious hacking group within The Backrooms. Known for their expertise in data infiltration and cyberspace, I.R.I.S. has garnered an infamous reputation over the years.
I.R.I.S. conducts operations through hacking, data manipulation, and infiltration. They use precise planning and strategic coordination to minimize detection. Once inside a system, they deploy malware to extract targeted information, executing each operation through carefully designed steps to ensure efficiency.
Main Page: I.R.I.S.
The Kappa-IV Body[]
Main Page: The K4
The Kappa-IV Body, commonly abbreviated as the K4, is a small, yet dispersed multipurpose agency founded on November 5, 1997. Consisting of around 300 members, the group is primarily known for its briefness and efficiency in carrying out commissions; such tasks may include supplying resources, exterminating wanderers, retrieving information, and so forth.
"We are humanity's right hand man."
Kauer Research Organization[]
Main Page: The Kauer Research Organization
![Kauer Logo](
The Kauer Research Organization (a.k.a. the K.R.O.) is a multifaceted group in the Backrooms with the purpose of studying anomalous and harmful objects found in various levels. This group has stationed various outposts in certain levels, with the __cpLocation of their headquarters remaining classified. Kauer is a somewhat mysterious group, as their practices are kept secretive and their documents are mostly kept confidential; however, one major document has been declassified, that being the Kauer Thesis, which hypothesizes the cause and creation of the Backrooms as being an illusory tulpa created from the belief of many.
The Major Explorer Group (M.E.G.)[]
Main Page: The M.E.G.
The M.E.G. (Major Explorer Group) is a large and influential group existing within the Backrooms. The group was founded by The First in 1885, and finalized (in terms of leadership) in the year 1900. The M.E.G. acts as a form of government over many levels of the Backrooms, and is very effective in this role.
The prime directive of the Major Explorer Group is to help wanderers, and enact a government in the Backrooms to cease anarchy and chaos—in synopsis, the directive of the group is to be a helping hand. It accomplishes this through the Database and operatives advising Wanderers, with no way to enforce laws or physically help on many levels.
Comminatory Lifeform Extermination Faction (C.L.E.F.)[]
Main Page: Vouchsafed Contrivance
The Comminatory Lifeform Extermination Faction (C.L.E.F.) is a subdivision of the M.E.G. that is dedicated to undermining any and all threats to various M.E.G. bases within the Backrooms. This faction was founded in February 2004 after Level 9's Base Vox was annihilated by Procul Lumina.
It remains secretive, as its discovery could drive other colonies into war. Members are typically undercover in bases, or itinerate within multitudinous levels in relatively small groups known as Stanzas.
Main Page: Enigmatic Space Information Security & Protection System
The Enigmatic Space Information Security & Protection System (E.S.I.S.P.S.) is a program developed by the M.E.G. with the intention of creating a secure database of information regarding anomalous __cpLocations. Information pertaining to these __cpLocations is encrypted and securely sent between bases without the risk of being intercepted.
N.A.X.O.S., short for the: Navigators of Anomalous eXploration and Obscure Spaces, is an organization established by Adriaan Levy in the early 1980s with the purpose of preserving select habitable levels and conducting exploration to uncover additional levels. The organization is temperate, and by far the most diverse of all groups, with the reason for this being the loose joining policy. N.A.X.O.S's HQ is commonly referred to as 'Capital Ø' or 'Capital Nord'. Additional bases and outposts can be located on Level 154, the Absolute Infinity of the Unknown, Level 791 and much more.
The Party Crashers[]
Main Page: Party Crashers
The Party Crashers, known in earlier years as the "Anti-Jovials", is an extensive militia faction dedicated to preventing the spread of and exterminating the victims of the Sanguine Festivus virus. Founded in 1919, the organization has been a key player in maintaining safety and preserving society in the Backrooms by regularly sending battalions to patrol between colonies and offer rare and much-needed medical supplies and aid to those affected by SFV or other ailments, as well as making use of their extensive population and staggering arsenal of weaponry to exterminate infestations of those infected by the virus. Their most noteworthy exploits in recent history are the Euphoric Wars, a period of mass conflict between the Party Crashers and hordes of coordinated SFV victims spanning over three years and encompassing the vast majority of the known Backrooms at its peak.
![Record white](
Main Page: None.
The Record is the largest database in Para-Axiom Alpha. It features an almost limitless amount of information, sourced by countless Groups across countless universes (referred to as Axioms), and its main aim is to store this information in an easily accessible manner for its co-operators.
Not much known about The Record, as it keeps most of the information about its personnel and nature secret. It also does not interact with other Groups, apart from obtaining knowledge and research from them.
![Record white](
Main Page: None.
The Record is the largest database in Para-Axiom Alpha. It features an almost limitless amount of information, sourced by countless Groups across countless universes (referred to as Axioms), and its main aim is to store this information in an easily accessible manner for its co-operators.
Not much known about The Record, as it keeps most of the information about its personnel and nature secret. It also does not interact with other Groups, apart from obtaining knowledge and research from them.
Republic of Aurielle[]
![Republic of Aurielle New](
Republic of Aurielle
Main Page: Republic of Aurielle
The Republic of Aurielle is a group of approximately 35,000 members. It has its roots in war, although during the formation of Aurielle, the group's goal was to revolutionize technological advancements in the Backrooms in order to potentially thrive within them in the future, as it attempted to dissociate itself from the bloody Vistokan Wars. However, ever since then it has been involved in several wars with various groups, causing a shift from peace to patriotic ideals and an embracement in its military culture.
Despite their priorities having shifted from peace to war and any facet regarding it, they continue to indirectly innovate and better life within the Backrooms, purging it of dangers through entity clearing operations, peacekeeping missions, and other activities. Aurielle is a close ally of the Backroom Colonists, B.I.F., and other groups; though, they strongly oppose the M.E.G. for orchestrating various wars against them.Reconstructionists[]
The Reconstructionists
Join the system, or die from it.
A separation from the ideas of reshaping and making the Backrooms "their own", Reconstructionists believe there is a system which humanity fits into. Their goal is to find that system, and learn how to work the best within it. There is no god in the liminal.
The Royal Exploration Unit[]
Main Page: Royal Exploration Unit
The Royal Exploration Unit, or R.E.U., is group that recently surfaced. The group has been in the Backrooms for a long while now but was only located in Level 248, a previously undiscovered level. So far, the R.E.U. has been extremely friendly to any and all wanderers, even establishing an official alliance with the M.E.G. and eager to establish a inter-organisational treaty. Their purpose seems to establish clonies across as many levels of the Backrooms as they can without overstepping their jurisdiction. They have been extremely cautious to not step on anyone's toes. Interestingly enough, they have a navy docked on their level and a large army and militia. None of their military has seen action as of yet.
They Who Seek (T.W.S.)[]
Main Page: They Who Seek
They Who Seek, also known as "The Seekers" or "TWS", is a cultist group that worships an Empyrean named “He Who Sees”. The group was founded in the mid-1900s in which the followers sought to He Who Sees, AKA "The Seer" or "HWS", for immortality and any other things that they were promised by him, thus their name. The main goal of TWS is to convert and/or sacrifice enough people (preferably those who pose a threat) to HWS until he regains his former might. In the meantime, the other goal is to put a halt in the operations of other groups in the Backrooms as well, especially the M.E.G., so that they're weak enough to neutralize with ease when the time comes.
Zoology, Experimentation & Technological Advancements (Z.E.T.A.) []
Main Page: None
Z.E.T.A. (Zoology, Experimentation & Technological Advancements) is a large and influential group existing within the Backrooms, however it is unknown to the general public. The group's origins is unclear as it appears Z.E.T.A. is trying to censor information about themselves. Z.E.T.A. appears to be responsible for the origins of various objects, entities and even levels. Groups such as B.I.F., M.E.G. and The Backroom Colonists are actively helping in finding more information of this organisation.
The B.I.F managed to find information about Z.E.T.A., including a vague and incomplete history of the organisation. The B.I.F. claims that all evidence points to the fact Z.E.T.A. was a collaboration between small groups and splinter factions to originally help people and the M.E.G. to gain information of the Backrooms. However, they lied to M.E.G. about disbanding the group and now are out in the open. It is believed that the reason why Z.E.T.A. is hiding themselves is due to unethical experimentation and therefore the B.I.F. label Z.E.T.A. as a criminal organisation hiding in the shadows.