The Major Explorer Group (M.E.G.)[]
Main Page: The M.E.G.
The M.E.G. (Major Explorer Group) is a large and influential group existing within the Backrooms. The group was founded by The First in 1885, and finalized (in terms of leadership) in the year 1900. The M.E.G. acts as a form of government over many levels of the Backrooms, and is very effective in this role.
The prime directive of the Major Explorer Group is to help wanderers, and enact a government in the Backrooms to cease anarchy and chaos—in synopsis, the directive of the group is to be a helping hand. It accomplishes this through the Database and operatives advising Wanderers, with no way to enforce laws or physically help on many levels.
The Enigmatic Space Information Security & Protection System (E.S.I.S.P.S.) is a program developed by the M.E.G. with the intention of creating a secure database of information regarding anomalous locations. Information pertaining to these locations is encrypted and securely sent between bases without the risk of being intercepted.
Comminatory Lifeform Extermination Faction (C.L.E.F.)[]
Main Page: Vouchsafed Contrivance
The Comminatory Lifeform Extermination Faction (C.L.E.F.) is a subdivision of the M.E.G. that is dedicated to undermining any and all threats to various M.E.G. bases within the Backrooms. This faction was founded in February 2004 after Level 9's Base Vox was annihilated by Procul Lumina.
It remains secretive, as its discovery could drive other colonies into war. Members are typically undercover in bases, or itinerate within multitudinous levels in relatively small groups known as Stanzas.
M.E.G. -
Groups -
Absolute Infinity Of Unknown -
A Long Ride -
Beyond, part i -
Eternal Disappointment -
Base Alpha -
Level 218
All items (41)