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For other uses of "Legends", see Legends (disambiguation).

"But there might just come a day when we need the Legends to do what they do best."
"Which is what, exactly?"
"Be the chainsaw.
—Rip Hunter and Ava Sharpe[src]

The Legends of Tomorrow[1], usually simply referred to as the Legends, are a group of "outcasts and misfits" who operate to protect the timeline after the destruction of the Time Masters. Eight of these individuals classified as heroes and villains were initially recruited by Rip Hunter as an "elite team" each possessing a particular set of useful skills/abilities, while also having a minimal effect on the recorded timeline, in an effort to stop Vandal Savage from conquering the world. After they defeated Savage, the team dubbed themselves the Legends and began to protect the timeline from various threats.

In one alternate timeline created by the Legion of Doom, known as Doomworld, the Legends had their memories erased with some working for the Legion while Rip Hunter was imprisoned in the miniaturised Waverider. After Heatwave returned their memories to them after defecting from the Legion, the Legends became aberrations themselves when they altered their personal history. Most of the original Legends who came from the Doomworld timeline were killed during the final battle against the Legion, except Sara Lance, Martin Stein and Gideon who were erased from existence with the Doomworld timeline.

In another series of alternate timelines created while attempting to put things back to normal after John Constantine changed his past, the Legends were known as the Custodians of the Chronology, the Sirens of Space-Time and the Puppets of Tomorrow.[1]

After the Legends saved Alun Thomas' life, the Time Police arrested them for their meddling with the timeline. It is currently unknown where they are being held or what they're doing now.

The current members of the Legends are Sara Lance, Ava Sharpe, Behrad Tarazi, Zari Tarazi, Astra Logue, Esperanza "Spooner" Cruz, Gary Green, Gideon, and Gwyn Davies.


Original multiverse[]

Vandal Savage[]

Legends assemble

All of the Legends agree to help Rip, except for Jax.

After stealing the Waverider, Rip Hunter traveled to January 2016 and recruited Sara Lance, Martin Stein, Jefferson Jackson, Carter Hall, Kendra Saunders, Mick Rory, Leonard Snart and Ray Palmer to join his mission. Rip told the team they were all considered legends in the future and showed them of the destruction Vandal Savage caused 150 years from then. Rip then gave them thirty-six hours to make up their minds. All but Jefferson Jackson agreed to join the team, the former of which was drugged by Martin Stein and brought to the Waverider.[2]

The team traveled to 1975, just twenty-four hours prior to Dr. Aldus Boardman's death. Rip Hunter left to see Aldus Boardman with Martin, Ray, Carter and Kendra while Sara, Leonard, and Mick left for a bar and Jefferson stayed behind at the ship. While meeting with Dr. Boardman, Martin Stein sensed Jefferson was in danger and the team rushed back to the Waverider. The team engaged in a brief battle with Chronos as Sara, Leonard and Mick returned. The team managed to escape but Aldus was critically wounded, later dying.[2]

Legends Sara thought Rip was a Time Master

The team realizes that Rip Hunter lied to them.

Rip later admitted that the eight of them weren't remembered as legends in the future but were instead the exact opposite; Rip chose them specifically because their absence wouldn't have any significant impact on the timeline and his main motivation for assembling the team had be saving his wife and son who were murdered by Savage. While everyone began having second thoughts on the team, the eight eventually decided to join Rip Hunter, resolving to change their destinies and become true heroes.[2]

The remaining of Rip Hunter's team bidding farewell to Carter Hall and Aldus Boardman

The remaining members of Rip Hunter's team bidding farewell to Carter Hall and Aldus Boardman.

When Carter was killed and Kendra was fatally wounded by Vandal Savage, the team was forced to retrieve from the battlefield for better measurement.[3] Later, as Martin and Ray figured out how to stabilize Kendra, the rest divided into groups for different agendas; Snart and Rory, with Jax as the driver, visited Central City as part of Snart's attempt to change his own past, while Sara and Rip went to cripple Savage's fortune, only to find out his most valuable resource wasn't wealth, but something called the vessel, which turned out to be the corpse of Carter, Savage feeding his minions, such as Mr. Blake, with Carter's blood to give them increased strength and longevity. Snart's group aided Sara and Rip in time, and they managed to recover Carter's body. Afterwards, the team set a resting place for Carter and Aldus Boardman and said their goodbyes.[4]

Tracking Savage in 1986 after infiltrating the Pentagon, the team learned that he was currently aiding the Soviet Union, working with scientist Valentina Vostok. Arriving in Russia, Ray attempted to make contact with Vostok to convince her that Savage was using her while Stein infiltrated her lab, but he soon realized that Savage's true goal – which Vostok fully supported – was to try and create his own version of Firestorm.[5] With Stein, Ray and Rory captured, Hunter was forced to contemplate killing Stein to prevent Savage learning the key to making his own Firestorm, but despite Vostok managing to trigger a combination of her and Stein into a new Firestorm, Jax was able to help Stein break free of her, causing Vostok to blow up and destroy Savage's gulag while the team escaped.[6]

Oliver and Connor stand over Grant Wilson

The team assembled alongside Oliver and Connor in 2046.

When a subsequent attack by Chronos forced the Waverider to crash-land, the team found themselves in a desolated Star City in 2046, where various gangs ruled the streets led by the ruthless Grant Wilson, only opposed by Connor Hawke after Oliver Queen had "retired" following his defeat by Grant. Although Rory contemplated staying in this era, the rest of the team were able to rally Oliver to stand up and fight once again, defeating Wilson and prompting the gangs to disperse.[7] During the events of the Anti-Monitor Crisis, Sara learned that the team actually crash-landed on Earth-16, rather than in an alternate future of Earth-1.[8]

Rip Hunter's team decide on how to discipline Mick Rory

The team decides how to discipline Mick

The team suffered a further blow when their attempt to get a data upgrade from an active time ship resulted in them being attacked by time pirates, with Rory nearly betraying the team when Hunter revealed during an argument that he had actually only recruited Rory because he and Snart were a package deal and he actually had no interest in Rory. When the team managed to drive the pirates away and get the upgrade, Snart arranged for Rory to be left behind in an unspecified time rather than kill him.[9]

Their subsequent attempt to find a new lead on Savage in 1956 resulted in the Waverider being attacked by Chronos, forcing Hunter, Stein, Jax, and Snart to take off without Sara, Ray or Kendra.[10] Although Hunter was able to regain control of the Waverider after Chronos departed with Snart, Ray, Kendra, and Sara were in the past for two years, resulting in Ray and Kendra developing a relationship while Sara returned to the League of Assassins out of a lack of anywhere else to go. When the team traveled to Nanda Parbat to rescue Sara, they were confronted by Chronos once again, but Snart revealed that Chronos was actually Rory, retrieved and brainwashed by the Time Masters to act as their agent.[11]

Legends in 2147

The team in 2147.

A subsequent trip to the future to try and alter the circumstances of Savage's final rise to power failed,[12] although the team were able to rally themselves during a trip to 1871 Salvation in time to save the town from local bandits, as well as time assassins sent after the team.[13] Faced with the threat of temporal assassin the Pilgrim, the team were forced to abduct a teenage Rory and Sara, along with the infant Stein, Jax, and Snart, and take them to the orphanage where Rip was raised as a child, simultaneously working with Hunter's childhood self to take the Pilgrim by surprise and kill her.[14]

With options exhausted, the team traveled directly to the time when Savage was just about to begin his plans for global conquest, allying themselves with Savage's daughter to infiltrate his plans. Although Palmer was able to defeat Savage's greatest weapon of a giant robot by reversing the polarity of his suit so that he could grow, Kendra abandoned a chance to kill Savage when she realized that one of his minions was the latest reincarnation of Carter Hall, Scythian Torvil, instead choosing to hold Savage prison while trying to break Torvill's conditioning.[15] Learning that Savage's army was using technology from the future, Hunter tried to make another appeal to the Time Masters to sanction his mission, but was shocked to learn that the Time Masters were working with Savage,[16] believing that only Savage could lead Earth against an alien invasion in the future.

Rip Hunter's team walk off to begin their new adventure

The team walk off to begin their new adventure.

Despite the odds against them, the team were able to escape and sabotage the Time Masters' equipment, Snart sacrificing himself to save the others,[17] culminating in them facing Savage's plan to perform a twisted ritual that would turn time back to 1700 BC so that he could rule the world from the beginning. Although the ritual required Savage to perform it in three separate timelines over a meteor fragment similar to the one that made him immortal in the first place, its radiation rendered him so vulnerable that anyone could kill him, allowing the team to split into three groups and kill him in all three time periods. While Kendra and Carter decided to "retire" to 2016, the rest of the team decided to stay together to protect the timeline now that the Time Masters were lost. However, as they began to walk away, their ship reappeared, out of it comes a man who introduced himself as Rex Tyler, a member of the Justice Society of America. He warned them not to get on their ship,[18] as well as to not travel to 1942.[19]

The Spear of Destiny[]

The Legends discover an aberration where New York City was nuked in 1942

The Legends discover an aberration where New York was nuked in 1942.

Heeding Rex Tyler's warning, they eventually found themselves in the château of King Louis XIII in France in 1637, intending to make sure King Louis and Queen Anne of Austria consummated. However, they were interrupted by assassins wielding future technology. While most of the Legends fought them off, Queen Anne seduced Sara. Once they were back on the Waverider, Rip lectured them on using superpowers, before letting them know of their next potential mission: an atomic bomb detonating in 1942 New York, rather than the historical explosions of 1945 Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Deciding to take the risk, despite Tyler's words of warning, they landed in 1942, Sara going off on her own side-mission to secretly find Damien Darhk, secretly followed by a miniaturized Ray.

An aberration where New York City was nuked in 1942

an aberration where New York City was nuked in 1942.

Leaving Jax on the ship, Rip, Mick and Stein all headed to a physics symposium, intending to kidnap Albert Einstein before Nazis could do so. He initially struggled, before Stein knocked him out. Back on the ship, they talked to Einstein, who revealed that his ex-wife Mileva was also a physicist and therefore could have aided the Nazis. They were able to find the Nazis, along with Darhk who was working with them. They managed to retrieve Mileva, but Darhk got away on a submarine. The Legends quickly followed behind on the Waverider. After launching the atomic bomb, Rip decided to speed up the ship, heading on course for the bomb before it could reach New York. In doing this, he subsequently sent all of the Legends randomly throughout time, away from the explosion. In order to protect Mick, who wasn't fit to time travel, he placed him in stasis, before recording a final message for his crew and the Waverider colliding with the atom bomb.[19]

The Legends face the Justice Society of America

The Legends are stopped by the Justice Society of America

Years later, in 2016, Mick was found by historian Nate Heywood and Oliver Queen and Mick told them the entire story. Oliver then returned to Star City, while Mick, aided by Heywood's knowledge of history, went to find the rest of the team. Ray landed in South Dakota, 70 million years ago; Jax and Stein in Tintagel, England in 821, where they had become "wizards"; Sara in 1693 Salem, where she was to be hanged as a witch. Once they were back on the ship, they asked Gideon if she could locate Rip. Unable to, she instead played his last message to them. Hoping to actually fix the timeline, Nate suggested they safeguard the Einsteins, traveling back to Columbia University in 1942, where they pretended to be OSS agents, instructing Albert Einstein to name Mileva as his collaborator on the Manhattan Project, forever disallowing anyone suspicious from ever going near her due to her fame. As they left the announcement, they were stopped by a group of heroes, who introduced themselves as the Justice Society of America.[19]

The Legends in the JSA Headquarters

The Legends meeting Rex Tyler in the JSA Headquarters.

The confrontation became tense and then broke out into an all-out fight which had the JSA victorious over the Legends. At first, the JSA had considered the possibility that the Legends were, in fact, Nazi agents but Nate Heywood revealed that he was Henry Heywood's grandson and had his own version of his grandfather's dog tags. The Legends met with Rex Tyler but he claimed to not know or even have met any of them before. The Legends then attempted to leave, but as they left 1942 Heywood realized that his grandfather's dog-tags had vanished, suggesting that the JSA was now about to die as history changed. Following the JSA to Germany on their latest mission, the Legends attempted to help out as Stein acted as the team's new leader, but when his actions saw some of the team being captured, Stein deferred to Sara as the new leader due to her superior tactical experience, allowing them to coordinate a new plan to defeat the Nazis' efforts to use a new super-serum. In the process, Heywood was seriously injured, but Ray saved his life with a modified version of the serum that also granted Nate the ability to transform into living steel.[20]

After JSA member Rex Tyler was killed by Eobard Thawne and only able to reveal that he was killed by a time traveler before dying, his teammate Amaya Jiwe, or Vixen, followed the Legends onto the Waverider and attacked Rory, believing him to be Rex's killer but was stopped by Nate, using his new abilities given to him by Ray's serum. After confirming their innocence Amaya decided to remain with the team to find Rex's killer as it seemed to be the time traveler responsible for the rash of time aberrations the Legends were hunting. When an accident saw Ray and Nate being trapped in feudal Japan and Ray's suit stolen by the shogun, the team were forced to destroy the suit to save a village.[21] Ray faced some doubt about his role in the team in the absence of his suit, but after the team prevented a 'zombie' outbreak during the American Civil War after a future virus was released in the past, Rory gave Snart's old cold gun to Ray so that he could act in the field.[22]

Investigating an aberration at the White House in 1987, the team came across Damien Darhk as he attempted to acquire something during the American/Soviet nuclear disarmament treaty, simultaneously meeting Stein's past self and learning that Darhk was working with a speedster to more directly change history.[23] Ray was able to use dwarf alloy salvaged during a later mission to rebuild his suit, as well as make a suit for Nate, who'd expressed his desire for one, as whenever he used his powers, his clothes would stretch out of shape.[24] When the team returned to 2016 to help Team Flash and Team Arrow fend off an alien invasion by the Dominators, Stein learned that his actions in 1987 had resulted in him having a daughter with his wife, although he only shared this revelation with Jefferson, and asked that he conceal the daughter's status as an aberration from the rest of the team.[25]

The Legends in Chicago

The Legends in Chicago.

While investigating an aberration that resulted in the death of Eliot Ness before he could start the chain of events that led to Al Capone's arrest, the team discovered that Damien Darhk was now working with Malcolm Merlyn and the unidentified speedster.[26] After this team was able to claim a mysterious amulet which could be used as a compass to the Spear of Destiny; a powerful artifact that had the power to change reality. Now knowing what they were after, the Legends tracked the other team, nicknamed the Legion of Doom by Nate, to Hollywood to 1967, where they discovered Rip Hunter, now with no memory of his real identity and working as a film student. They realized the Legion must have tracked the Spear to Rip and attempted to rescue him and restore his memory, but faced of against the Legion who managed to capture Rip.[27]

The Legends enlisted the help of Stein's daughter to connect amulet to Gideon enabling them to track the other pieces of the spear, determined to track them down before the Legion could. Stein deduced that the Legion's speedster was Eobard Thawne, now existing only as a time remnant after he was erased from history through Eddie Thawne's sacrifice and seeking to use the Spear to change this. Unfortunately, the team were unable to stop the Legion acquiring a recording of Rip's memories and 'editing' it so that they could restore Rip with a personality that would ally with the Legion,[28] Rip created an aberration by killing George Washington in 1776 so that he could lure in the team there and force them to return the amulet.[29]

When they realized that Rip had given the other fragments of the Spear to the JSA and then scattered the team across time, the team attempted to find them, but they were too late to stop Rip from killing Doctor Mid-Nite in the year 3000 and taking his piece, although they tracked Stargirl to Camelot in time to save Arthur from the Legion and capture Rip.[30] Although Rip was able to disrupt Gideon's systems and force the Waverider to crash in the prehistoric era, Sara and Jax were able to restore him to normal by entering his mind and finding the part of his original consciousness that remained underneath the Legion's reprogramming while the others repaired the ship.[31]

The Legends stand around the whole Spear of Destiny

The Legends with the Spear.

Rip managed to lead the Legends to 1965 where he left Commander Steel with the final piece of the spear but he was now lost. Without Rip's help, the rest of the team managed to track him to 1970 during the Apollo-13 mission. Under Sara's leadership, they retrieved his fragment of the spear that he had put on the moon, after which Rip questioned his place on the team, telling Sara she was a better captain than he ever was. Although she told him he sounded like an outcast, much like the rest of them.[32] To get the other pieces of the spear, Rip took them to the Vanishing Point where the Legion had set up their base of operations. They managed to get by Eobard Thawne and retrieve the two fragments of the spear that they had. Back on the Waverider, they managed to assemble it and make the spear whole. They discovered that to destroy the spear, they needed the blood of Christ. Sara wanted to go to the crucifixion but Rip shot that idea down as the event was too precious to tamper with in any way.

Nate then found that the blood of Christ could be found in France in World War I, during 1916, due to the famous author J.R.R. Tolkien and his research. Amaya learned about what happened to her village and the fate of her daughter and granddaughter which started to weigh on her mind. She began to be drawn to the spear to use its power to spare her family from heartaches as Rory was drawn to it to never have burned his parents alive. Rory also had been seeing Snart and thought that it was just a trick in his mind as he'd been seeing him sporadically for a while now but it turned out that now Snart was real. The Legion had decided to step up their game and recruited Snart by going back in time and meeting him before he joined the Legends. With Snart, Rory switched sides and gave the Legion the spear so that they could all use it to get what they wanted, including himself. He tried to have Amaya join him but she refused. The Legion then retreated and the blood of Christ was destroyed in the onslaught, allowing the Legion to change reality.[33]

When the Legion rewrote reality, Darhk, Merlyn, and Thawne all took action to eliminate their greatest enemies of the Green Arrow and the Flash, but Thawne left the Legends alive so that he could enjoy tormenting them. Sara and Amaya were 'rewritten' into Damien Darhk's personal henchmen who he would send out to hunt and kill anyone that tried to stand in his way, even the new timeline's version of Felicity Smoak. Martin and Jax were made into employees that oversaw a secret project for Thawne in S.T.A.R. Labs while Ray had been the lab's janitor, with Jax abusing and tormenting Martin so that he would be forced to keep working long hours on his assigned projects. Rip and the Waverider were also shrunk down and kept as a trophy piece in Thawne's office. As for Nate, he was made into a conspiracy theorist that no one listened to and lived in his mother's basement.

Nate, however, was feeling 'scars' left behind from the old reality that drew him to realize that the world wasn't quite right and went to Thawne for help, although Thawne simply ordered Snart and Rory to kill him when he was getting too close to the truth. At the time, Rory was starting to have second thoughts and then stopped Snart from killing Nate and they went to get the rest of the team. They went to Ray who had also been feeling the effect of the scars and made a device to 'undo' the changes in someone's brain. With that device, they were able to put themselves back to normal and later Sara, Amaya, and Jax. Through Jax, they learned that Thawne's project was a thermal reactor that he was building for the purpose of incinerating the spear and destroying it to make the new reality permanent.

The Legends face Thawne in Doomworld STAR Labs reactor

The Legends face Thawne in Doomworld.

As they moved to get to S.T.A.R. Labs, the team felt like they couldn't trust Rory after everything that happened, which drove him back to Snart and the Legion. They rushed to try and stop Stein from finishing it but Thawne was onto them and rushed over to stop them. The speedster was ready to destroy the spear but Darhk, Merlyn, Snart, and Rory arrived as they had been planning to eliminate Thawne with the spear. A fight broke out to try and gain control of the spear with Mick ending up with the spear. Snart tried to have Mick give it to him but Nate tried to remind him what happened the last time he gave his old partner the spear. Amaya then told Mick that she still believed in him and he handed it to her to try and fix this reality. Amaya started to use the spear but she was then frozen solid by Snart in front of everyone before he shattered and killed her. Thawne then took the spear and destroyed it to cement the new reality.[34]

Legends of present and future face the Legion

The Legends of the present and the future get ready to face the Legion of Doom.

To try and change the world back, Sara came up with a last-ditch effort, to go back in time and prevent the Legion from taking the spear from them. Rip warned that to go back and participate in events they already participated in was dangerous but they felt it was the only move left. Jax then asked what would happen to them if their past selves destroyed the spear and they realized that they would be erased as they wouldn't exist if the Legion hadn't gotten the spear in the first place, making them aberrations. They tried to get the blood of Christ and leave it for their former selves to find but Thawne was wise to their plan and destroyed it. He then went and ripped into Ray's chest and pulled out his heart, killing him. The team then decided to try and steal the spear from their past selves but failed in keeping themselves from being discovered. Meeting with themselves had started to cause a time quake, and then later a time storm when they tried to time travel away with the spear as the Legion started to attack them. The time storm crashed the Waverider which left the team stranded but they still had the future Legends' Waverider to use but their future selves would have to be left behind.

Eobard brings his past selves to confront the Legends

Eobard confronting the Legends with an army of time remnants of himself.

The Legends, both present, and future, moved to get passed the Legion as they went for them to get the spear. In the ensuing fight, Jax, Mick, and Nate of the future were killed by Merlyn, Snart and Darhk respectively. But the Legends of the present managed to incapacitate the three of them. However, before they could make it to the Waverider, Thawne appeared with multiple versions of himself from across time. Sara saw no other choice but the use the spear and began to activate it. Thawne rushed through, killing future Rip and knocking the team away before moving for Sara. Sara was then shown a vision of Laurel through the spear that compelled her to do the right thing even if it meant that she wouldn't be able to come back to her. Thawne then grabbed the spear from her and tried to use it himself but saw that Sara had changed reality to make it so the spear was powerless. He was ready to kill Sara for her act but he was then caught by Hunter Zolomon and then erased from existence, along with his copies. Sara then saw as the future version of herself smiled at her victory before she disappeared. The Legends then moved to take the Legion back to their proper places in time so that they could resume their timelines.

Amaya was getting ready to return to 1942 when Nate came to her and told her that he wanted to go with her. Amaya knew Nate's place was on the ship but Nate insisted that his place was with her. Amaya then decided to stay with the Legends a bit longer as her and her descendants' destinies would still be waiting for her in 1942. Rip, however, decided to leave the team as he felt that it had done better with Sara as its captain then it ever did when he was leading them. Sara didn't want him to go but he insisted that he had nothing more to teach them and wished them luck as he left the team and the Waverider in her hands.[35]

Legends see they've broken time

The Legends see how they have broken time.

The team then decided to celebrate by following Mick's wish to go to Aruba but found themselves caught in another time storm. The effect of encountering themselves had caused greater effects as they realized when they landed in 2017 Los Angeles to find that the past, present, and future were all jumbled together.[35] After exiting the Waverider, they discover many buildings out of time in the area as well as Tyrannosaurus, before they can react, the dinosaurs walk into portals. Suddenly Rip Hunter arrives, revealing that while he has been gone to them for ten minutes, he has actually been gone for five years and has created the Time Bureau, informing the Legends that they are no longer required as the Bureau will deal with the anachronisms. He thus disbands the Legends, takes the Waverider from them and leaves them.

Over the next six months, both Sara and Ray are made legally alive, though Ray is unable to get his company back, the two falling into dead-end jobs at a department store and minor tech company respectively. Nate and Amaya move in together at Central City, Nate trying to act as a hero to Central City alongside Kid Flash, while Jax goes to college for his mechanical degree and Martin stays at home to be with his wife and act as a father to his daughter, although they schedule weekly meetings to re-merge as Firestorm to maintain stability. Mick leaves for Aruba to relax and get drunk. While at their home, Amaya sees on the news of her granddaughter, Mari. She decided to go to Detroit and watched her granddaughter save several people. She then visited Rip, who informed her that if she does not return to her timeline, Mari will eventually fade away. She decides to return to 1942.[36]


"But there might come a day when we need the Legends to do what they do best."
"Which is what exactly?"
"Be the chainsaw.
—Rip Hunter and Ava Sharpe[src]
Sara challenges Julius Caesar

The Legends face Julius Caesar.

The team eventually came back together after Mick encountered Julius Caesar during his vacation, prompting him to contact Sara for assistance in sending Caesar back to his time, which prompted her to call Nate and Ray. They infiltrated the Time Bureau and learnt what they were describing would be a so-called anachronism, people and things displaced in time caused by the Legends breaking time. Rip initially turned down their offer of help in the belief that the Bureau could handle any problems, but although their subsequent efforts to send Caesar home nearly gave him the chance to change history with a stolen history book, the team were able to convince Bureau Agent Ava Sharpe to give them a chance when their plan to stop Caesar succeeded where the Bureau's failed (As well as Rip arguing that the Legends could be useful against Mallus,[36] a mysterious demonic entity and ancient feared enemy of the Time Masters.)

Recruiting Amaya back to the team to help them deal with a displaced saber-toothed tiger,[37] the team go on to find another member in the form of Zari Tomaz, a hacktivist from a corrupt future where A.R.G.U.S. has begun capturing and imprisoning meta-humans, also discovering a mysterious water-manipulating assassin. They are confronted by agent Sharpe, demanding they hand over Zari's location so she can be put back in her place it time. When they refuse and pulls a stunt which almost destroys both of their ships, Sharpe vows to track them down and send them to the outskirts of time.[38] Following a calamity where Ray is nearly erased from history when his pre-teen self is killed while protecting a young dominator, Jax sets out to find a way to separate himself and Stein as he comes to recognize that Stein wants to spend time with his new family as his grandson is born rather than remaining on the team.[39]

As Nate identifies a pattern to the aberrations caused by the battle with the Legion, they discover a series of outlying aberrations not linked to this pattern, which included murders in 1895 London, seemingly committed by a vampire. While investigating, they run into Rip Hunter who begs for their help, telling them the outliers are the cause of Mallus and he needs them to stop them. Although they are initially skeptical due to his earlier betrayal, they agree to work together on the condition that he gets the Time Bureau off their backs. However, they soon discover there never was a vampire but a cult of Mallus' followers collecting blood to resurrect the body of Damien Darhk. Sara wants to destroy his body before they can go through with it, but Rip, seeing it as his chance to face Mallus, locks the Legends in the Waverider so the resurrection can go through and attacks Darhk, failing spectacularly as Darhk is alive and well, many of his agents are killed and he has to be saved by the Legends. Sara scolds him for betraying them again and calls the Time Bureau who arrests him and tells her the Legends are free to roam the skies.[40]

The Legends continue tracking anachronisms, including finding Helen of Troy displaced in 1930s Hollywood where they run into Darhk again who almost kills Sara before she is saved by Firestorm[41] and Gorilla Grodd appearing in the Vietnam War.[42]

Earth-1 heroes and Earth-X rebels listens to Oliver of Earth-X's bargain

The heroes of Earth-1 and Earth-38 unite against the forces of Earth-X.

Seeking a vacation, the team traveled to 2017 to attend the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West, but this resulted in them facing an invasion from Earth-X, the darkest universe in the multiverse, where Nazis won the Second World War, this world ruled by the counterparts of Oliver Queen and Supergirl, aided by a version of Eobard Thawne, who sought to capture Kara to use her for a heart transplant after Overgirl's recent surplus charge of sunlight had damaged her physiology. Although several heroes were captured and taken to a camp on Earth-X, they were saved by the world's local heroes Leo Snart and Ray Terrill. However, Martin was shot during the escape, and even with his connection with Jax keeping him alive long enough to get to the Waverider, his injuries were too serious to be treated, resulting in Stein eventually forcing Jax to give him the means of triggering their separation in order to prevent Jax dying with him. With Stein's sacrifice giving them something else to rally behind, the three teams of heroes and Supergirl joined together to stop the Earth-X forces, with Oliver and Kara killing their counterparts and most of Earth-X's soldiers devastated by the heroes, while Eobard Thawne escaped.[43]

After Stein's funeral, Earth-X's Leo Snart decides to stay on Earth-1 with the team for a while. After a complex case involving America nearly being erased from history because a younger Stein was trapped in the tenth century with a Beebo doll, Jax decided to take a leave of absence to cope with his own grief after Stein's death.[44] When they were contacted by John Constantine to investigate events at an insane asylum, the team learns that he had been trying to help a young Nora Darhk who was being possessed by Mallus. After agreeing to help him, Leo, Sara, and Constantine ended up stuck in 1969 but were able to get back to the present when Sara allowed Mallus to possess her. After a fight with the Mallus possessed Nora, the team learned that they need the six totems of Zambezi in order to defeat him. Believing he succeeded in his mission, Leo left the team to return to Earth-X to propose to Ray Terril.[45]

Legends team meeting

Legends work together with Rip Hunter and Ava Sharpe.

After discovering that Damien Darhk had taken the Fire Totem from 2018, the team decided to pursue the Earth Totem in 1717. After talking with Blackbeard they learned of the totem's whereabouts but once again ran into Darhk who takes Amaya's Anansi Totem. After a fight with the Darhks, the team was successfully able to capture the Earth Totem when Ray shot Nora Darhk with his special ninite pistol. However, fearing he may have killed her, Ray went back to 1717 with a cure resulting in him being captured by the Darhks.[46] Ray is located by the Legends when he destroys part of the Berlin Wall in 1962. Sara sends Wally West to rescue Ray and in the process, he also retrieves the Fire Totem. Before he joins the Time Bureau, Sara is able to convince Wally to join the team instead.[47]

Later, the team started experiencing changes in their personal lives and realized the cause of these changes was a tragedy that occurred in Memphis in 1954 which lead to the world never experiencing rock and roll. The team runs into Elvis Presley who they learn has possession of the Death Totem. After preventing the Memphis tragedy, Presley gives the totem to the team and Ray locks it away in a box.[48] While the Legends were correcting anachronisms, Mallus used the Death Totem to possess Sara. After Sara incapacitated most of the crew, John Constantine returned to try to free Sara from Mallus's control but was unsuccessful. Fortunately, Rory learned how to control the Fire Totem and used it to knock out Sara who fought her way out of Mallus' control after the team removed the Death Totem.[49]

After Amaya sent them to check up on her granddaughter Mari who got hurt in the present, Wally and Nate teamed up with Kuasa to retrieve Amaya's totem. When they retrieved the totem, Kuasa seemingly betrayed them and allowed Nate to be captured and tortured by the Darhks. Kuasa returned the totem to Amaya and Amaya teamed up with her and Wally to rescue Nate from Nora. During the battle, Nora ripped the Water Totem out of Kuasa, killing her, and forcing the Legends to flee. After witnessing Kuasa's death, Amaya decided to travel to 1992 on the jump ship to try to change the fate of her village and her family.[50] Nate informed the team of Amaya's plans and Sara sent him and Wally to stop her, as saving her village would result in an anachronism big enough to release Mallus from his prison.

The Legends and Damien Darhk attempt to release Mallus

The Legends and Damien Darhk attempt to release Mallus.

Meanwhile, Sara, Ray and Mick teamed up with Rip to protect a young Barack Obama from Grodd who they shrunk and captured in a glass jar. They were confronted by Damien Darhk who, having realized that if Mallus was released, his daughter would die, wanted to team up with the Legends to stop him. The team eventually agreed to work with him as long as Sara could kill him when they were done. Instead of stopping Nora, the team decided to allow Mallus to be released so that they could kill him using the six totems. They headed to Zambesi in 1992, in order to make sure Amaya's village was saved so that Mallus would be released. However, Damien betrayed them and released Grodd who attacked the village. Nate was able to stop Grodd and in the process, Nora died and Mallus was released.[51]

The Legends use the Totems of Zambesi to manifest as Beebo to take on Mallus

Beebo vs. Mallus.

After Mallus was released, Rip sacrificed himself by blowing himself and Mallus up with the Waverider's time drive to buy enough of time so that the Legends could escape and come up with a plan. The Legends hid in the Wild West and met up with Jonah Hex but were soon face by Mallus' army composed of Romans, Pirates and Vikings. After the Legends tried to use their totems to form a being strong enough to defeat Mallus but were unsuccessful, Ava Sharpe arrived with reinforcements, including former member Jax. Meanwhile, Ray helped Damien Darhk travel back in time to save Nora by taking her place Mallus' vessel. When Mallus arrived in the Wild West, the Legends used the power of six totems to create a giant Beebo which destroyed Mallus once and for all. After the battle, Amaya left the Legends to resume her destiny and returned to 1942.[52]

Magical creatures[]

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Legends on vacation

The Legends on vacation.

The Legends went on a holiday in Aruba but were interrupted by John Constantine who arrived with Gary Green and informed them of their latest screw-up; when they released Mallus from his realm, other demons and mythological creatures were released as well.[52]

Wally decided to leave the team, taking some time off to travel the world while the rest of the Legends spent the next five months fixing the final anachronisms and scouring the timeline for magical creatures but found no trace of any. Finally they tracked a magical creature in the form of a murderous unicorn to Woodstock 1969 and with Constantine's help banished it to Hell. Constantine declined Sara's offer to join the Legends as he insisted he worked better alone.[53] However, he soon changed his mind, appearing on the Waverider although he insisted he was not a Legend and was merely offering his services as consultant. He aided them in stopping the Fairy Godmother in Salem 1962.[54]

Nate who still struggled to get over Amaya and wanted to avoid being reminded of her by being on the Waverider,[55] decided to stick around in 2018 a bit longer as he was starting to build a better relationship with his father and was offered a job at the Time Bureau.[54]

The Legends tracked magical activity to the punk rock band The Smell in 1977 in London. Ray infiltrated the band and discovered leading band member Charlie was a shape-shifter although found himself sympathizing with her and asked the team to not send her to Hell. When the rest of the team didn't listen, he revealed the truth to her and offered to hep her but she knocked him out, impersonated him and stole his suit which she then attacked the other Legends with. They managed to capture her but couldn't go through with sending her to Hell after she turned into various members of the team, ending with Amaya, telling them they were the real monsters for sending someone innocent to Hell. They instead took her captive on the Waverider.[55] After proving herself useful by giving them information about the magical creature, the shtriga who was kidnapping children at a summer camp during their next mission, they released Charlie and she was welcomed as a new member of the team.[56]

Charlie's first mission with the Legends

Charlie's first mission with the Legends.

Constantine was left at the brink of death after using powerful magic to save one of the kids taken by the shtriga[56] so they decided to seek the help of Nora Darhk who was on the run from the Time Bureau after Ray had helped her escape, believing she deserved a second chance. While the rest of the Legends went on a mission to 1951 Tokyo where they found Brigid's diary, Ray found Nora who used her magic to save Constantine before turning herself into the Time Bureau, wanting to pay for her mistakes.[57]

After questioning why the Time Bureau was spending so much money on the Legends, Nate's father and the Bureau's funding department head Hank Heywood had Nate bring him on the Waverider for a surprise visit. The Legends scrambled to keep themselves presentable and hide Charlie who was still stuck in Amaya's body. However, Nate was shocked when they saw her and the Legends explained everything, though asked her to pretend to be Amaya as to not let on to Hank that they were harboring a fugitive. They got an alert for a creature in 1927 Paris but Hank questioned why so many people were needed so Sara told him they always split into two teams and ordered Ray, Charlie, Constantine and Zari to stay on the ship while she, Nate and Mick brought Hank with them on the mission. Hank got distracted when running into a young Ernest Hemingway and ignored Nate and Sara's insistence that they needed to do research to know what they were dealing with and had the team go after the monster with Hemingway without knowing what they were up against. Thusly, Hank was hurt during the battle and the team retreated to the Waverider so he could heal in the medbay.

Nate and Charlie figured out they were dealing with a minotaur and they came up with a plan to lure it out and calm it with music to get it to the Time Bureau unharmed. Although Hank didn't believe in the plan and started talking down to Nate who finally stood up for himself. Hank then told him that if he wouldn't listen to him then perhaps he would listen to his captain, expecting Sara to agree with him. However, she told him Nate's plan would work and if they failed he could fire all of them. It all went according to plan until Hemingway tried to shoot the creature and fight broke out, though Hank eventually managed to calm it when he took up a guitar and started playing a song. Afterwards, Hank told them he finally saw the value of the Legends and Nate told Sara that even though it had been fun to be back he belonged at Time Bureau now. Before he left, the Legends had a pizza party together.[58] The Legends then tracked down a dybbuk, the spirit of serial killer Mike the Spike who was possessing dolls and committing murders in New Orleans 1956[59] and defeated him.[60]

Time freezes as the Legends fight

Constantine's meddling in history time wave, altering the timeline.

After Charlie and John Constantine went back in time to stop John's ex-boyfriend Desmond from being dragged to Hell after being bonded to the demon Neron,[59] they created an altered timeline in which Constantine never joined the Legends. Without his help, Sara was killed by the unicorn at Woodstock and Zari was turned into a cat by the Fairy Godmother. With Sara dead, Nate, Mick and Ray formed the Custodians of the Chronology with Mick's creation Garima who hunted magical creatures with a "shoot first, ask never" policy, wanting revenge for Sara's death. Charlie and Constantine enlisted the help from Ava Sharpe who grieved Sara's death to fix the timeline and she attacked the Custodians while Charlie and Constantine left to fix the timeline.

After going back in time and saving Sara by shooting down the unicorn, a new timeline was created where Ray, Mick and Nate were all killed by the Fairy Godmother and Zari still turned into a cat. Sara together with Gideon in her human form and Ava Sharpe created the Sirens of Space-Time who hunted down and killed magical creatures to avenge the guys' deaths. Charlie attempted to infiltrate the Sirens, posing as Amaya but Gideon could see through her and she was unable to convince them to change their ways. The sirens were armed and ready to attack her but she ran off in order to change the timeline again.

Puppets of Tomorrow

The Puppets of Tomorrow.

After they went back in time and Charlie convinced Prudence to release her Fairy Godmother and she instead bonded with Rory and became his partner in crime and left the Legends. Thinking of them as "puppets" to the Time Bureau, Rory turned the remaining Legends into puppets and they became the Puppets of Tomorrow who sang songs and learnt lessons.

Charlie made multiple attempts to restore the timeline and finally reached one were none of the Legends had died or left the team. However, as Zari convinced Constantine to go back and the restore the original timeline, Zara posing as Ava Sharpe went for the Legends help to stop him by saying the Time Bureau had detected magical activity in New Orleans 2018. However, without having ever met Charlie this version of the team still killed fugitives without asking questions. The Legends located the multiple versions of Constantine from different times, believing them to be the shape-shifter and Sara ordered Ray and Mick to shoot. Charlie tried to convince Sara not to do it by revealing her identity but Sara was intent on killing her, making Charlie realize she was the missing piece in the timeline. Just as Ray and Mick were about to shoot Constantine, his efforts to restore the timeline worked and the original timeline was restored.[60]

After restoring the timeline, Constantine informed Sara of the threat of Neron, a dangerous demon who had been hunting him.[60]

The Legends stuck inside the Getaway

The Legends stuck in a RV.

The Legends helped Mona Wu after she was framed by for helping a kaupe escape the Time Bureau and discovered Hank Heywood was involved in a cover-up at the Bureau and was experimenting on the creatures. They helped hide Mona and got on bad terms with the Bureau.[61] Mona then joined the team to hide from the Bureau while Zari joined the Time Bureau as an agent to help Nate expose Hank from the inside. While the Legends were on a mission to save President Nixon from magical interference, they were informed that the Time Bureau was after them and forced to flee the Waverider, ending up in a stolen RV. However, Nate managed to convince Hank to let the Legends go free and they returned to normal.[62] Zari and Nate returned to the team after quitting the Time Bureau.[63]

Nora Darhk later joined the team after Ava was kidnapped by Neron who was preparing her to be a vessel for his lover Tabitha. The Legends saved her and captured Neron at the Time Bureau. Nora and Constantine worked together to separate Neron from his vessel but he escaped and secretly possessed Ray.[64]

The creation of Heyworld caused the Anti-Meta-human Act of 2029 to never pass which changed Zari's past. These changes resulted in her brother, Behrad, joining the Legends instead of her.[65]

Anti-Monitor Crisis[]

The team was disbanded after Ray Palmer and Sara Lance fought in the Anti-Monitor Crisis, but couldn't use the Waverider, instead going on a different one.[66] After the crisis, the team was reformed on Earth-Prime.[67]

New multiverse[]

In 2015, Rip Hunter recruited the Legends to protect and fix the timeline.[68]

In 2018, the team fought a time demon by creating a giant Beebo using the Totems of Zambesi.[67]

In 2019, the Legends worked together in order to defeat a demon known as Neron, gaining public attention in the process.[69]

Fighting the Encores[]

Legends at the Palace of Versailles in 1793

Legends at the Palace of Versailles in 1793.

After defeating Neron, the team agreed to film a documentary. While they were filming their documentary, a time quake was detected in 1917 in Russia. The Legends travelled there to investigate the time quake and learned that Rasputin had came back from the dead. After they defeated Rasputin, Mona Wu left the team to focus on being the new Rebecca Silver and John Constantine told Sara Lance that Rasputin wasn't an isolated incident and that there would be more "encores".[69] Constantine later told the Legends that Astra Logue was the one behind the "encores". The team then defeated "encores" such as Benjamin Siegel[70], Kathy Meyers[71], Marie Antoinette[72] and Damien Darhk. The Legends also attended Ray Palmer and Nora Darhk's wedding.[73] After their wedding, Ray and Nora decided that they would leave the team after doing one last mission to start a normal life together.[74]

Search for the Loom of Fate[]

Legends see a group of zombies

The Legends see a group of Zombies.

After dealing with most of the "encores", the Legends began to search for the pieces of the Loom of Fate.[74] After finding all of the pieces of the Loom, the team planned to use it to resurrect Behrad Tarazi and Natalie Logue.[75] However, Lachesis convinced Astra not to resurrect her mother[76], while Charlie convinced her sisters to allow her to resurrect Behrad and the rest of the Legends as fictional characters in various television shows when they remade reality as Loomworld. With the help of Mona Wu and Gary Green, the Legends regained their memories and were eventually able to escape their television shows.[77] Ultimately, they were able to destroy the Loom, killing Atropos in the process. After freeing the world from Lachesis' control, the Legends celebrated their victory at a The Smell performance. Charlie left the Legends after the show to rejoin her band full time and set up some roots. When leaving the performance, Sara was abducted, unbeknownst to the rest of the team.[78]

Aliens scattered throughout history[]

"So there are aliens scattered throughout history."
—Nate Heywood[src]

Gary Green had abducted Sara because she was the "quintessential" human. However, when she attempted to escape, she inadvertently sent aliens into the Temporal zone and they began to fall into the timeline. The Legends abducted Esperanza "Spooner" Cruz[79] because she had the power to "sense" and locate aliens. Initially helping the team to find an alien that could lead them to Sara, Spooner eventually decided to join the Legends.[80] While searching for Sara, the Legends saw the origin of Big Belly Burger[80], stopped Lord Knoxicrillion from killing DJ S'More Money and conquering the Earth[81], and prevented World War III.

Sara reunited with the Legends

Sara is reunited with the Legends.

After the team found Kayla, Mick Rory made a deal with her where he would take her to her spaceship if she helped him find Sara.[82] With Mick taking the Waverider, the other Legends temporarily relocated to Constantine's house[83] until they found the Waverider belonging to a displaced alien in the form of Amelia Earhart who had stolen it and escaped back to Earth. They questioned Amelia and she eventually revealed that she had killed Sara and the Legends were left grieving. In reality though, Sara had died from poison but her memories and consciousness had been transferred to an human-alien hybrid clone of herself by Bishop.[84] Desperate to get Sara back, the Legends concocted a plan to go back in time to the day that Sara was abducted in an attempt to prevent her abduction from happening in the first place. Although their plan failed, Mick, Sara, and Gary eventually managed to escape Pliny X19 and were reunited with the other Legends back on Earth.[85]

Bishop's return[]

While most of the Legends were playing Beast/Slayers, Kayla boarded the Waverider. When Mick notcied that Kayla was missing a tentacle, he used the "meat printer" to regrow it for her. She later attacked both Gary and Mick and used the "meat prtiner" to make a new clone of Bishop.[86] When Sara left Beast/Slayers, she found Bishop. Instead of killing him, the Legends put him in the brig, so they could get information out of him. While he was in the brig, Bishop talked to Ava Sharpe and bonded with her. When Mick went into labor, Bishop broke out of the brig and helped deliver the babies. Bishop stole Mick's communicator while he was delivering the babies and later used it to maniplaute Constantine.[87]


The Legends try to contact Kayla.

After Constantine and Bishop stole the Waverider, they searched for the Fountain of Imperium. They eventually discovered that it was located in 1925 in Texas. Astra and Spooner were also aboard the Waverider and got off as soon as the figured out what was going on. After she got off of the ship, Spooner met her mom and her mom let her and Astra stay with her. In a forest, Constantine met a younger verison of Spooner and manipulated her into bringing him to her house where Astra and Spooner were. After Constantine used his powers on Spooner, she found out that the Fountain of Imperium saved her and sent her to the future when her mom was killed. Since the Legends didn't have anyway of figuring out where Constantine and Bishop went, they contacted Kayla who eventually agreed to help them. When the Legends arrived in 1925, they boarded their ship and discovered that Bishop had attached a bomb to the incubator that Mick and Kayla's eggs were in. In the forest, Astra helped a younger verison of Spooner get to the Fountain of Imperium in order to preserve history. Constantine was also in the forest and planned on using the fountain to restore his magic, but he was tricked into taking a poisonous serum by Bishop. While dying, Constantine said his one final goodbye to Astra.[88]

John and Bishop activate the Fountain of Imperium

Constantine and Bishop activate the Fountain of Imperium.

Depite the bomb attached to the incubator exploding, the Legends were successful in saving Mick and Kayla's eggs. The Legends reunited on the bridge of the Waverider, expect for Spooner who collapsed when the Fountain of Imperium started dying. Zari entered the bridge and told the rest of the Legends about Constantine's death while Astra showed them the mushroom that was left after his death. Behard later visited Zari and told her that he thought Constantine was inside a mushroom. However, she dismissed him. Nate later came up of the idea of kidnapping a younger verison of Bishop and using him to help save the Fountain of Imperium. After the younger verison of Bishop finished the antidote, the Legends injected Spooner with it and she started feeling better. Suddenly, Zaguron pods started falling from the sky. After seeing how many pods there were, Sara and Ava decided to get married since they knew the Zaguron Invasion would happen soon.

The Legends fight the Zagurons

The Legends fight the Zagurons.

Bishop showed up during Sara and Ava's wedding and started the Zaguron Invasion. When the Zagurons started coming towards them, the Legends retreated to the Cruz house. During the battle with the Zagurons, Spooner used a power she didn't know she had to temporarily transfer the Legend's powers between eachother. After Sara and Ava said their "I do's", the Fountain of Imperium awoke and killed all of the Zagurons. After the Legends exited the Cruz house, Mick and Kayla's children hatched from their eggs and and killed Bishop. After the Zaguron Invasion, Sara and Mick talked and Mick told her that he was leaving the Legends to raise a family with Kayla, leaving the team and beginning the next part of his life. Meanhile, Zari went to the forest where she found a resurrected Constantine. They decided to break up but before Zari left, Constantine gave Zari an old key and told her that she would find out what it was for. Constantine left the team to continue walking his current path alone, away from the Legends.[89]

Stranded in 1925[]

The Legends find out what is inside the fail safe

The Legends find out what is inside the fail-safe.

After their fight with Bishop, the Legends headed back to the Waverider when another Waverider appeared out of nowhere and destroyed their Waverider.[90] The Legends prepared to fight the ship's crew, but Nate Heywood's time courier had ran out of battery, leaving them stranded in 1925. After the Waverider's destruction, the Legends began searching for a fail-safe that had been installed on the ship. The team put on a circus to distract the town while Nate and Ava Sharpe got the fail-safe from the Sheriff's office. Inside the fail-safe the Legends found a note from Mick saying that he took the time courier, a Time Bureau manual, and Behrad's gummy bears. Ava read the Time Bureau manual and learned about Dr. Gwyn Davies, who laid the foundation for all of time travel, so the team came up with a plan to head to New York to find him. Tired of being stuck in 1925, Astra Logue tried use her magic to fix the the Waverider, but failed and collapsed. When J. Edgar Hoover arrived at the Cruz house, the Legends used the key that Constantine had given Zari Tarazi and learned that it created a doorway to a pocket dimension. To draw Hoover's attention away from the Cruz House, Sara and Ava robbed a bank as "The Bullet Blondes". After being followed by Hoover, Nate accidentally killed him and Gary ate the body to hide the evidence. Meanwhile, after Astra recovered from her injury, she accidentally resurrected Gideon as a human.[91]

The Legends outside of a shop

The Legends outside of a shop.

The Legends stole into Hoover's car and drove away. When the car broke down, Behrad tried fixing it, while Sara turned on a radio and listened to the news. The Legends got onto a train, with Nate, Gary, and Behrad staying in it while Sara and Ava entered the pocket dimension. In order to cover up Hoover's death and keep history on track, Nate used a potion to look like him. After Nate got kidnapped by Al Capone's men, Behrad and Gary got help from Sara, Ava, and Zari. The Legends were shocked when J. Edgar Hoover appeared and killed all of Capone's men, so Sara used a a bottle of whiskey to knock Hoover out. The Legends quickly realized that this Hoover was a robot. When it started a self-destruct sequence, the team got into a car and drove away. Meanwhile, Astra and Spooner were still at the Cruz house and dealt with Gideon being human. After Spooner discovered a new power, she and Astra realized that the Legends were in danger.[92] On their way to save the Legends, Astra and Spooner gave multiple commands to Gideon, causing her to collapse. Astra and Spooner combined their powers to enter Gideon's brain. While inside, they helped Gideon fight off the virus and save her memories by revisiting some of her old memories.[93] When the Legends arrived in Chicago, they tried not to be recognized by anyone as "The Bullet Blondes". A man named Eddie helped them and they repaid the favour after they caused him to lose his business. After Astra, Spooner, and Gideon helped a woman named Maude Beaumont, they heard about where the Legends were. However, they were too late and only found Zari's phone. In the pocket dimension, Zari switched places with Zari Tomaz, so she could help the team deal with the robot of J. Edgar Hoover.[94]

The Legends and Gwyn Davies escape the rogue Waverider

The Legends escape the rogue Waverider.

When the Legends arrived in New York, they searched for Gwyn Davies. Sara found him and stole his time machine blueprints, but Zari and Behrad told Sara it would take years to build it. The Legends discovered that Gwyn had successfully built a time machine and planned on using it. However, when Behrad added the missing part to the machine, Ava and Gary disappeared from the timeline. In order to get them back, Sara broke Gwyn out of a mental institute and made a deal with him. After Ava and Gary reappeared, the Legends were about to use Gwyn's time machine, but were stopped by Astra who cast a spell to cause a blackout. Once Astra, Spooner, and Gideon reunited with the rest of the Legends, they used the time machine to escape the Waverider that was hunting them. Gwyn Davies joined the team.[95]

Hunted by "evil Gideon"[]

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The Legends see Bishop

The Legends find out who was on the toilet that crashed the time machine.

After using Gwyn's time machine, the Legends ended up in 1986 in Chernobyl. Nate, to calm everyone down, took the captain role and gave everyone orders. While everyone went to do what he ordered, he thought about whether or not he should move into the Air Totem with Zari. Meanwhile, Zari and Gwyn got taken by soldiers, so Behrad broke them out and stole the pieces needed to repair Gwyn's time machine. Once the Legends reunited, the Waverider that was hunting them appeared again, so they hurried and used the time machine.[90] The Legends managed to escape the Waverider that was hunting them, but they didn't know where they were because Gwyn's time machine broke when Bishop crashed into the time machine on a toilet. Some military men were near the area, so the team distracted them and entered the pocket dimension. Sara, Ava, Gideon, Astra, and Spooner joined the Rosies, so they could get the parts needed to fix Gwyn's time machine while Behrad and Zari taught Nate Persian etiquette. Once the ladies got the missing parts from the factory, Gwyn was able to fix his time machine with the help of Gary. Bishop decided to help the Legends, so he created a neural navigational system that Gideon could use to navigate the time machine.

Behrad reveals his feelings to the Legends

Behrad reveals his true feelings to the Legends.

Since they had accidentally changed the timeline, "evil Gideon" found them and sent robots after them. The Legends were able to escape when Bishop sacrificed himself.[96] The Legends arrived in the pocket dimension since it felt like home to Gideon. They processed Bishop's sacrifice and asked Gideon if she was okay. While he was wandering around the house, Gwyn accidently opened the door to Hell and let something into the pocket dimension. Astra eventually figured out what Gwyn had let in and cast a spell to reveal to the rest of the Legends that they were on a reality show controlled by a cursed film crew who were employed by Harris Ledes. The show started arguments between the team, with Nate and Zari fighting over Zari Tomaz, Gary and Gideon fighting over their relationship, Gwyn and Sara fighting over Sara's promise that he could save one life, Sara and Ava fighting over their roles as co-captains, and Behrad and Astra mad at each other. The film crew's curse was lifted when Behrad revealed his true feelings to the team, including how he felt about having cameras in his face when he was younger, his death, and Astra. Once everyone apologized to each other, Gideon revealed her plan to plot a course for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 in Sarajevo in order to save him and stop World War I.[97]

The Legends see the evil Waverider from the distance

The Legends witness the arrival of "evil Gideon" and her robots.

The Legends learned about "Fixed Points" after Gideon elaborated on her plan to stop the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. The team then travelled to the day of the assassination in 1914 in Sarajevo. Sara and Nate were about to execute their plan to kill the assassins when a man stopped them and took them to The Fixed Point Bar. At the bar, the Legends learned more about "Fixed Points" and how time "fought back" anytime someone tried to change a "Fixed Point" while Ava and Gwyn tried to come up with a plan to save Alun Thomas. Sara and Nate came up with a plan to stop an assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, Behrad and Astra stayed together, Gideon and Gary talked to the Time Authority, and Zari and Spooner awkwardly hung out. Sara tried but repeatedly failed to stop the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and change a "Fixed Point". Meanwhile, Ava and Gwyn had a chat about how he should be able to love whoever he wants. While waiting for Sara's next attempt to stop the assassination, Zari proposed her and Spooner play "Smash, Marry, Kill". Spooner then realized with the help of Zari that she was asexual. When asking Zari what her type was, Spooner asked her about a man with a top hat. When they noticed that the man was gone, they told the rest of the Legends what they saw. Using an anti-time manipulator device that Gideon and Gwyn had created, Sara discovered that the man with the man with the top hat was Eobard Thawne and fought him. After their fight, the two talked and Thawne eventually decided to give Sara and the Legends 40 minutes to take the Waverider that "evil Gideon" was using.[98] The Legends managed to defeat "evil Gideon" as well as her Robot Legends and took the Waverider that they were using in the process. However, unbeknownst to them, Gideon was stabbed by a robot of Astra when she went into the pocket dimension to tell Ava and Gary about the team's success.[99]

In order to save Gideon, the Legends brought "evil Gideon" back online. When "evil Gideon" came back online she prepared to kill the team, but before she could do so they activated protocol 276 which prevented "evil Gideon" from killing them since she would be killing Gideon in the process and protocol 276 dictated that under no condition could Gideon self-destruct. In order to prevent "evil Gideon" from killing the Legends, Gideon told "evil Gideon" that the Legends would retire and she showed each of them a glimpse of their future to try to convince them to do so. The team eventually decided to retire after seeing their futures and feeling that it was the right thing to do for the sake of the timeline. Following the Legends' retirement, Gideon became the new captain of the Waverider.[100]

The Legends reunited in Constantine's pocket dimension where they learn that Evil Gideon had thrown Gary out of the Waverider, stranding him in prehistoric earth and that Gwyn Davies was killed trying to save Alun Thomas after learning that he was a robot. The Legends travel to 1916 where they meet the time fixer, Mike and save Gwyn Davies from being killed. The Legends convince the reluctant Mike to let them save Alun after learning that Gwyn Davies is the founder of time travel. Astra, Spooner and Gideon cause Evil Gideon to reveal the Waverider to a group of soldiers, causing Evil Gideon to take the Waverider into the time stream and self-destruct it in order to protect the timeline. She succeeds but Astra manages to save the three of them just in time by creating a protective shield around them. She uses her magic to rebuild the Waverider, now strong enough to do this. She returns the Waverider to the team but Mike steals it, stranding them again. They succeed in saving Alun Thomas but Nate Heywood loses his steel exterior in the process because it was corroded by mustard gas. After saving Alun, he bid one final farewell to the team before he retired to move in with Zari and maintain their relationship. Zari Tarazi gave him her totem because it made sense for him to have it as he was going to live there. Both Nate and Zari Tomaz retired from the Legends to start the next stage of their lives together. The Legends considered returning to Texas before the Waverider appeared again. They boarded the ship where they found Mike apologetic but annoyed that his job was now pointless. Suddenly, Mike's employers, the Time Police, showed themselves and arrested the Legends and Alun Thomas for 'time crimes.' Mike revealed he was known under the alias, 'Booster Gold.' It is currently unknown where they are being held in prison or what they are currently doing.

Possible future[]

The reunion[]

In a possible future in 2049, the Legends met up in a bar in Star City to reconnect, where they talked about their current lives and childrens' professions, such as Martina Jackson being a scientist at S.T.A.R. Labs and Alda Hall-Saunders being the vigilante Hawkwoman.[101]

Erased future[]

Fighting Cicada[]

In an erased future, the Legends fought an enemy known as "Cicada", but were unable to defeat him or learn his true identity.[102]

Known members[]

"Once a Legend..."
"Always a Legend."
—Sara Lance and Charlie[src]

Current members[]

Former members[]

Alternate timeline members[]


As the Custodians of the Chronology[]

As the Sirens of Space-Time[]

As the Puppets of Tomorrow[]

Known allies[]

Current allies[]

Former allies[]

Known enemies[]

Current enemies[]

Former enemies[]


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

The Flash[]

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 8


Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8


Season 3[]

Season 5[]


Season 1[]



The Chronicles of Cisco[]


Special attires[]


  • Every long term mission the Legends were on after defeating Vandal Savage was the result of a domino effect causing something else to go wrong.
    • The Anti-Monitor Crisis overlapped with the Encore problem, due to brining the Loom back into the same reality as the Fates.
    • The Magical fugitives escape said realm, with Nekron stealing Ray's body; planning to uaw the fugitives to spread fear and give him power. Result? Constantine goes to hell to get Ray's soul back, allowing Astra Logue access to the Soul Coins.
    • Astra begins releasing Encores from hell, Fett ng Lachessis' attention. Result? Lachessis and Atripos become aware of Charlie's location and that the Loom rings are now back in their reality.
  • Sara Lance and Gideon are the only original members of the Legends that remain on the team.
  • Carter Hall, Leonard Snart, Martin Stein and Rip Hunter are the only legends who have died permanently. Curiously, they are all original members. Although it is unknown if Leo Snart is also dead.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 "Legends of To-Meow-Meow"
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 "Pilot, Part 1"
  3. ↑ "Pilot, Part 2"
  4. ↑ "Blood Ties"
  5. ↑ "White Knights"
  6. ↑ "Fail-Safe"
  7. ↑ "Star City 2046"
  8. ↑ "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One"
  9. ↑ "Marooned"
  10. ↑ "Night of the Hawk"
  11. ↑ "Left Behind"
  12. ↑ "Progeny"
  13. ↑ "The Magnificent Eight"
  14. ↑ "Last Refuge"
  15. ↑ "Leviathan"
  16. ↑ "River of Time"
  17. ↑ "Destiny"
  18. ↑ "Legendary"
  19. ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 "Out of Time"
  20. ↑ "The Justice Society of America"
  21. ↑ "Shogun"
  22. ↑ "Abominations"
  23. ↑ "Compromised"
  24. ↑ "Outlaw Country"
  25. ↑ Invasion!
  26. ↑ "The Chicago Way"
  27. ↑ "Raiders of the Lost Art"
  28. ↑ "The Legion of Doom"
  29. ↑ "Turncoat"
  30. ↑ "Camelot/3000"
  31. ↑ "Land of the Lost"
  32. ↑ "Moonshot"
  33. ↑ "Fellowship of the Spear"
  34. ↑ "Doomworld"
  35. ↑ 35.0 35.1 "Aruba"
  36. ↑ 36.0 36.1 "Aruba-Con"
  37. ↑ "Freakshow"
  38. ↑ "Zari"
  39. ↑ "Phone Home"
  40. ↑ "Return of the Mack"
  41. ↑ "Helen Hunt"
  42. ↑ "Welcome to the Jungle"
  43. ↑ Crisis on Earth-X
  44. ↑ "Beebo the God of War"
  45. ↑ "Daddy Darhkest"
  46. ↑ "The Curse of the Earth Totem"
  47. ↑ "No Country for Old Dads"
  48. ↑ "Amazing Grace"
  49. ↑ "Necromancing the Stone"
  50. ↑ "I, Ava"
  51. ↑ "Guest Starring John Noble"
  52. ↑ 52.0 52.1 "The Good, The Bad and The Cuddly"
  53. ↑ "The Virgin Gary"
  54. ↑ 54.0 54.1 "Witch Hunt"
  55. ↑ 55.0 55.1 "Dancing Queen"
  56. ↑ 56.0 56.1 "Wet Hot American Bummer"
  57. ↑ "Tagumo Attacks!!!"
  58. ↑ "Tender is the Nate"
  59. ↑ 59.0 59.1 "Hell No, Dolly!"
  60. ↑ 60.0 60.1 60.2 "Legends of To-Meow-Meow"
  61. ↑ "Lucha De Apuestas"
  62. ↑ "The Getaway"
  63. ↑ "Séance and Sensibility"
  64. ↑ "The Eggplant, The Witch & The Wardrobe"
  65. ↑ "Hey, World!"
  66. ↑ "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two"
  67. ↑ 67.0 67.1 "Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Five"
  68. ↑ "Marathon"
  69. ↑ 69.0 69.1 "Meet the Legends"
  70. ↑ "Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me"
  71. ↑ "Slay Anything"
  72. ↑ "A Head of Her Time"
  73. ↑ "Mr. Parker's Cul-De-Sac"
  74. ↑ 74.0 74.1 "Romeo V. Juliet: Dawn of Justness"
  75. ↑ "Ship Broken"
  76. ↑ "I Am Legends"
  77. ↑ "The One Where We're Trapped On TV"
  78. ↑ "Swan Thong"
  79. ↑ "Ground Control to Sara Lance"
  80. ↑ 80.0 80.1 "Meat: The Legends"
  81. ↑ "The Ex-Factor"
  82. ↑ "Bay of Squids"
  83. ↑ "The Satanist's Apprentice"
  84. ↑ "Bishop's Gambit"
  85. ↑ "Back to the Finale: Part II"
  86. ↑ "Bored On Board Onboard"
  87. ↑ "Silence of the Sonograms"
  88. ↑ "There Will Be Brood"
  89. ↑ "The Fungus Amongus"
  90. ↑ 90.0 90.1 "Deus Ex Latrina"
  91. ↑ "The Bullet Blondes"
  92. ↑ "The Need for Speed"
  93. ↑ "wvrdr_error_100 not found"
  94. ↑ "Speakeasy Does It"
  95. ↑ "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist"
  96. ↑ "A Woman's Place is in the War Effort!"
  97. ↑ "Lowest Common Demoninator"
  98. ↑ "The Fixed Point"
  99. ↑ "Rage Against the Machines"
  100. ↑ "Too Legit to Quit"
  101. ↑ "The (Ex) Legends of Tomorrow"
  102. ↑ "The Death of Vibe"
