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"I'm the daughter of Vandal Savage, the immortal ruler of the world."
—Cassandra Savage to Leonard Snart[src]

Cassandra "Cassie" Savage is the daughter of the late Vandal Savage and a late unnamed woman. She was a loyal lieutenant of her father, believing in his goal for world domination to be a noble quest to unite the world. However, after learning that Vandal himself released the Armageddon virus, which brought chaos to the world and killed her mother, Cassandra turned on him and chose to aid the resistance.



Cassandra stood by her father's side as he gave a speech to his soldiers, and noticed Rip Hunter, Sara, Snart, and Mick in the crowd. When the members of Rip Hunter's team attacked after the speech, Cassandra fought Sara, during which Kendra noticed Cassandra was wearing the bracelet she (Kendra) wore on the day she died back in Egypt, telling Sara to grab it. However, more forces arrived, forcing them to retreat.

Later, Snart and Mick proceeded to steal the bracelet from her, but wound up having to kidnap her, only discovering once back on board the Waverider that she was Savage's daughter. After the team debated what to do with her, Snart went to talk with her, discussing their fathers. Cassandra expressed her belief that her father was trying to save the world from Per Degaton's Armageddon virus, the same virus that killed her mother. She dared him to torture her, but he left.

After Vandal attacked with the Leviathan, Snart released Cassandra, showing her innocent refugees they had rescued. She remained unconvinced of her father's villainy, until Snart had Gideon run footage of her father suggesting the release of the Armageddon virus. She returned to her father, causing him to be overjoyed. However, he noticed that her bracelet was gone (having been utilized by the team), leading him to realize her treachery. The rest of the team confronted Savage, but his guards arrived, forcing all, including Cassandra, to flee. Snart took Cassandra to a rebel base outside of the city, where she offered her assistance.[1]


Personally raised and trained by her father, Cassandra was a soldier who believed he was doing the right thing, tricked into believing that Per Degaton was the one who had unleashed the Armageddon virus, which had killed her mother and countless others. Once her father had killed Per Degaton and began a campaign to unite the entire world under his command, Cassandra believed that any violence he used was necessary as the rebels were wrong for going against her father.

Despite her strong allegiance to Vandal, she still had doubts about his actions deep down. It wasn't until Leonard Snart showed her that it was her father in fact who had unleashed the virus and was killing innocents to gain power that Cassandra switched sides and joined the Legends in taking down her father. Rejecting everything Vandal ever taught her, she denounced the immortal tyrant as her father.[1]


  • High level intellect/Expert tactician/Leader: Cassandra is an intelligent woman. Having been personally trained by her father, Vandal Savage, in the arts of war and subterfuge, Cassandra became a high-ranking member of her regime, having in-depth knowledge of all the tactics and methods of her army.
    • Expert of deception/Manipulator: Cassandra was trained in the arts of manipulation. However, she was unable to fool her father once changing sides.[1] 
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant/Martial artist: Cassandra has been trained by Vandal in close combat and martial arts, allowing her to defend herself from Sara Lance
    • Expert swordswoman: Cassandra is a highly trained swordswoman. She was able to hold her own against Sara, though Sara did seem to have the edge. Cassandra was also shown easily subduing multiple swordsmen during a sparring match. 
    • Expert knife welder/Knife thrower: Cassandra can throw knives with great precision. She threw a knife at Mick Rory (which he dodged) and killed a guard by throwing a knife in his back.
  • Indomitable will/High tolerance for pain: Cassandra mentioned that she was trained by her father to withstand all kinds of torture.[1]


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 1[]

Behind the scenes[]


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "Leviathan"