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"Look on my Earth, I had fame. I had power. I had respect. I was H.R. Wells! Ahhh! But when I looked in the mirror, I knew the truth and the truth was: I didn’t matter. I was a fraud. That is why I came to this Earth. So I can rewrite my story, both literally and figuratively."
—H.R. Wells to Cisco Ramon and Barry Allen[src]

Harrison "H.R." Wells (died May 23, 2017; pre-Crisis timeline) was the former director and face of S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth-19, former member of Team Flash, a good friend of Barry Allen, Wally West, Cisco Ramon and Jesse Wells, and a close friend/love interest of Tracy Brand.

He eventually was exposed for being a fraud of a scientist, and everything fell apart for him on his Earth. When his business partner, Randolf Morgan, solved the cryptogram sent by Team Flash, H.R. was given an opportunity to come to Earth-1 to write a novel on his adventures. To disguise himself on Earth-1, H.R. took on his partner's likeness and dubbed himself as "H.R. Randolf".[1]

Not long after moving to Earth-1, Team Flash figured out he had lied to them. However, H.R. managed to convince Barry Allen that he could redeem himself and he was allowed to stay for a period to prove himself. H.R. became the "ideas man" for the team and established the S.T.A.R. Labs Museum. After Cisco fought Gypsy, an enforcer of the Collector Agency, as H.R.'s champion in a trial by combat, he agreed to never return to Earth-19. H.R. was the first to train Wally West in his new speedster abilities as "Kid Flash" and later met his Earth-2 counterpart, Harry Wells.

During Team Flash's fight against Savitar, H.R. became close with Tracy Brand and helped her develop the Speed Force bazooka. However, he would sacrifice himself to save Iris West and prevent the future of Savitar from becoming real.

After the events of the Anti-Monitor Crisis, H.R. would return to help Team Flash due to being channeled into the mind of his last surviving doppelgänger, Harrison Nash Wells. He assisted in developing a plan with Harry, Sherloque Wells and Harrison Orson Wells to have Nash transfer the multiversal particles to the fusion sphere to power the Artificial Speed Force. After bidding goodbye to Team Flash, H.R. was absorbed into the fusion sphere alongside the other Wellses, powering the artificial Speed Force and granting Barry his powers back.


Original multiverse

Life on Earth-19

"Why, H.R., you could convince a cowboy to buy dirt in a sandstorm."
—H.R. quoting his business partner, Randolf Morgan.[src]

Harrison "H.R." Wells was business partners with Randolf Morgan, founding S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth-19 together. It was agreed Randolf made the tech while H.R. was to be the face of the company. This plan worked with H.R. using his natural charisma to lead S.T.A.R. labs as its director, using team-building exorcises to make them very efficient.

H.R. went on a date with a woman who wondered if he spoke another language, he quickly turned the inquiry into a joke.

At some point H.R. assisted the Flash of Earth-19 in tracking down meta-humans in "World War M" by acting as an idea man, about which he wrote several best-selling books.[2] Unfortunately, H.R. was found out as a fake, leading to his public humiliation and leaving him unable to make anything of his life now.

Cisco, Harry, and Caitlin watch H.R

H.R.'s holographic audition for Team Flash.

However, luck turned around for H.R. when Morgan cracked the cryptogram sent out by Harry Wells, Cisco Ramon, and Caitlin Snow. Deciding to respond, H.R. sent his own hologram to Earth-1 to communicate with the cryptogram's senders. In his hologram audition, he expressed interest in helping the Earth-1 heroes fight crime and find meta-humans, trying to show off his good humor. His audition was rejected by Harry, but he ended up being selected anyway.[3]

Moving to Earth-1

—H.R. Wells[src]

H.R. arrives on Earth-1.

When H.R. arrived on Earth-1, he greeted Team Flash by saying "Greetings Earthlings" in a deep tone of voice, though he quickly assured the team he was joking. H.R. then proceeded to call his Earth-2 doppelgänger handsome. He was then introduced to Team Flash by his doppelgänger. After Harry and Jesse Wells returned to Earth-2, H.R. jokingly questioned what his doppelgänger was about to say before returning to Earth-2. H.R. proceeded to ask if Earth-1 had a Big Belly Burger.[3]

While trying to track down a holographic monster, it was revealed that H.R. didn't have the scientific skills of his predecessors, being mostly an ideas man and the face of his company, rather than a genius scientist. Despite Cisco refusing to trust H.R., and Wally West calling him a conman, he tried to persuade Team Flash that he can be of some use to them, suggesting ideas for the team to develop, acting as their "muse", and taking part in the adventures so that he could later write a book about them. While most members of the team were disappointed, Barry Allen allowed H.R. to stay for some time and try to prove his worth as a teammate, before going back to Earth-19.[2]

Trying to find his place

"If a string is in a knot, patience will untie it. Patience can do lots of things, have you ever tried it?"
—H.R. Wells quoting his mother’s mantra[src]
S.T.A.R. Labs Museum Plan by H.R.

H.R. revealing S.T.A.R. Labs Museum plan to Cisco and Caitlin.

Looking over the history of Team Flash, H.R. told the team that sooner or later somebody would connect the dots regarding the use of the almost-abandoned S.T.A.R. Labs by the vigilante team assisting the Flash. To give S.T.A.R. Labs a cover, he proposed turning it into a museum, with him as its charismatic director. Deciding to go into town, H.R. was stopped by Cisco reminding him that Earth-1 is fearful of Eobard Thawne's murderous deeds, and he'd be shot on sight. He quoted his mother’s mantra about patience.

Changing his plans, H.R. appeared in his former partner's likeness, showing his facial transmogrification device from Earth-19 to Cisco and Caitlin. H.R. then joined Joe West, Cisco and Caitlin on a trip to the park cinema, on a viewing of The Shining, where he suddenly decided to flirt with Cecile Horton. The screening was cut short, as the meta-human criminal Shade appeared, attacking the citizens. Evacuating with Cisco and Caitlin, he stayed with them as Cisco hacked into the cars' computers, weakening Shade with the flashing lights.[1]

Training Kid Flash

After Wally's meta-human powers were restored by the Philosopher's Stone, H.R. noticed how the West family tried to limit Wally's training, refusing to see the youth's potential. H.R. then offered Wally to become a mentor in the use of the Speed Force, managing to train Wally to achieve speeds greater than those of Barry's start as the Flash.[4][5]

H.R. would also assist in the fight against the Dominators, where he spoke with Felicity Smoak and Thea Queen. During this event, he began to see Wally's potential as a hero.[5]

"Hey. You put my son's life in danger again."
"And he saved Barry's life. Joe, why...why do you think I help Wally? 'Cause I'm selfish, I get something--I don't get anything out of it. I help Wally 'cause the kid is special. He's extraordinary. His powers are extraordinary and look, I get it. I'm--I'm not his dad and I don't have the same safety concerns as you, of course not, but Joe, one thing I do know, the longer you deny someone their potential, the more they're gonna look for it elsewhere.
—H.R. defending Wally's aspirations to Joe[src]

H.R. celebrating Wally's speed results.

H.R. later continued to help Wally with the training, making it possible for Wally to achieve speeds much higher than Barry. When Wally revealed that the two were training to Joe, the two were met with scorn. Nevertheless, H.R.'s argument to Joe in favor of Wally learning how to use the youth's powers proved correct when Wally used the Speed Force to help Wally combat Savitar. When Savitar gets channeled through Julian Albert, Savitar reffered to H.R. as the "fake Wells" while identifying members of Team Flash. H.R. later attended the Christmas party at the West house, where he proceeded to have too much eggnog. He participated with the rest of Team Flash in giving Wally's first speedster suit and teased the nickname as "Kid Flash".[6]

H.R. was always trying to fine-tune everything for the opening of S.T.A.R. Labs Museum, however, meanwhile helped the team fight the Plunder. When the Plunder started robbing jewelry stores in the city and the Flash tried to catch him a second time, Kid Flash joined the fight, who decided to act, seeing the threat to Barry's life. This act, for unknown reasons, did not appeal to Barry, who did not want Wally on subsequent missions. As it turned out later, Barry's behavior was related to what the hero saw in the future - the death of Iris West at the hands of Savitar. When Cisco and Barry vibed to the future in 2024, one of the headlines they saw was the closing of S.T.A.R. Labs Museum, which H.R. wrote down in disappointment. Barry and Cisco observed a future H.R. on a nearby rooftop aiming a rifle at Savitar, seemingly confirming that the future could be changed. Knowing from the news that he saw at the stop about the intentions of the Plunder, he did not want to catch him in order to try to change the future and prevent the tragic version of events. The team decided not to lead to such an event and when the Plunder escaped, Kid Flash captured him instead of the Flash, thus confirming the future could be changed.

H.R. in his S.T.A.R

H.R. in S.T.A.R. Labs Museum during a school field trip.

After all the action, H.R. was called by Cisco to the museum, where the engineer showed the man that he had brought people - mostly schools, to spread the word about the location. Cisco fixed the holographic tour guide as well. H.R. thanked Cisco for making his dream a reality and potentially change the future headline. Then they all went to a housewarming party at Barry and Iris's new home, where H.R. gave them a turtle named McSnurtle as a housewarming gift.[7]

Hunted by Gypsy

"So she takes you back to Earth-19 and, what, you pay a fine?",
"The punishment for an unauthorized breach travel on my's death.
—Cisco and H.R. discussing Earth-19's policy[src]
Gypsy takes H.R

H.R. as insurance for Vibe's and Gypsy's trial by combat.

He then was hunted by Gypsy for breaking the inter-dimensional travel rule of Earth-19. Gypsy was able to track H.R. due to his broadcasting his writings throughout the multiverse. Cisco, in order to protect H.R., challenged Gypsy to a trial by combat. Fearing that Gypsy would kill Cisco, H.R. and Barry tried to get the drop on Gypsy, but the breather anticipated it. Gypsy would take H.R. as insurance for the fight. Vibe would eventually prevail against Gypsy. Admitting defeat, Gypsy allowed H.R.'s freedom. As Gypsy prepared to leave back to Earth-19, Gypsy asked that H.R. never return, as Gypsy would report and pretend he was killed, thus remaining unrivaled.[8]

Assisting Team Flash

H.R. continuously supported Wally's endeavors, even deciding to wager for Wally as the winner of a race against Barry, despite gambling being outlawed in his universe. When The Flash and Kid Flash raced on the streets of Central City, H.R. staked a hundred dollars on Wally, and when he saw that he was doing well, he raised the stake twice without expecting him to lose. Though Barry would win the race. When the new meta-man Clive Yorkin started to rampage in the city and threatened the life of Iris West, H.R. he came up with a brilliant plan by which to find the enemy. He intended to use Cisco's ability to show "Flashpoint", discovering the criminal's next target and effectively helping to arrest him.[9]


H.R. smiling at Harry after Grodd's attack

When Jesse arrived on Earth-1 and asked Team Flash to help save Harry from telepathic gorillas, H.R. was supporting the team emotionally all the time. When he saw that Jesse was upset about Wally, he tried to serve Jesse with a kind word, which in the end worked quite well. When the team returned with Harry and the girls' sorrows were over, H.R. he caught Wally and Jesse kissing, learning that the woman wanted to stay on Earth-1. Harry, staying for the next hours on Earth-1, could not come to terms with the fact that his stupider counterpart existed, who organized a "Friend’s Day" celebration in the laboratory. Later, H.R. aided the team in defeating Grodd and the Gorilla army, compromising himself to his counterpart.

Harry criticizing H.R

H.R. and Friend's Day celebration criticized by Harry.


H.R. watched from the lab as the speedsters from S.T.A.R. Labs trained in the city streets, gearing Wally up to speed to save Iris. When it finally happened, joy ensued, and upon returning to the base, Barry announced being engaged to Iris. After Wally was attacked by Savitar as it turned out that the young speedster had been seeing the enemy for a long time and was hiding it from the team as well as Barry being engaged to Iris only because the two were not engaged in the future and thus could turn the tide, the team contacted Savitar several times through Julian and found out that Caitlin had stored a piece of the Philosopher's Stone. With such an advantage, the team did not expect Kid Flash to end it all by stealing the artifact and throwing it into the Speed Force which dragged Wally in as the one trapped in the Speed Force while freeing Savitar once and for all. After the Flash eventually lost to Savitar and ended up in the laboratory with a large stab wound, Jesse, unable to come to terms with what happened, did not know what to do to which H.R. came to comfort. Jesse embraced him and began to cry on his shoulder, finding in him "fatherly-like" support.[12]

"I shouldn't be surprised. Us Wellses...we are forces to be reckoned with."
"That we are.
—H.R. and Jesse Wells[src]
H.R. hugging Jesse goodbye.

H.R. hugging Jesse goodbye.

H.R. inspired the team to try to save Wally, in which Barry would visit the Speed Force ​​again. He helped Julian, Caitlin, and Cisco create a return device that would help bring Barry back to Earth if necessary. As the rescue mission began, Jesse asked the team to help target via Savitar's armor, which the team did quite quickly. H.R. guessed that the girl wanted to defeat the enemy personally, but the team backed him up to prevent from doing so. The heroine, however, was so stubborn and took the blade and knocked out H.R., meeting Savitar soon after. H.R. communicated with Jesse to help fight against Savitar, explaining that "god" did not need the protection of armor. He meant that Jesse should hurt the enemy with the exposed body element. After Wally and Barry returned, Jesse chose to leave through Jay Garrick's absence from Earth-3 to which H.R. says goodbye. H.R. told the team about the joint discovery regarding the enemy.[13]

When in S.T.A.R. Labs opened a portal, the team greeted Kara Danvers/Supergirl and another team, who needed help. As it turned out, the mysterious Music Meister appeared on Earth-38 out of nowhere, attacked D.E.O.'s agents, stole the heroine's Interdimensional extrapolator and fled to Earth-1 to find "the fastest man in the world". As the bands tried to "recover" Kara, an unexpected guest appeared in the building - Music Meister, whom the Flash ran to deal with. H.R. advised Wally that in order to recover, Wally could not stand still, but had to act immediately. During the fight, Music Meister also hypnotized Barry, demonstrating Supergirl's abilities, after which he escaped. The teams tried to save their friends, not knowing exactly what was happening to them. As Music Meister began to terrorize Central City, Kid Flash, Vibe, and the Martian Hunter defeated him, then trapping him in the pipeline. On the enemy's advice, as Barry and Kara began to deteriorate, Iris and Mon-El decided to use Vibe's abilities to save them, and eventually succeeded. After a while, Music Meister himself showed up, stating of only intending to give a lesson to the brokenhearted, after which the criminal disappeared and is not a criminal, then disappeared singing a song.[14]

When the team fought Abra Kadabra, H.R. was on a date. When he returned, he saw Caitlin undergo surgery while he was away. After a short conversation, the woman's condition began to deteriorate, and despite many attempts at resuscitation, Cisco declared her death. Julian could not come to terms with the loss of Caitlin, so Julian took off Caitlin's necklace, turning the woman into Killer Frost while saving the latter's life. H.R., Cisco, and Julian were pushed away by an icy blast against the walls, and their friend's evil personality escaped.[15]

Fighting Savitar and finding love

When Barry decided to travel to 2024 to learn more due to fearing Savitar would win and kill Iris to which Wally helped open the portal and managed to get back with a plan even though the team still didn't know who was hiding under Savitar's armor. Everything was watched closely by H.R., who tried to loosen the atmosphere of the team.[16]


H.R. and Tracy discussing the Speed Force.

H.R and the team decided to follow Allen from the future and found Tracy Brand, who in the distant future was to help build the device which trapped Savitar. The heroes found their target at the university, where they noticed that the woman was going to give up the chosen field of study. As if that were not enough, Killer Frost attacked them, forcing everyone to flee. H.R. later found the woman in CC Jitters, where he tried to protect from another attack and persuade to continue research. The conversation, however, was interrupted by another attack by Killer Frost, which again failed.

Accordingly, Tracy was taken to S.T.A.R. Labs, where the heroes outlined the whole thing for Tracy and what would happen in the future, thus asking Tracy to continue research and help in capturing a dangerous speedster, to which the woman initially agreed. But when Tracy decided to run away to think it all over, an honest conversation with H.R. convinced Tracy not to, before Joe's girlfriend is found to be in trouble and Tracy must be used as bait. The plan worked, and thanks to the Flash and Vibe, no one was hurt. The sight of Savitar convinced Tracy even more that the latter needed to help the team, which made H.R happy.[17]

Tracy was working on the Speed Force bazooka when H.R. offering Tracy a moment to rest. Attempts to relax the scientist led to a kiss, which the man got scared and ran away. Some time later, flustered, he returned and made Tracy understand what the needed to change on the machine. Tracy presented the whole matter to the team, informing the group that it would need something extraordinary to power the machine, generating huge amounts of energy.[18]


H.R. salutes goodbye to Cisco.

H.R. and Tracy worked on the device knowing there was little time left. After a few hours, Barry brought the element needed to power the bazooka, which Barry and Leonard Snart had acquired. Savitar pretended to be Barry to get information from H.R. about the location of Iris. While Tracy got the device ready and with the team went to Infantino Street, H R. spoke to Cisco and apologized for everything, considering it all to be his fault. Cisco asked the man to take care of the lab while the engineer was away, which the writer promised by answering "until next time".[19]


"I couldn't be a coward...I'm not a coward."
—H.R. Wells to Tracy Brand [src]
"Please tell Cisco: this took strength and he gave it to me."
—H.R. Wells to Barry Allen about Cisco Ramon [src]
HR Death

H.R.'s death.

After unintentionally revealing Iris's location, H.R. is stricken by the guilt of letting Iris be captured so he uses Savitar's severed metal claw to locate the speedster. He then released Iris from the chains being bound in. Before the two could escape, Savitar and Killer Frost noticed and H.R. had no choice but to use the facial transmogrification device to switch places with Iris. Before Savitar realized that H.R. had taken Iris's place, Savitar fatally stabbed him, altering the timeline and allowing Team Flash to erase Savitar from existence. He would turn off the facial transmogrification device, revealing he was stabbed and Iris escaped. Before dying, he told Tracy of being brilliant and that he loved the scientist. He also asked Barry to pass on a message to Cisco. H.R. died in Barry's arms while Tracy sadly watched.[20]

Erased future

In the original timeline where Savitar succeeded in killing Iris, Barry pushed everybody away from S.T.A.R. Labs and H.R. subsequently closed S.T.A.R. Labs Museum and moved on to "better things". At some point, H.R. became a famous author on Earth-1 publishing many best sellers novels. He also bought CC Jitters and renamed it "H.R. Jitters".


H.R. ready to assist once again.

In 2024, H.R. wrote a best selling novel called "The Streak vs Mister Reflecto". During a reading at H.R. Jitters where H.R. was also secretly trying to seduce 3 women, he was kidnapped by a younger version of Barry from 2017 before Iris's death along with Joe, Julian and Cisco. Barry apologized for how things turned but convinced them to help stop Mirror Master and Top, and the team happily reunited as H.R. was also reunited with his drumsticks. After the Flash's two versions defeated the criminals together the team's former leader apologized for pushing them away and asked them to give a chance to make things right which they all agreed on. H.R. then happily proposed they have drinks at Jitters to celebrate Team Flash's reunion.[16]

New multiverse

Rewritten Fate

After the Anti-Monitor Crisis, H.R.'s brainwaves survived and were channeled into Nash Wells, along with the other versions of Harrison Wells of the original multiverse.[21]

Powering the artificial Speed Force

"I love this part."
—H.R. Wells presenting a solution with other Wellses[src]
Harrison "H.R

H.R. as a vision to Nash.

H.R. worked with Harry, Sherloque Wells, and another doppelgänger in brainstorming and presenting Nash with a plan that would possibly allow Barry's speed to be restored: Nash, being full of multiversal energy from all the versions of Wells, would use himself as the fuel for the artificial Speed Force.

Nash Talks to Harry, Sherloque, Orson and H.R

H.R and his counterparts presenting a solution to Nash.

One upside of the plan is that Nash would finally be free of his other counterparts, though as this plan was not fully fleshed out, they had theorized it would also cost Nash's life as well, leading Nash to initially decline. Nash used Allegra Garcia's wavelength powers on the Artificial Speed Force generator, which accidentally sent the his counterparts' brainwaves into Barry.


H.R. in Barry's body.

H.R. briefly reappeared in Barry's body and played his drumsticks, before Barry fainted since Barry's mind couldn't contain an infinite number of brainwaves, and is only kept alive through the remaining Speed Force.

"Hey, B.A. How's it going? He's so fast. Oh, no. B.A., don't be upset. This... this is not goodbye. It's just... 'till our next communion."
—H.R.’s final words to Barry Allen[src]

Allegra and Chester P. Runk eventually returned his counterparts' brainwaves to Nash who decided the only way for Barry's speed to return is to sacrifice his life and touched the fusion sphere, H.R. briefly resurfaced as Nash transferred the particles to say farewell to Barry again before his energy was absorbed into the artificial Speed Force.[21]


Original multiverse

"H.R. understood life. He wasn't a genius, and he didn't have super-speed. But when we needed him the most, he was a hero. He was my hero."
Iris West at H.R.'s funeral[src]
"The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why."
Mark Twain, H.R.'s tombstone[src]

H.R.'s tombstone with the epitaph by Mark Twain.

H.R.'s death was avenged when Iris fatally shot Savitar before being able to attack Barry before the time remnant was erased from the timeline.

H.R. saved Iris and was remembered as a hero by the team, alongside the other members who died. Even Harry, who labelled H.R. as a moron and despised him prior to his sacrifice, could not help but respect him after his death.[20]

H.R. is remembered by Barry and Iris amongst their deceased loved ones acknowledged by Sharon Finkel.[22]

H.R.'s death weighed on Barry's conscience. His name was on one of the gravestones that appeared in his Speed Force hallucination while fighting Bloodwork's infection.[23]

While everyone in Team Flash sat waiting for the Anti-Monitor Crisis to arrive, believing that these were the last moments with Barry who was destined to vanish in an apparent death, Cecile mentioned one of H.R.'s quotes about Barry.[24]

New multiverse

The Hall of Fallen Heroes

H.R.'s drumsticks on display amongst other notable objects in the Hall of Fallen Heroes.

H.R. would be remembered for his sacrifice (alongside his other counterparts) in order to grant Barry's powers back. H.R's name was nano-engraved onto the wall to protect his memory from any timeline changes. His drumsticks would be placed on display with Harry's glasses, Sherloque's brandy bottle, and Nash's bandolier in the "Hall of Fallen Heroes" in S.T.A.R. Labs.

The artificial Speed Force had adverse effects on Barry and gets destroyed, but their sacrifice was not in vain as 0.01% of the particles were used to resurrect the Earth-Prime Harrison Wells (who ultimately assisted Barry and Iris in bringing the original Speed Force back to life).[25]

Caitlin and Chester worked on one of the facial transmogrification devices used by H.R. to hide Frost from Kristen Kramer, but Frost did not want to use it.[26]


"I found my place. It's standing here with these people, against you."
—H.R. Wells to Savitar[src]

H.R. was shown to be very humble, with a laid-back yet upbeat demeanor. Friendly and eager to try new experiences, he jumped at the chance to travel to a new universe and help in crime-fighting; though he knew Earth-19 would send a collector after him eventually. He had a strong sense of humor, having his entrance to Earth-1 as a set up for a joke. Even Caitlin noted "Wells with a sense of humor, that's new". Being the face of S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth-19, he had acquired qualities of a charismatic leader. A team player, he quickly shown when joining Team Flash a desire to connect with everyone, have learned all he could about his allies, brewed coffee to everyone's personal taste, and even suggested a "corporate bonding" game. H.R.'s adventurous side, along with his proclaimed helping with his Earth's Flash, also showed itself in his hobby of writing books. After being found out by Team Flash, H.R. still tried to keep the jokey demeanor and sell his "idea person" act to his teammates.[2]

Like Harry Wells, H.R. was not without his own feelings of guilt. Hating having spent much of his life as a charlatan and being praised for false accomplishments, he wants to start fresh on Earth-1, proving that he can still contribute to something great despite not being a genius like his other known doppelgängers. At the same time, he appear to want to emulate them more, as he has been trying to learn more about science and listens to stories from the team about what great accomplishments they performed. H.R. knows about Cisco's past bond with Eobard Thawne. As noted in his recording, H.R. hopes he can help Cisco recover from the pain of Eobard's betrayal. When Barry Allen and Cisco rummaged through his personal belongings, trying to vibe who he really is, Wells dropped the cheerful act, addressing Cisco in an emotionless, almost-threatening voice, eerily similar to that of Thawne; though it was because his privacy was being invaded. He's also shown to be a ladies man as he told Caitlin Snow that he was single when he first met Caitlin and was able to seduce Cecile Horton with his sense of humor.

H.R. also had a desire to help people realize their true potential, as upon seeing Wally West's natural talent with his newfound speed and strong desire to help people with it, H.R. decided to helped train Wally and develop the youth's powers.[5] H.R. was shown to be a big celebrator of Christmas, a holiday also celebrated on Earth-19. He was shown to have actually decorated the cortex of S.T.A.R. Labs, and even put on an ugly sweater. When everyone was down about their recent fight with Savitar, H.R. reminded them it was the holidays and actually got them to celebrate.[6]

Despite the bravado personality, H.R. had an extremely brave side. This could have added on to the guilt of his actions during his life. H.R was brave enough to sacrifice his own life to break Savitar's time loop and to save Iris West.

Even after his Post-Crisis return, H.R. had zero hesitation when it came to the prospect of sacrificing himself once again, this time to power the artificial Speed Force. He still possessed his humble, upbeat demeanor, taking the time to comfort Barry before saying goodbye.[21]

Powers and abilities


"But so much fun, huh? I love all the brainstorming. Plus, we get all the Wellses back together again."
—H.R. Wells to Nash Wells [src]
  • Bond with Harrison Nash Wells: After the destruction and subsequent restoration of the multiverse, all the Harrison Wells of the multiverse relocated their consciences into the mind the the sole surviving Wells, Nash. Due to this bond, H.R. and the other Wells can communicate with their host.[21]


"There are two parts to every idea. There is the inception and the execution. I provide the former."
"So you come up with the ideas?"
"Yeah, I don't know how to implement them. I'm the idea man.
—H.R. and Iris West[src]
  • Genius-level intellect/Great business acumen/Expert tactician/Leader: Although lacking the breadth of scientific knowledge possessed by H.R.'s other doppelgängers, he had a deeply creative intellect. H.R. describes himself as an "ideas man", with his excellent insight into the motives and actions of others and ability to swiftly provide creative solutions to problems at hand proving useful to the team despite his inability to execute his ideas himself. He claimed to have been a key strategic consultant to the Flash of his Earth during his conflict with the meta-humans, helping him capture them and was crucial to instigating the World War M that would cement the Flash's victory over the remaining meta-humans. As a best-selling author, he is very articulate, publishing many famous novels regarding his alliance with the Flash, and in an erased future, he was once again able to publish many best-selling novels on Earth-1, becoming a famous author. H.R. is also shown to be a very thorough man, as upon joining Team Flash, has studied all the files of criminals the Flash has encountered on Earth-1.[2] Despite his original lack of scientific skills, he has since been improving, able to create an accurate hologram of Cisco Ramon, although it did glitch out, shouting at random intervals. While not a scientist, H.R. was an exceptionally skilled businessman and proved to be a very effective and charismatic corporate leader, being able to effectively lead S.T.A.R. Labs as both the large corporation's CEO and face for years so well he was even named Entrepreneur of the Decade by Tech Magazine, as noted by Ramon,[2] designing many well-thought business plans that allowed him to conceal his lack of scientific skills for years. Even after being exposed as a phony scientist, H.R. proved his leadership skills to Team Flash, effectively keeping the team well-organized. In an alternate future, despite lacking any wealth, H.R. was able to somehow secure the funds needed to buy CC Jitters and run it well, renaming it into H.R. Jitters. H.R. also trained Wally to handle his superspeed, allowing the latter to become significantly faster than Barry initially was.[6]
    • Skilled thief: H.R. was a skilled heist planner, even writing a few of his books on the topic of heists. To prove his mastery of thievery to Cisco Ramon, H.R. stole a hidden Pop-Tart from Wally West with a remote controlled robot.[27]
    • Expert of deception: Much like Harry, H.R. was a skilled actor. Before being exposed, he was able to pretend to be the face of S.T.A.R. Labs for years despite not understanding science at all. Using this same skill, he convinced the Earth-1 Team Flash that he was still an accomplished scientist, beating out all other versions of Harrison Wells in the recruitment process. While impersonating Iris just before his death, he managed to act like her enough that both Barry and Savitar, a future version of Barry, bought the act.
"So she asks me "Do you speak another language?" And I tell her "sure. As long as I know the words"."
—HR explaining his language proficiency in a joke
  • Acrobatics: Like H.R.'s Earth-2 counterpart, he could do a dolphin dive, albeit less skillfully and gracefully than Harry.
  • Drawing: H.R. could make detailed drawings to illustrate his points.[21]


  • Drumsticks: H.R. brought a pair of drumming sticks with him, as he constantly uses a stick akin to a magic wand, punctuating his words or fidgeting with it.[1] The drumsticks were later placed on his grave to honor his sacrifice.[20]Post-Crisis, they were put in the Hall of Fallen heroes.
  • Earth-19 currency: When H.R. relocated to Earth-1, he brought with him a handful of coins that served as currency on his Earth. Among these coins was at least one Helbing. While not shown, H.R. has mentioned that, on Earth-19, a $100 banknote featured the portrait of Abe Lincoln.[9]
  • Facial transmogrification device: H.R. used a special holographic device to make his face appear identical to that of his partner, Randolf Morgan, hiding his true identity. The device is so advanced that it can even fool cameras and retinal scanners. The device also sophisticated enough that allows certain people to still perceive the user with their true face. This is done by the device emitting a flash that causes a retinal adjustment for those nearby.[1] He used this device to impersonate Iris the night of his death.
  • Recording device: Using this device, H.R. Wells makes entries regarding his interactions with Team Flash, for the sake of his upcoming novel The Tales of H.R. Wells.[2]


The Flash

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8


Freedom Fighters: The Ray

Season 1

The Chronicles of Cisco


  • Unlike Harry Wells being forced to stay in S.T.A.R. Labs away from the public, H.R. has a facial transmogrification device to disguise himself when in public to avoid being mistaken for Eobard Thawne. However, the alternative 2024 shows he that has a book published with his face on it. This could mean that he either passed himself off as a relative, or clone, to the public.
  • According to H.R. himself, he doesn't have any kids of his own, making Harry and Wells 2.0 the only known doppelgängers of Harrison Wells known to be a father so far.
  • Despite initially being scolded for lying about being a genius, H.R. is actually better liked than most of his other doppelgängers due to his warm and friendly joker side.
  • Due to Gypsy lying that he's dead to the authorities back on Earth-19, H.R. was stuck living on Earth-1. With his death in "Finish Line", Gypsy's statement is now true.
  • The epitaph on his grave suggests H.R. saw the purpose of his life was to save Iris West and ensure Savitar's defeat.[20]
  • H.R. is referred to as the "fake Wells" and later on as "the pretender" and "the coward" by Savitar.[6][12] Savitar also seems to resent H.R. more than anyone on Team Flash except Barry, stating that he regretted H.R. surviving his wrath. Savitar's hatred might be due to H.R. not being any help with science and having a history of being a charlatan.
  • H.R. has a habit of giving characters nicknames or addressing them by full name, calling Barry "B.A.", Cisco "San Francisco" and his full name, Wally "Walter" and "Wallace", and Julian "Julius" and "James" (referencing his British accent).
    • When talking to Cisco and Caitlin at the West family's Christmas party, H.R. drunkenly referred to them "Caitlo" and "Ciscan".
  • Perhaps due to his hobby in writing books, H.R. is fascinated by soap operas.
  • One of his favorite foods is lime Jell-O.[15]
  • It's suggested H.R. might be into BDSM, as when accused of stealing Cisco's Power-dampening cuffs (which Caitlin actually took), H.R. retorted, "I haven't met anyone yet. It's gonna take a while, even when I do meet them, to get to the cuff stage."[1]
    • In "Abra Kadabra", H.R. is absent until Abra Kadabra is taken to Earth-19 and later returns, recalling being away with a woman and "trying new things".
  • H.R. is the second version of Harrison Wells to die after his Earth-1 doppelgänger, not including Eobard. However, he is the first version of Wells that is a main character who has died.
  • It is revealed in "Attack on Central City" that H.R. brushes his teeth in small circles, unlike Harry, who brushes his teeth front to back.
  • According to Caitlin, HR does inversion stretches; which Cisco implies he had the misfortune of seeing.[1]

Behind the scenes

  • His nickname "H.R. Wells" is a nod to famous fiction writer H.G. Wells, as well as the fact that he is an author.
  • H.R. Wells shares some similarities with the DC Comics character Abra Kadabra, using a drumming stick as if it was a magic wand (even replicating Abra's signature bowing pose in "Killer Frost") and putting a grandiose presentation before Team Flash when arriving to Earth-1, all the while hiding his true intentions. Also, in the Trial of the Flash comic arc, Abra Kadabra used his futuristic technology to impersonate Eobard Thawne, whom Tom Cavanagh has also portrayed on The Flash; similarly, H.R. used futuristic technology to appear in the guise of Randolf Morgan. Additionally, Joe West noticed that H.R. has a "psychotic need to make other people like him no matter what", which is very reminiscent of Abra Kadabra's constant thirst for approval, applause and adoration. Notably, H.R.'s main target for fishing out approval ended up Wally West, whom Abra Kadabra is obsessed about as the greatest Flash, whose defeat would earn Abra unimaginable fame.
  • H.R. Wells switching his appearance with Iris West is another similarity to the "Trial of the Flash" comic arc, in which Iris's time-traveling consciousness possessed one of the (male) jurors of the trial, guiding him against the dangers of Abra Kadabra's plot.

See also

Known bibliography

  • All's Wells that Ends Wells (non-fiction; on motivational speeches)[17]
  • H.R. Romance Series
    • The Streak vs. Mister Reflecto (erased future)[16]
  • The Future Ain't What It Used to Be[7]
  • The Tales of H.R. Wells (unreleased)[2]

List of individuals he nicknamed

