Animal Crossing Wiki

Deep-sea creatures (海の幸, seafood) are a type of catchable creature introduced in New Leaf, just like bugs and fish. The player catches them by swimming in the ocean and diving down when directly above a shadow, or swimming underwater. Shadow sizes range from as small as the mantis shrimp to as large as the spider crab and giant isopod.

As like fish and bugs, they can be donated to the Museum upon talking to Blathers, who will then put them on display in the deep-sea creatures exhibit.

Two fish in previous Animal Crossing games are now deep-sea creatures. These are the octopus and the lobster.

Quick Answers

What is the largest shadow size of deep-sea creatures in New Leaf? toggle section
In the game Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the shadow sizes of deep-sea creatures differ. The mantis shrimp represents the smallest shadow, while the spider crab and giant isopod have the largest. Players can catch these creatures by swimming and diving in the ocean when above a shadow.
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How can players catch deep-sea creatures in the game New Leaf? toggle section
In New Leaf, players can catch deep-sea creatures by swimming in the ocean and diving when above a shadow. The shadow sizes vary, representing different creatures. Players need a wetsuit to swim and dive. The creatures caught can be donated to the museum.
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What happens when a player donates a deep-sea creature to the Museum in New Leaf? toggle section
In New Leaf, donating a deep-sea creature to the Museum results in the creature's details being displayed on an information board in the aquarium. The creature is then showcased in the main deep-sea creature tank. The Museum is a place where all player-found collectables, including deep-sea creatures, are gathered and exhibited. Each creature can be donated just once.
Provided by: Fandom
What is the smallest deep-sea creature that can be caught in New Leaf? toggle section
In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, players can catch a variety of deep-sea creatures. The mantis shrimp is the smallest creature that can be caught.
Provided by: Fandom
What types of deep-sea creatures can be caught in New Leaf? toggle section
In Animal Crossing: New Leaf, players catch deep-sea creatures like mantis shrimp, spider crab, giant isopod, jellyfish, octopus, lobster, soft-shelled turtle, mitten crab, nibble fish, saddled bichir, blowfish, ribbon eel, giant trevally, saw shark, whale shark, oarfish, abalone, acorn barnacle, chambered nautilus, clam, Dungeness crab, ear shell, firefly squid, flatworm, gazami crab, gigas giant clam, horsehair crab, horseshoe crab, moon jellyfish, mussel, oyster, pearl oyster, red king crab, sea anemone, sea cucumber, sea grapes, sea pig, sea pineapple, sea slug, sea star, sea urchin, seaweed, scallop, slate pencil urchin, and snow crab by swimming and diving in the ocean.
Provided by: Fandom

List of deep-sea creatures[]

Deep-sea creatures
Name Image Price Shadow size Time Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Seaweed Seaweed HHD Icon 200 Redhibiscusacnl Large All day - - -
Sea grapes Sea Grapes HHD Icon 600 Redhibiscusacnl Small All day - - - - - - - -
Sea urchin Sea Urchin HHD Icon 800 Redhibiscusacnl Small All day - - - - - - -
Acorn barnacle Acorn Barnacle HHD Icon 200 Redhibiscusacnl Very small All day
Oyster Oyster HHD Icon 400 Small All day - - - - - -
Turban shell Turban Shell HHD Icon 300 Small 4 PM - 9 AM -
Abalone Abalone HHD Icon 400 Redhibiscusacnl Medium 4 PM - 9 AM
Ear shell Ear Shell HHD Icon 300 Redhibiscusacnl Small 4 PM - 9 AM
Clam Clam HHD Icon 300 Small All day - - - -
Pearl oyster Pearl Oyster HHD Icon 1,600 Small All day
Scallop Scallop HHD Icon 1,000 Redhibiscusacnl Medium All day
Sea anemone Sea Anemone HHD Icon 100 Redhibiscusacnl Medium All day
Sea star Sea Star HHD Icon 100 Redhibiscusacnl Small All day
Sea cucumber Sea Cucumber HHD Icon 150 Medium All day - - - - - -
Sea slug Sea Slug HHD Icon 200 Redhibiscusacnl Small All day
Flatworm Flatworm HHD Icon 200 Redhibiscusacnl Small 4 PM - 9 AM - - - - - - - -
Mantis shrimp Mantis Shrimp HHD Icon 1,250 Redhibiscusacnl Small 4 PM - 9 AM
Sweet shrimp* Sweet Shrimp HHD Icon 650 Small 4 PM - 9 AM - - - - - -
Tiger prawn Tiger Prawn HHD Icon 1,600 Redhibiscusacnl Small 4 PM - 9 AM - - - - - - - -
Spiny lobster* Spiny Lobster HHD Icon 3,000 Large 9 PM - 4 AM - - - - - - - -
Lobster Lobster HHD Icon 2,500 Redhibiscusacnl Large All day
Snow crab Snow Crab HHD Icon 4,000 Large All day - - - - - -
Horsehair crab Horsehair Crab HHD Icon 4,000 Medium All day - - - - - -
Red king crab Red King Crab HHD Icon 6,000 Large All day - - - - - - -
Spider crab Spider Crab HHD Icon 12,000 Huge All day - - - - - - - - - -
Octopus Octopus HHD Icon 1,000 Redhibiscusacnl Medium All day - -
Spotted garden eel Spotted Garden Eel HHD Icon 600 Yellowhibiscusacnl Small All day
Chambered nautilus Chambered Nautilus HHD Icon 900 Yellowhibiscusacnl Medium All day - - - - - - - - -
Horseshoe crab Horseshoe Crab HHD Icon 1,500 Medium 9 PM - 4 AM - - - - - - - - -
Giant isopod Giant Isopod HHD Icon 9,000 Yellowhibiscusacnl Medium All day
Redhibiscusacnl Also found on island Yellowhibiscusacnl Island exclusive deep-sea creatures

Deep-Sea Creatures
Animal Crossing New Leaf logo NewHorizons
Deep-sea creatures
AbaloneAcorn barnacleChambered nautilusClamDungeness crabEar shellFirefly SquidFlatwormGazami crabGiant isopodGigas giant clamHorsehair crabHorseshoe crabLobsterMantis shrimpMoon jellyfishMusselOctopusOysterPearl oysterRed king crabSea anemoneSea cucumberSea grapesSea pigSea pineappleSea slugSea starSea urchinSeaweedScallopSlate pencil urchinSnow crabSpider crabSpiny lobsterSpotted garden eelSweet shrimpTiger prawnTurban shellUmbrella OctopusVampire squidVenus' flower basketWhelk
Deep-Sea Creatures (New Horizons)DivingOceanTropical Seas