Animal Crossing Wiki
Clam Gallery

"I got a clam! Anyone for chowder?" —New Leaf

The clam is a benthic animal found at the bottom of the ocean. It has a circular shadow. Diving is the only way to get it.

Donation to the museum[]

In New Leaf[]

In New Leaf, an information board in the aquarium will list information about this creature.

"Bivalves shaped like chestnuts, they live in shallow waters and hide in sand when predators approach. They secrete a viscous liquid that gets pulled along by the current and enables long-distance travel. They are popular both roasted in the shell and cooked in a variety of soups and chowders."

Encyclopedia Information[]

New Leaf[]

Deep-Sea Creature
Encyclopedia Information
"I got a clam! Anyone for chowder?"
Size 1.5 inches
Time All day
Season Fall-Spring

Further Information[]

Main article: Clam on Wikipedia

Remains first appeared in Cambrian age rocks 510 million years ago. They presently live in both freshwater and marine habitats, and range in adult size from nearly microscopic to the giant clam. A clam's shell consists of two (usually equal) valves, which are connected by a hinge joint and a ligament that can be external or internal. The ligament provides tension to bring the valves apart, while one or two adductor muscles can contract to close the valves.

In other languages[]

Language Name Translation
Japan Japanese アサリ (Asari) -
France French Palourde -
Spain Spanish Almeja oriental -
Italy Italian Vongola -
China Chinese 蛤蜊 (gélí) -

Deep-Sea Creatures
Animal Crossing New Leaf logo NewHorizons
Deep-sea creatures
AbaloneAcorn barnacleChambered nautilusClamDungeness crabEar shellFirefly SquidFlatwormGazami crabGiant isopodGigas giant clamHorsehair crabHorseshoe crabLobsterMantis shrimpMoon jellyfishMusselOctopusOysterPearl oysterRed king crabSea anemoneSea cucumberSea grapesSea pigSea pineappleSea slugSea starSea urchinSeaweedScallopSlate pencil urchinSnow crabSpider crabSpiny lobsterSpotted garden eelSweet shrimpTiger prawnTurban shellUmbrella OctopusVampire squidVenus' flower basketWhelk
Deep-Sea Creatures (New Horizons)DivingOceanTropical Seas