Does the name Iso Mitsuo ring a bell, or how about Ohira Shinya, Matsumoto Norio or Yuasa Masaaki.
If that did ring a bell for you, then this is probably the club for you. But even if it didn't, you are free to join if you are interested in animation of all kinds.
This is stricly about the more important part of an anime. Its production.
The purpose is mostly to talk about interesting animation and direction and to gather interesting scenes and/or episodes one has encountered in recent viewing.
To be fair the current state of production isn't as bad as some people are trying to make it out to be. There's just a lot more anime, but the gems aren't few and far between like the "olden" days. Even the CG is getting better... Still not tolerable for most of snobs *puts on a monocle and top hat and lights a pipe* but in some features and few regular episodes it is actually pretty good.
If you are crying about the current state of anime production cry no more and go watch Fate/Apocrypha episode 22, I assure you you will have goosebumps. It is considered to be one of the best animated episodes of last year.
Well, I kind of stopped posting here after I'd started up my blog, so if anyone wants to read more about the stuff discussed here (directors/animators), check out my blog:
However, if someone creates some interesting threads here you can be sure that I'll contribute as well.
Well, there are kinda not many people motivated to post, including myself I have to admit, but if there's demand I don't mind starting up again frequent posts on current stuff and/or perhaps just some highlights on the past.
Also, raitokun has a blog where he somewhat frequently posts stuff, perhaps he'd like to advertise it.
Anyway, I'm always open for something, feel free to create threads/start discussions about something you'd like. And last but not least. Welcome to the club!
This place seems to be dead. Have you guys moved somewhere? Another forum or blogs maybe?
I've been searching for a place to track favorite animators work for ages.
post #9 by DelvingDeeper on 18.05.2019 18:15
post #8 by prte007 on 02.02.2018 09:55
If you are crying about the current state of anime production cry no more and go watch Fate/Apocrypha episode 22, I assure you you will have goosebumps. It is considered to be one of the best animated episodes of last year.
post #7 by CDB-Man on 26.08.2015 00:48
post #6 by CDB-Man on 19.12.2014 19:40
post #5 by AnonBaiter on 19.12.2014 19:07
Seriously, why isn't there an active discussion here?
post #4 by raitokun on 28.03.2010 16:06
However, if someone creates some interesting threads here you can be sure that I'll contribute as well.
post #3 by keitarou on 22.03.2010 14:32
Also, raitokun has a blog where he somewhat frequently posts stuff, perhaps he'd like to advertise it.
Anyway, I'm always open for something, feel free to create threads/start discussions about something you'd like. And last but not least. Welcome to the club!
post #2 by sergioga on 22.03.2010 13:58
I've been searching for a place to track favorite animators work for ages.
post #1 by Void_Existence on 25.07.2009 06:23
...thus I'll just soberly sign up and read the erudite critiques...