Angry Birds Space Origins is a special promo for Angry Birds Space, aired on Nicktoons as part of Nick Extra on Wednesday, March 21, 2012. It could be viewed on Toons.TV but cannot be viewed on Toons.TV anymore due to it closing, but you can still watch it on YouTube.
Toons.TV Description[]
- The Angry Birds are minding their own business when suddenly a space vortex rips open a hole in the sky, and the mysterious Ice Bird flies through from outer space! What are the Space Pigs up to?
On a peaceful day, while the flock are watching over their eggs, a giant wormhole opens up in the sky. Ice Bird, clutching an eggsteroid, falls from it and lands on the ground with an icy explosion. Red checks this new visitor, pecking him awake. The Ice Bird then rushes to his eggsteroid to try to protect it, suspicious of the Flock.
Just then, a giant mechanical claw emerges from the wormhole, plants itself into the ground and steals a large chunk of earth. As it retracts back through the wormhole, Ice Bird finds that his eggsteroid was caught on the chunk of land, so he flings himself back into the wormhole using the Flock's slingshot. Momentarily awestruck, the Flock soon discover the claw took their eggs as well. Enraged, they follow Ice Bird's lead, flinging themselves from the slingshot into the wormhole.
While in the wormhole, each bird is bombarded with energy that changes them into their superhero Space versions. Emerging from the wormhole, they immediately follow the trail of Ice Bird, in hot pursuit of Space King Pig's UFO, the Claw, still clutching the chunk of Earth with the eggsteroid and the Flock's three eggs.
- This is the second time that no pigs physically appear in an Angry Birds short, following the Angry Birds Rio Trailer. While the Claw, Space King Pig's UFO, makes a full appearance, the king himself cannot be made out through the spacecraft's environment bubble. Pigs do appear in the credits sequence, however.
- While most of the short is animated using rigs, the Claw and the scene where the birds emerge from the wormhole is done in full CGI.
- Ice Bird's body also appears to be animated by hand, though his crest and tail do appear to be rigged in a similar manner to the other birds.
- Chuck's eyes and eyebrows look a bit different compared to later media with the Toons designs.
- One of the Blues' shocked expressions was later recycled in the The Angry Birds Easter Egg Hunt.