The Bad Piggies Cinematic Trailer is a trailer released by Rovio on September 27, 2012.
The Bad Piggies are on the edge of a cliff near a beach. Under the King Pig, they attempt to build vehicles capable of catching the faraway Eggs on a stone pillar in the ocean, only to fail multiple times, much to the dismay of the king.
At first, the Minion Pigs tried to use a basic contraption with its only addition being soda bottles while Ross was riding it, but the contraption crashes and a bottle falls on Ross, much to the Minion Pigs' amusement. All the Minion Pigs laughed except King Pig, who was angry.
The next contraption used spring and wings. However, the spring gets caught to the runway, retracting the vehicle making King Pig disappointed.
Then, they make a complex contraption with two wheels, wings, an umbrella, a tail, and a pair of fireworks (blue and red). The Bad Piggies have hope in this vehicle, especially for King Pig. But then, the umbrella makes the vehicle malfunction and made the King Pig cry at the last second. However, the fireworks attached work, and it flies out into the sky. King Pig happily sees that the contraption finally worked while Ross shouted, "Waaaaah-hoo-hoo-hoo!".
Cast (Listed by appearance)[]
- The King Pig is shaped differently than all of his other appearances (except for the Freddie Mercury video and Angry Birds Toons). He is also blob-shaped not round-shaped.
- This is the second Angry Birds short executive produced by Nick Dorra. The first is Back To School Short Animation and the third is the Angry Birds Star Wars Cinematic Trailer.
- The Mechanic Pig does not appear. The Minion Pigs have taken his role in helping Ross.
- In the Toons.TV version of the trailer, when the firework launched, a whistle was added.
- During the credits, a Minion Pig is holding a sign saying "BUY NOW!", but on the Toons.TV version, the sign instead has a picture of a pig's nose. Ross also appears when that happens.
- Ross' shout was used when the player the finished the level or collected a Star Box. It was also originally used in the theme song until an update.