For the Helminth Charger mod, see Proboscis.

Each arrow spawns a swarm of sticky appendages on impact. These tongue-like probes latch onto nearby unfortunates and drag them close before bursting into a mess of diseased goo.

The Proboscis Cernos is an enhanced MutalistCernos Mutalist Cernos that launches appendages that pulls enemies in towards its zone of impact before releasing a large DmgViralSmall64 Viral explosion.


  • This weapon deals primarily DmgViralSmall64 Viral and DmgSlashSmall64 Slash damage.
  • Impact releases appendages that stuns and pulls all enemies within 9 meters towards the impact zone.
    • Appendages tick damage twice on all affected enemies before exploding.
    • Ticks do 90 damage, with a distribution of 56.25% DmgSlashSmall64 Slash and 43.75% DmgViralSmall64 Viral.
    • Appendages are not affected by status chance mods, such as Mod TT 20px Rifle Aptitude.
    • Appendages cannot crit.
  • Arrows explode in a 7 meter radius after 1.7 seconds on impacting a surface or enemy.
    • Explosion has innate DmgViralSmall64 Viral damage.
    • Explosion delay reduces likelihood of inflicting self-stagger.
    • Initial hit and explosion apply status separately.
    • Explosion and appendages does not need direct line of sight to deal damage and will penetrate walls.
    • The explosion can benefit from Mod TT 20px Firestorm (Mod TT 20px Primed) and Mod TT 20px Cautious Shot.
  • On kill, bodies will follow the arrow that killed them, damaging enemies in their path and pinning the corpse to walls.
  • Mod TT 20px Heavy Caliber's accuracy penalty is minimal on this weapon.
  • Fire rate mods apply double their bonuses.
  • Innate two Naramon Pol polarities.

Advantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Third highest status chance of all bows, behind Daikyu Daikyu and MutalistCernos Mutalist Cernos.
  • Silent.
  • Charged Shot (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very high reload speed (0.60 s)
    • High total damage (279)
    • Very high status chance (43.00%)
  • Appendages (wiki attack index 2)
    • High reload speed (0.60 s)
    • High status chance (43.00%)
  • Charged Shot Explosion (wiki attack index 3)
    • High reload speed (0.60 s)
    • Very high total damage (1,003)
    • High status chance (43.00%)

Disadvantages over other Primary weapons (excluding modular weapons):

  • Lowest critical chance of all bows.
  • Third slowest charge speed of all bows, after Daikyu Daikyu and Lenz Lenz.
    • Cannot be fired at partial charge.
  • Arrows have travel time with slight arcing.
  • Extremely poor ammo economy.
    • Very low ammo reserves.
    • Only restores 1 unit of ammunition per ammo pickup.
  • Explosion inflicts self-stagger.
  • Explosion has a headshot multiplier of 1x and cannot trigger headshot conditions.
  • Explosion has linear Damage Falloff from 100% to 50% from central impact.
  • Charged Shot (wiki attack index 1)
    • Very low crit chance (7.00%)
    • Very low magazine (1)
    • Very low ammo max (7)
    • Very low fire rate (1.00 attacks/sec)
    • Very low disposition (●●○○○ (0.80x))
    • Below average crit multiplier (1.90x)
  • Appendages (wiki attack index 2)
    • Very low active falloff slope (-infm/%)
    • Very low crit chance (7.00%)
    • Low maximum falloff distance (9.0 m)
    • Very low magazine (1)
    • Below average total damage (90)
    • Very low fire rate (1.00 attacks/sec)
    • Very low ammo max (7)
    • Very low disposition (●●○○○ (0.80x))
    • Very low crit multiplier (1.90x)
  • Charged Shot Explosion (wiki attack index 3)
    • Low crit chance (7.00%)
    • Below average maximum falloff distance (7.0 m)
    • Very low magazine (1)
    • Low fire rate (1.00 attacks/sec)
    • Very low ammo max (7)
    • Very low disposition (●●○○○ (0.80x))
    • Very low crit multiplier (1.90x)

See WARFRAME Wiki:Stat Comparison/Percentiles for more details.


The Proboscis Cernos's blueprint can be purchased from the Market.

Manufacturing Requirements
📝 Edit blueprint requirements
MutalistCernos Mutalist Cernos
PolymerBundle Polymer Bundle
NitainExtract Nitain Extract
NanoSpores Nano Spores
Time: 12 Hour(s)
Rush: PlatinumLarge 45
MarketIcon Market Price: PlatinumLarge 245 Blueprint2 Blueprints Price:Credits30,000


  • Each tick and the final explosion can damage and proc status independently.
  • Tendrils do not require line of sight to latch onto enemies, but cannot pull enemies through walls.
  • Will not pull or damage enemies inside a Nullifier bubble. Will deal damage to the bubble on the arrow hit and on explosion, but not on pre-explosion damage ticks. This is the case whether firing outside the bubble or from within the bubble.
  • Mod TT 20px Thunderbolt causes the arrow to explode immediately after landing.
  • Mod TT 20px Firestorm only affects the radius of the final blast, and does not increase the range of appendages.
  • Direct hits on enemies will immobilize them during the tendril pull as they panic, including enemies with Overguard.


  • Because of the weapon's appendages pulling enemies into a cluster, it synergizes extremely well with Warframe ability augment mods that require enemies within the said abilities' area-of-effect to trigger, such as with GaraIcon272 Gara's Mod TT 20px Spectrosiphon and HydroidIcon272 Hydroid's Mod TT 20px Pilfering Swarm.
  • Good primary weapon choice for Specters, because of its crowd control abilities and high base damage.
  • Can be used to pull enemies into XakuIcon272 Xaku's Gaze to ensure their armor is reduced (or removed) before the explosion takes place.


  • A Proboscis is the elongated, tube-like mouthpart on insects like butterflies, mosquitoes, etc.


Proboscis Cernos Skins


Patch History[]

Update 33.0 (2023-04-26)

  • Fixed certain bosses being permanently stun locked by the Proboscis Cernos stun effect.

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

Ammo Changes

We understand the power fantasy of these weapons is very popular for some, so our first approach was to keep them powerful, but limit how often they can be used by making changes to ammo pick-up.

Ammo Pickup Overrides
The following weapons now have ammo pickup overrides, meaning they gain less from picking up ammo. This mostly applies to AoE weapons, in hopes that players will become more deliberate with their aim to make the most of their Ammo pools. The following lists the specific ammo pick up overrides per weapon category.

Primary Weapon Ammo Pick Up Overrides

1 Ammo per Pick Up:

  • Proboscis Cernos

Many weapons have also had their maximum ammo capacity adjusted.

Primary Weapons:

  • Proboscis Cernos: From 9 to 7
Headshot Damage Changes

During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage.

Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.

  • Radial damage no longer gains extra headshot damage or triggers headshot conditions.
    • This is primarily targeted at the Ignis Wraith - as a “flamethrower” weapon, it’s hard to imagine a blanket of elements being precise enough to target weak points specifically. Explosive projectiles themselves can still land headshots, so there is still a reason to aim with most weapons for maximum damage.

Hotfix 29.5.1 (2020-11-19)

  • Removed Proboscis Cernos from Conclave.

Update 29.5 (2020-11-19)

  • Introduced.

See Also[]
