
Certain Enemy Body Parts will apply damage multipliers to incoming damage that is inflicted on them. These special enemy body parts are specific to each enemy type, and the multipliers are applied to all damage inflicted, independent of their damage type. Targeting these body parts will also completely bypass their Shield Gating.

Special Body Part Multipliers[]

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Below is are lists containing all enemy types and all their known special body part multipliers.
Stats apply to all variants with the same suffix unless otherwise stated (e.g. MOA includes Railgun MOA and Vapos MOA but not Fusion MOA or Terra Anti MOA).

Corpus Body Parts[]

Almost all humanoid and airborne IconCorpusOn Corpus have a 3x headshot multiplier.

View Crewmen List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Amalgam Alkonost Body (1x) Head (1x)
Amalgam Heqet Body (1x) Head (1x) Backpack (3x)
Amalgam Machinist Body (1x) Head (0.5x)
Bioengineer Body (1x) Head (3x)
Comba Body (1x) Head (3x)
Crewman Body (1x) Head (3x)
Director Body (1x) Head (3x)
Jailer Body (1x) Head (3x)
Machinist Body (1x) Head (1x)
Manker Body (1x) Head (3x)
Overtaker Body (1x) Head (3x)
Proviser Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ranger Body (1x) Head (3x)
Scrambus Body (1x) Head (3x)
Trencher Body (1x) Head (3x)
Tech Body (1x) Head (3x)
View Proxies List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Amalgam Kucumatz Chassis (1x)
Amalgam Kucumatz Legs (1x) Face (1x)
Gun (1x)
Fanny Pack (3x)
Amalgam Satyr Body (1x)
Anti MOA Legs (1x) Head (1x) Fanny Pack (3x)
Attack Drone Body (1x) Face (3x)
Bursa Body (1x)
Riot Shield (0x)
Head (1x) Back Console (3x)
Front (0.4x)
Gun (0.5x)
Coolant Raknoid Body (1x) Coolant Tank (1.5x)
Fusion MOA Legs (1x) Head (1x) Fanny Pack (3x)
Hyena Body (1x) Head (3x)
Kyta Raknoid Body (1x) Laser Turret (1.5x)
MOA Legs (1x) Head (1x) Gun (0.5x)
Fanny Pack (3x)
Nemes Chassis (1x)
Osprey Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ratel Body (1x)
Raptor SX Body (1x) Head (3x)
Scavenger Drone Body (1x) Head (3x)
Scyto Raknoid Body (1x) Glue Sac (3x)
  • Don't confuse a MOA's head with its gun, the head is small and on its front, not on top.
View Vehicles List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
View Bosses List
Target General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Alad V Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ambulas Legs (1x) Head (3x) Gun (0.1x)
Fanny Pack (0.5x)
Hyena Pack Body (1x) Head (1x)
Jackal Body (1x) Head (1x) Limbs (1x)
Lynx Body (1x) Head (1x)
The Sergeant Body (1x) Head (3x)
Zanuka Body (1x) Head (1x)

Grineer Body Parts[]

All humanoid IconGrineerOn Grineer have a 3x headshot multiplier.

View Soldiers List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Aerial Commander Body (1x) Head (3x)
Bailiff Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ballista Body (1x) Head (3x)
Blite Captain
Bombard Body (1x) Head (3x)
Butcher Body (1x) Head (3x)
Carver Body (1x) Head (3x)
Commander Body (1x) Head (3x)
Drahk Master Body (1x) Head (3x)
Eviscerator Body (1x) Head (3x)
Flameblade Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ghoul Auger Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ghoul Devourer Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ghoul Expired Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ghoul Rictus Body (1x) Head (3x)
Glacik Commander
Guardsman Body (1x) Head (3x)
Heavy Gunner Body (1x) Head (3x)
Hellion Body (1x) Head (3x)
Hyekka Master Body (1x) Head (3x)
Kuva Guardian Body (1x) Head (3x)
Kuva Jester Body (1x) Head (3x)
Lancer Body (1x) Head (3x)
Lektro Commander
Manic Body (1x) Head (3x)
Napalm Body (1x) Head (3x)
Nox Body (1x) Helmet (3x)
Head (4x)
Officer Body (1x) Head (3x)
Pilot Body (1x) Head (3x)
Plains Commander Body (1x) Head (3x)
Powerfist Body (1x) Head (3x)
Pyr Captain
Recon Commander Body (1x) Head (3x)
Scorch Body (1x) Head (3x)
Seeker Body (1x) Head (3x)
Supressor Body (1x) Head (3x)
Trooper Body (1x) Head (3x)
View Machines List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Eidolon Lure Chassis (1x)
Orbital Strike Drone Chassis (1x)
Propaganda Drone Chassis (1x)
Roller Chassis (1x)
Roller Sentry Chassis (1x)
Regulator Chassis (1x)
Seeker Drone Chassis (1x)
Turret Chassis (1x)
View Vehicles List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
View Bosses List
Target General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Captain Vor Body (1x) Head (3x)
General Sargas Ruk Body (0x) Vents (1x)
The Grustrag Three Body (1x) Head (3x)
Kela De Thaym Body (1x) Head (1x)
Lieutenant Lech Kril Body (1x) Head (1x)
Sprag Body (0x) Head (0.5x)
Jetpack (3x)
Tyl Regor Body (1x) Head (3x)
Ven'kra Tel Body (0x) Head (0.5x)
Jetpack (3x)

Infested Body Parts[]

Almost all Infestation w Infested have a 3x headshot multiplier.

View Infested List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Charger Body (1x) Mouth (1x)
Crawler Body (1x) Head (3x)
Leaper Body (1x) Head (3x)
Runner Body (1x) Head (3x)
Leaper Body (1x) Head (3x)
Undying Flyer Body (1x) Mouth (3x)
Zealoid Bastion Body (1x) Head (3x)
Zealot Baptizer Body (1x) Head (3x)
Zealot Herald Body (1x) Head (3x)
Zealot Proselytizer Body (1x) Head (3x)
  • Damaging a Undying Flyer's mouth (not the former Grineer head) will instantly destroy it, rendering that area invulnerable.
View Mutalists List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Mutalist Osprey Body (1x)
Swarm Mutalist MOA Legs (1x) Face (1x) Gun (0.5x)
Fanny Pack (3x)
Tar Mutalist MOA Legs (1x) Face (1x) Gun (0.5x)
Fanny Pack (3x)
Venin Mutalist Body (1x)
  • Infested Ospreys do not have "heads".
View Ancients List
Unit General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Ancient Healer Body (1x) Head (3x) Upper Back (0.5x)
Ancient Disruptor Body (1x) Head (3x) Upper Back (0.5x)
Boiler Body (1x) Orange Pustules (3x)
Brood Mother Body (1x) Face (3x) Exposed Chest/Heart (3x)
Leaping Thrasher Body (1x) Head (3x) Upper Back (0.5x)
Back Skull (3x)
Toxic Ancient Body (1x) Head (3x) Upper Back (0.5x)
View Bosses List
Target General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Juggernaut Body (1x)
Jordas Golem Body (0x) Engines (1x)
Lephantis Body (0x) Mouths (1x)
Mutalist Alad V Body (1x) Head (3x)
Phorid Body (1x) Head (1x)
Zealoid Prelate Body (1x) Head (3x)

Sentient Body Parts[]

View Drones List
Target General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Aerolyst Body (1x) Head (3x)
Battalyst Body (1x) Head (3x)
Brachiolyst Body (1x) Head (3x)
Conculyst Body (1x) Head (3x)
Symbilyst Body (1x) Head (3x) Shield (0.5x)
Vomvalyst Body (1x)
View Amalgams List
Target General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Amalgam Arca Heqet Body (1x) Head (3x)
Amalgam Arca Kucumatz Body (1x)
Amalgam Cinder Machinist Body (1x) Head (3x)
Amalgam Phase MOA Body (1x) Head (1x) Gun (0.5x)
Amalgam Swarm Satyr Body (1x) Head (1x)
View Bosses List
Target General (Multiplier) Critical Point (Multiplier) Other (Multiplier)
Condrix Body (0x) Mouth (1x)
Eidolon Body (1x) Head (1x) Synovia (1x)
Ropalolyst Body (1x) Head (1x) Synovia (1x)

Weak Spot Bonuses[]

Certain weapons and equipment possess bonuses that take effect upon striking weak spots.

Effects that specify headshots only take effect when striking the target's head and do not apply against any other weak spot.


Weapon Effect
Athodai Athodai Headshot kills grant the Overdrive buff for 8 seconds, increasing fire rate by 100% and Ammo Efficiency by 100%, but increases recoil and disables use of Alternate Fire
CernosPrime Cernos Prime +50% headshot damage
Daikyu Daikyu +75% headshot damage with Mod TT 20px Amalgam Daikyu Target Acquired
DualToxocyst Dual Toxocyst Headshot hits grants the Frenzy buff for 3 seconds, increasing fire rate by 150%, Ammo Efficiency by 100%, and reduces recoil
Epitaph Epitaph
EpitaphPrime Epitaph Prime
When used by SevagothIcon272 Sevagoth/SevagothPrimeIcon272 Sevagoth Prime, 20% headshot damage
Hystrix Hystrix
HystrixPrime Hystrix Prime
When used by KhoraIcon272 Khora/KhoraPrimeIcon272 Khora Prime, 8% chance to instantly reload on headshot hits
Knell Knell
KnellPrime Knell Prime
Headshot hits grants the Death Knell buff for 2 seconds, increasing critical multiplier by 0.5x and status chance by 20% per stack for up to 3 stacks, and Ammo Efficiency by 100%
KuvaChakkhurr Kuva Chakkhurr +50% headshot damage
Laetum Laetum Headshots charge the Incarnon Transmutation gauge, allowing Alternate Fire to activate Incarnon Form
Evolution III Perk 1: On headshot, +30% reload speed for 12 seconds, stacks 3x
Evolution IV Perk 1: +50% headshot damage
Evolution V Perk 2: On headshot, +40% Ammo Efficiency for 6 seconds
LatronIncarnonGenesis Latron Incarnon Genesis Headshots charge the Incarnon Transmutation gauge, allowing Alternate Fire to activate Incarnon Form
Evolution IV Perk 2: Deadhead: +100% to Headshot Multiplier.
Pandero Pandero
PanderoPrime Pandero Prime
When used by OctaviaIcon272 Octavia/OctaviaPrimeIcon64 Octavia Prime, Alternate Fire headshot kills increases reload speed by 20%
Perigale Perigale 4 consecutive headshots or a headshot kill grants the Gale Force buff for 4 seconds, increasing Ammo Efficiency by 100%
Phenmor Phenmor Headshots charge the Incarnon Transmutation gauge, allowing Alternate Fire to activate Incarnon Form
Evolution III Perk 3: Headshot kills have a 20% to instantly reload
Evolution V Perk 3: 2 headshot kills within 2 seconds grants +50% headshot damage for 8 seconds
Snipetron Snipetron
SnipetronVandal Snipetron Vandal
+30% headshot damage with 2.5x zoom
+50% headshot damage with 6.0x zoom
Sporothrix Sporothrix +50% headshot damage with 2.7x zoom
Synapse Synapse +20% headshot damage
TenetSpirex Tenet Spirex Headshot hits grants the Bullseye Reload buff for 4 seconds, increasing reload speed by 25% for up to 2 stacks
Tenora Tenora
TenoraPrime Tenora Prime
When used by OctaviaIcon272 Octavia/OctaviaPrimeIcon64 Octavia Prime, Alternate Fire headshot kills has a 20% chance to instantly refill magazine
Vectis Vectis +30% headshot damage with 3.0x zoom / +50% headshot damage with 4.5x zoom
VectisPrime Vectis Prime +40% headshot damage with 3.5x zoom / +60% headshot damage with 6.0x zoom
Vulkar Vulkar
VulkarWraith Vulkar Wraith
+35% headshot damage with 2.5x zoom
+55% headshot damage with 4.0x zoom
+70% headshot damage with 8.0x zoom


SeekModx256 SeekIcon

Plant an antenna that projects a forward wave scan. Detected enemies take increased Weak Point Damage, and become visible through walls. Weapons gain Punch through.

Introduced in Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:30% / 45% / 60% / 75% (weak point damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:20 / 25 / 30 / 35 s (antennae duration)
5 s (scan duration)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:45 / 50 / 55 / 60 m (seek range)
10 m (weapon punch through against enemy bodies)

Misc: 75° (angle)
3 s (pulse interval)
Weak spots and silhouette highlight through terrain
∞ (weapon punch through against terrain)
3 (max antennae)


NeutralizeModx256 NeutralizeIcon
+20/alt fire

Summon the Neutralizer, Cyte-09's exalted Sniper Rifle. Bullets ricochet off Weak Points to seek out other nearby Weak Points. Alt fire lobs a DmgColdSmall64Cold grenade that completely freezes enemies.

Introduced in Update 38.0 (2024-12-13)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:1x / 1.08x / 1.16x / 1.25x (damage multiplier)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:N/A
AbilityRangeBuff Range:10m (ricochet range)

Misc: 4 (number of ricochets)
20% (damage loss per ricochet)
10m (enemy stagger range on cast)


ThuribleModx256 Thurible130xWhite

Channel Harrow’s energy into the Thurible to generate a buff. Once finished, kill enemies to bestow nearby allies with bursts of energy. The more energy channeled the greater the reward for each kill. Headshots produce extra energy.

Introduced in Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10 / 10.83 / 12.5 / 15% (energy convert)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:20 / 25 / 30 / 35 s
AbilityRangeBuff Range:13 / 15 / 17 / 20 m

Misc: 4.0x (headshot multiplier)


CovenantModx256 Covenant130xWhite

Protect nearby allies with an energy force that absorbs all damage and converts it to a Critical Chance bonus for all those under the Covenant. Headshots are amplified even further.

Introduced in Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:5% (base critical chance)
1.50% (critical chance per 100 damage)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:3 / 4 / 5 / 6 s (invulnerability time)
6 / 8 / 10 / 12 s (critical chance time)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 4.0x (headshot multiplier to bonus critical chance)
50% (bodyshot critical chance cap)
200% (headshot critical chance cap)
50/250 m (affinity range/open-world affinity range)


ProwlModx256 Prowl130xWhite

Become invisible and steal loot from unsuspecting enemies or take out prey with deadly headshots.

Introduced in Update 18.0 (2015-12-03)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:10% / 20% / 30% / 40% (headshot bonus)
100% (loot chance)
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:4 / 3.5 / 3 / 2.5 s (steal time)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:2 / 2 / 3 / 4 m (steal range)

Misc: -50% (movement speed penalty)


Lycath'sHunt Lycath'sHuntIcon
Lycath's Hunt

(TAP) Lycath hunts to sustain the pack. There is a chance for enemies killed by melee attacks to drop health orbs and enemies killed by headshots to supply energy orbs. Increase the duration of Lycath's hunt by killing enemies affected by 5 or more Status Effects.

(HOLD) Lycath guards Voruna with increased Heavy Attack efficiency.

Introduced in Update 32.2 (2022-11-30)

AbilityStrengthBuff Strength:N/A
AbilityDurationBuff Duration:8 / 12 / 16 / 20 s (duration)
+ 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 s (extra time per conditional kill)
AbilityRangeBuff Range:N/A

Misc: 100% (health orb drop chance on melee kill)
100% (energy orb drop chance on headshot kill)
≥5 (number of statuses for extra time)
60 s (duration cap)
+100% (passive heavy attack efficiency)

Subsumable to Helminth





Patch History[]

Update 32.0 (2022-09-07)

Headshot Damage Changes

During playtesting, the ammo changes alone weren’t enough to significantly change things for AoE weapons. So instead of tightening these values to be overly restrictive, we chose to address other factors that make these weapons so strong, such as headshot damage.

Our approach here is two-fold, to reduce the impact of headshots for AOE weapons, but to also make precision headshots pack a larger punch overall.

  • Radial damage no longer gains extra headshot damage or triggers headshot conditions.
    • This is primarily targeted at the Ignis Wraith - as a “flamethrower” weapon, it’s hard to imagine a blanket of elements being precise enough to target weak points specifically. Explosive projectiles themselves can still land headshots, so there is still a reason to aim with most weapons for maximum damage.
  • Increased the base damage multiplier on headshots from 2x to 3x.
    • This means precision weapons are more rewarded for skillful usage, leveling the playing field even further!

Update 21.0 (2017-06-29)

  • Corpus Ospreys can now receive headshots! You may now unleash devastating shots to their “faces”.
