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Villains Wiki
BEN TENNYSON! You have made a dangerous enemy this day. Mark my words, you have not heard the last of Mizaru!
~ Mizaru's final words

Mizaru is a minor antagonist from the TV series, Ben 10: Ultimate Alien who only appeared in the episode, "Simian Says".

He was the crime lord of Aranhascimmia but upon receiving a Xenocite queen from Simian and maintaining his control over it he used her to enslave his species for power causing their near-extinction until he was defeated by Ben's team and shortly after that he was killed by a Root Shark.

He was portrayed by Jon Polito.


At an unknown point in time he became his home planet's crime lord. In "Simian Says" Simian brings him a Xenocite Queen that he stole from the Highbreed in "Birds of a Feather". The Xenocite Queen attaches herself to Mizaru in order to control him but he manages to control her instead and used the other Xenocites created by the Queen to enslave every other Arachnachimp, leading to their extinction. He succeded turning a majority of them into his slaves but Simian just barely escaped. Simian asks for Ben, Gwen and Kevin's help and although they were reluctant to help him due to his selfish and stupid nature they agreed to help him since every Arachnachimp was in danger.

After arriving on Aranhascimmia and ecountering the DNAliens and Eunice, Mizaru ordered the DNAliens to attack them. He managed to turn Eunice into a DNAlien and almost did the same with Simian but he was saved by Kevin. Ben managed to turn Eunice back using energy from the Ultimatrix. Enraged by this Mizaru runs away into a cave and is pursued after by Ben.

He revealed to Ben that he was very strong and managed to control the Queen through his sheer power and turned everyone into DNAliens, and also revealed that the first person he turned into a DNAlien was his mother.

He then fights Ben who turned into Spidermonkey and while at first he seems to win, Ben manages to knock him out using Ultimate Spidermonkey. On the ship Gwen and Eunice used a pulse from Simian to turn the DNAliens back into Arachnachimps, saving everyone and ending Mizaru's plan.

After his defeat he proclaims revenge on Ben, stating that he made a dangerous enemy and that this will not be the last of him, only to be eaten immediatly by a Root Shark. Everyone was shocked by his sudden death with Gwen stating that they saw the last of Mizaru.


Being Aranhascimmia's crime-lord, Mizaru is power-hungry as when he managed to control the Xenocite Queen offered by Simian, he used her to create more Xenocites in order to enslave every Arachnachimp and control everyone. It is shown that he is a psychopath, not only displaying no remorse for enslaving every Arachnachimp and leading to their extinction, but he even proudly stated that the first person he enslaved was his mother, showing that he does only care about himself. While he is affable sometimes it is only a facade to show his sadistic nature even more. He likes to taunt his enemies and hates losing to them as when he was defeated he angrily proclaimed revenge on Ben.

Powers and Abilities[]

  • Webbing generation: Just like every other Arachnachimp he can generate webs to trap enemies and stick them on a surface although he is never seen using it.
  • Enhanced Agility: He is very agile as he can jump very high and fall down with no issues, and uses the agility in combat with Ben to defeat him.
  • Enhanced Strength: Mizaru has good strength as he was able to rip apart a part of a tree and punched Ben in the face quite effectively.


  • He is one of the few Ben 10 villains to die permanently on-screen.
    • He is also the only known Arachnachimp to be deceased.
  • He is named after Mizaru, one of the Three Wise Monkeys who sees no evil. When he was affected by the Xenocite Queen, his eyes were the main thing covered on him, showing how abuse of power can make someone evil, although Mizaru was presumably evil before due to being a crime-lord.
  • Despite being an Arachnachimp he is never seen using his main powers such as webbing generation or wall climbing and is more of a melee fighter although it was shown that he can jump very high and land down with no issues.




Main Antagonists
Vilgax | Dagon | Albedo | Malware | Zs'Skayr | Highbreed | Aggregor | Maltruant

Hex | Charmcaster | Michael Morningstar | Addwaitya

Forever Knights
Forever King | Driscoll | Enoch | Joseph Chadwick | Sir George | Sir Morton | Winston | Red Knight

DNAliens | Mizaru | Simian

Zs'Skayr's Allies
Dr. Viktor | Yenaldooshi | Mummy | Crujo | Lord Transyl | Kuphulu

Dr. Animo and Allies
V.V. Argost | Animo's Creations (Heatbat)

Negative 10
Driscoll | Aloysius Animo | Forever Ninja | Charmcaster | Clancy | Rojo | Thumbskull | Acid Breath | Frightwig | Sublimino

Flame Keepers' Circle
Dagon | Conduit Edwards | Esoterica

Circus Freak Trio
Zombozo | Acid Breath | Frightwig | Thumbskull | Zombie Clowns

The Faction
Malware | Dr. Psychobos | Khyber | Khyber's Panuncian

Incursean Empire
Milleous | Attea | Raff

Bounty Hunters
Sixsix | Sevenseven | Eighteight | Synthroid | Sunder

Ma Vreedle | Pa Vreddle | Octagon Vreedle | Rhomboid Vreedle | Isosceles Right Triangle Vreedle | Parallelogram Vreedle | Pretty Boy Vreedles

The Hive
Elena Validus | Nanochips | Decoy Queen

Psyphon's Gang
Psyphon | Bug-Lite | Bubble Helmet | Liam | Fistrick | Gorvan | Sweet-Eels Sparklefunk | Thunderpig | Tummyhead

Proctor Servantis | Phil Billings | Ragnarok | Swift

The Vengers
Billy Billions | Captain Nemesis | Kangaroo Kommando | Will Harangue

Future Timelines
Vilgax | Aloysius Animo | Kevin 11,000 | Devlin Levin | Sploot | Subdora | Exo-Skull

Evil Bens
Albedo | Alien X | Bad Ben | Benzarro | Eon | Mad Ben | Nega Ben

S.A.M. | Slix Vigma | Computron | Stalker

Other Villains
Argit | Mr. Beck | Benevelon | Blarney T. Hokestar | Blue Leader | Camille's Ex-Boyfriend | Chronians | Collectimus | Fistina | Great One | Hoodlum | Hulex | Jarett | Jennifer Nocturne | Kenko | Kevin Levin | Kolar | Captain Kork | Kundo | Lepidopterran Prisoner | Looma Red Wind | Mr. & Mrs. Mann | Mann Family's Bodyguard | Morgg | Mutant Reptile Leader | Mutant Seagull | Mycelium | Nyancy Chan | P'andor | Poltroon | Prisoner 775 | Red Leader | Seebik | Skurd | Solid Plugg | Ssserpent | Sunny | Trumbipulor | Violet Offenders | Vulkanus | Vulpimancers | King Xarion | Zed

Vilgax | High Override | Forever Knight | Kevin Levin | Aloysis Animo | Hex | Zombozo | Acid Breath | Frightwig | Thumbskull | Michael Morningstar | Charmcaster | Ectonurite Prisoner | Opticoid Prisoner | Loboan Prisoner | High Override | Simon Sez | Maurice and Sydney | Mutant Alphas | Bug Gang (Queen Bee) | Tim Buktu | Lord Decibel | LaGrange | Steam Smythe | Weatherheads | Xerge | Xingo | King Koil | Alien Chefs | Yawk | Nanny Nightmare | Boblins | Ground Hawg Gang | Fogg | Jack-A-Lope | Hydromander | Ice Screamer | Goblin | Space Slime | Solar and Polar Twain

Crossover Villains
Alpha | Black Knight | V.V. Argost | Strike
