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Archambault is the secondary antagonist of Big Top Scooby-Doo!.
He was voiced by Maurice LaMarche.
He has the stereotypical appearance of the circus strongman.
Archambault is first seen when the gang arrive at the circus where the ring master assigns the gang to work with him. Sometime later, he offers to make crepes and drops a book. Soon after Whitney Doubleday was unmasked, he tranquilizes him and secretly steals the carbonaro. Later on he tells them the ropes he was tied in were broken by him and normally would have taken hours to break. Later on, he leaves alongside the other circus performers except for Shmatco who decides to retire, much to Cisco's secret joy. Soon the gang notices something doesn't feel right. Then Velma discovers that Whitney said us meaning somebody had to be working with him. She even tells them about his ropes, she claims that the ends were cut instead of broken and he also dropped the book suggesting he put it there. They soon discover that Archambault had to be in on it and rush to stop him. Later on, he approaches the ringmaster quite menacingly and captures him. Soon after Shaggy and Scooby make amends and get an idea. They use the baboons and other animals to distract Archambault and he is soon tranquilized. Later on after he gets arrested, its revealed he and Whhitney were angered by the fact the uncle they worked with retired and left it to his nephew.
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