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Sierra Wright is a contestant from Survivor 47.


Retrieved from

Age: 27
Hometown: Wilmington, Del.
Current residence: Phoenixville, Pa.
Occupation: Nurse

Three words to describe you: Ambitious, intuitive, hoot
Why do you want to be part of Survivor? I was born for the game of Survivor! My social and physical abilities are about to thrive. Survivor was such a big part of my upbringing, spending MANY nights with my fam, placing bets on our winners. Aside from that, your girl loves a good challenge! When I first applied five years back, people laughed at me and said "you could never!" I said, "oh, you watch." Here we are! Plus, I'm getting sick of the monthly payments towards my $100,000 student debt. Could really use that mil!
What's one life experience you feel has prepared you for the game? Working in the service industry for [more than] 12 years, no doubt! It really armed me with the skills you need to effectively communicate. Things can always change, so learning to roll with them and adapt quickly are qualities I am bringing with me to the island. No matter how difficult of a customer, if you want to make money, you had to bounce back quick. That's my Survivor mentality. Smile and wave, baby! Smile and wave.
Which previous player do you identify with the most? Who do you think you will play most like? Steph LaGrossa. We love a Delco girl! She just a blast and dominated Palau, becoming such an inspiration to young girls all over the world. She's the perfect example of being able to achieve ANYTHING with resilience, perseverance, and toughness. We have a ton in common, but her love for sports and a good competition takes the cake! JT in Tocantins is how I see my game playing out the most, mixed with some Tony and Dee, of course.
What will you value in an alliance partner? I value laughter and a good time! We are freaking stranded on an island stripped of anything, we better be making the most of it! Show me you're genuine and trustworthy, and we'll dominate out here together.
Favorite hobbies: Pickleball, crabbing on the boat, and my newfound love for rock climbing. I'm also a big beer-pong girl — minus the beer, sub a seltzer. Heck, put water in them, I just love that damn game.
Pet peeves: Clapping when the plane lands, slow walkers, or saying "no offense" or "I'm kidding" when you're not kidding.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Completing an accelerated nursing degree in 17 months and receiving my nursing license. I was NEVER a science girly. School just didn't come easy to me. After many sleepless nights of studying, blood (literally), sweat, and tears, I did it! Phew.
What is something we would never know from looking at you? I can say the alphabet backwards in five seconds, I can touch my tongue to my nose, and I was an Irish step dancer for 10 years.
Who is your biggest inspiration and why? I can't just pick one, I have to say both my parents! They truly are two of the hardest working people I know. No matter what life throws at them, they take it, accept it, and always keep a positive mindset. When my dad was diagnosed with cancer two years ago, shortly after, my mom had a second heart attack as my dad was receiving home chemotherapy. Watching how the both of them tackled the devastation was nothing short of inspiring.
Why will you be the Sole Survivor? If there is one thing I know about me, it's that I work my ass off at everything I do. There is no such thing as 100 percent in my book, always 150 percent or nothing! I plan to follow suit here. Also, I like to say I'm a pretty good time! My friends tell me my laugher is contagious. I just hope my tribe feels the same. I practiced the last year, so I expect those 4 a.m. gym wakeup calls to shine through in the challenges.[2]


Episode Tribe
Challenge Challenge Type Sit-Out? Result
1 Gata Kang Sera Sera Reward No Won
Under Pressure Reward/Immunity No Lost
2 Rice Race Reward/Immunity No 1st
3 Seahorse With No Name Reward/Immunity No 1st
4 Stage Presence Reward/Immunity No 1st
5 Climb Mate Change Reward1 Lost
Drag Race Immunity No Lost
Tribes Disbanded, Day 11
6 None TBD Reward/Immunity TBD TBD
^1 The tribes temporarily disbanded and the players competed as two randomly-divided teams of seven.

Episode Sierra's
Voted Against
1 Jon -
2 Gata Tribe Immune
3 Gata Tribe Immune
4 Gata Tribe Immune
5 Anika -
6 Rome -




Survivor 47 Castaways
S47 andy t
S47 anika t
S47 aysha t
S47 caroline t
S47 gabe t
S47 genevieve t
S47 jon t
S47 kishan t
S47 kyle t
S47 rachel t
S47 rome t
S47 sam t
S47 sierra t
S47 sol t
S47 sue t
S47 tk t
S47 teeny t
S47 tiyana t