


"And we've still got no captain. Still no word from Admiral Verette's shuttle."
―Princess Leia Organa, on who should captain the Harbinger[3]

Verette was a male human admiral who served in the fleet of the Rebel Alliance during the Galactic Civil War in 0 ABY. After Rebel forces led by Princess Leia Organa commandeered the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Harbinger, Admiral Verette was set to captain the Rebel-operated ship, however a week after the Harbinger's capture, Organa had still not received word from Verette's Taylander shuttle.[3]

Organa's suspicions turned out to be well-founded; Verette had been captured by the SCAR Troopers of Task Force 99,[2] then strapped to the outside of his shuttle and left to die, and was then sent to the Harbinger as a distraction. Not willing to risk a disaster, smuggler and rebel ally Sana Starros blew up the shuttle.[4]

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Notes and references[]

  1. Star Wars (2015) 21 takes place after the Alliance to Restore the Republic's victory at Yavin, which is featured in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 0 BBY. The issue also takes place prior to the assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks, which Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition dates to around one year after the Battle of Yavin, meaning that it takes place in 1 ABY. Therefore, the issue, which saw the death of Verette, must take place between 0 ABY and 1 ABY.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Star Wars (2015) 21
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Star Wars (2015) 22
  4. Star Wars (2015) 23
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