- "Well, fellow enthusiasts, it turns out that a droid crew piloting a ship should simply stay away from energy-hungry mynocks."
- ―SF-R3
Aree's ship was a starship used by the Safari droid SF-R3 "Aree" and the cam droid CAM as they traveled the galaxy to study and document the various species of wildlife for the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts.The Society's logo was featured on the ship. The ship was equipped with a hyperdrive and missile launchers.
Aree's ship[4] was large in size and featured the logo of the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts.[1] The outside was primarily white and orange. The ship was equipped with two engines,[1] a hyperdrive,[2]missile launchers,[3] a landing platform,[5]and a spotlight.[4] Missiles launched from the ship were able to cause a large explosion.[3] The ship had two landing gear legs that were used for landing on flat surfaces.[1]The ship had a reinforced rod, a condenser coil, and other cylindrical equipment that were important in keeping the ship operational.[6] The ship was capable of quickly turning around by rotating its engines.[5]The ship could operate in extremely cold[1] or hot conditions.[7]
Aree piloted his ship from a chair in the cockpit at the top of the ship. The cockpit had numerous buttons and a holoprojector that could display holograms.[1]One of the screens in the cockpit showed a holographic image of the ship to assist in landings[7]and to show areas of the ship that were damaged.[8] A purple button turned on the cockpit's wipers to wipe away any creatures that flew into the ship.[4]
The interior of Aree's ship was mostly gray and it was very spacious. The ship had a room for storing a variety of foodstuff. Also, Aree had a bedroom on the ship that had a bed and plants.[3]The ship had a room with a large power converter. There was a lever that opened and closed the ship's airlock. Aree kept a battery that could be used to restore his energy.[4]
Aree and CAM used their ship to travel throughout the galaxy[4] so they could learn about various species of creatures.[9] The ship was mainly used for for travel,[4] though it possessed missile launchers capable of causing large explosions. The ship also doubled as a home for Aree.[3]
During the High Republic era, the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts was founded by a group of scientists and adventurers that were interested in researching and cataloging the newly discovered species of the Galactic Republic's frontier worlds. For the Society's dangerous assignments, they commissioned Serv-O-Droid, Inc. to build Safari droids to autonomously document and interact with creatures in the wild and then report their findings to the society.[10] One of these Safari droids was Aree who traveled the galaxy in his ship to learn about various creatures.[9]
- "Now, tauntauns can be used as mounts in extreme cold conditions, but how are we going to tame one of these noble steeds? Well, the Society has sent me to Hoth to find out."
- ―SF-R3
During or after 34 ABY,[11] the Society sent Aree and the cam droid CAM to the planet Hoth[1] in the Outer Rim Territories[12] to learn how to tame a tauntaun. Aree traveled to Hoth in his ship and he parked it outside of a cave that was inhabited with tauntauns. After two failed attempts at riding a tauntaun, Aree managed to befriend a tauntaun with jogan fruit pie. The creature allowed Aree to ride it, and it then ran around in circles around Aree's ship. Aree and the tauntaun then rested near the ship, and the tauntaun continued to eat the pie.
- "Greetings from Dathomir, home of the rancor. Speaking of which, our friend over there could use a good old teeth-cleaning, wouldn't you say."
- ―SF-R3
After visiting Hoth,[1] the Society sent Aree and CAM to the planet Dathomir[13] in the Outer Rim[14] to learn how to help a rancor improve its hygiene. After many failed attempts at trying to clean a rancor's teeth, Aree discovered that rancors allow their teeth to be cleaned by blue birds.[13]
- "Today I've just arrived on the desert world of Tatooine."
- ―SF-R3
Afterwards, Aree and CAM flew their ship to the desert planet of Tatooine[7] in the Outer Rim[15] to learn how Tusken Raiders were able to keep their bantha mounts clean. He landed his ship near moisture vaporators and two baths. After Aree cleaned and groomed a bantha using his various tools, he departed Tatooine in his ship.[7]
- "Greetings, Enthusiasts, from the Forest Moon of Endor."
- ―SF-R3
Aree and CAM then traveled to the Forest Moon of Endor[16] in the Outer Rim.[17]Aree herded a group of blurrgs into a pen by luring them with music.[16]
- "We have to be quiet because we are venturing into the deadly jungles of Cholganna to study a nexu in its natural habitat."
- ―SF-R3 to CAM
Aree and CAM then flew to the planet Cholganna[5] in the Outer Rim[18]to study a nexu in its natural habitat. After landing his ship in the jungle, Aree saw a nexu become trapped in an electric net by two poachers. The poachers placed the feline in a repulsorcraft attached to their speeder bikes and then drove away. Aree decided that the nexu needed his and CAM's help, so he had CAM fly the ship closely behind the speeder bikes. Aree stood on the ship's landing platform at the back of the ship, and CAM flipped the ship around and flew it closer to the nexu. Aree was unsuccessful in grabbing the nexu, so he jumped on the creature. He was electrocuted by the net, causing him and the nexu to fall off. The nexu then scared the two poachers away. While back on the ship, Aree told CAM,[5] who was recording for the Holonet,[10] that befriending a nexu can keep an individual safe. Aree and CAM then departed Cholganna in their ship.[5]
- "Voorpaks are the pet choice for the Naboo. But besides being great lap warmers, they don't really do much around the house. The society wants to know if we can train these guys to be guard animals, and I'm here to find out!"
- ―SF-R3
The Society sent Aree and CAM to the planet Naboo[19] in the Mid Rim Territories[20] on a mission to learn if voorpaks could be trained to be guards. Aree initially failed at training a voorpak, but he discovered that voorpaks were good at guaring and goofing off.[19]
- "Greetings, enthusiasts! Aree, here, on the planet of Lothal."
- ―SF-R3
Aree and CAM then traveled to the planet Lothal[3] in the Outer Rim Territories[22], and Aree tried to foster an orphaned loth-cat so it could be adopted into a permanent home, though Aree fist needed to catch the feline. He brought the loth-cat into his ship and he poured foodstuff in a bowl, though the lothcat was revolted by the smell. Believing that the presentation was the problem, Aree poured food in a bowl, topped it with a piece of a plant, and placed the bowl on a platter. He presented the food to the lothcat who then smacked the bowl at CAM. Aree then prepared the bowl again and a very large meal for the loth-cat who responded by throwing up. Aree smacked the bowl onto the ground in frustration, causing many rats to start eating the food, and then the loth-cat ate the creatures. The loth-cat proceeded to run and jump around in the cockpit. After the loth-cat was tired out, Aree gave it a pillow to sleep on. It instead tried to sleep on the ship's control panel, which activated the warning alarm, caused compartments to open, turned on the cockpit wipers and the spotlights, and launched two missiles that resulted in a large explosion far from the ship. Aree allowed the loth-cat to sleep in a bed, though it decided to rest on his shoulder.[3]
- "Today, the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts has sent use to Elphrona to answer a burning question: do charhounds play fetch?"
- ―Aree
The Society then sent Aree and CAM to the planet Elphrona[6] in the Outer Rim Territories[23]to learn if wild charhounds play fetch. Aree used a cylindrical rod to play fetch with the charhound, but the creature's mouth burned the rod. CAM gave Aree a reinforced rod, a condenser coil, and other cylindrical equipment from the ship, though the charhound burned all of them. Aree asked CAM where it got the rods from, and CAM pointed to the ship collapsing from its weight after the rods were removed. Later, there was smoke coming out of the ship.[6]
Asteroid field[]
Aree and CAM landed their ship on an asteroid field in search of mynocks. Aree used a battery to lure a mynock out of a hole in the asteroid, causing many more mynocks to appear. Aree realized that he and CAM were powered by energy, and the mynocks then chased them back to their ship. They then flew away from the asteroid field. The lights then turned off, and Aree discovered that several mynocks managed to sneak on their ship. He then noticed that the mynocks were draining energy from the ship's power converter. The mynocks then drained a lot of Aree's energy, putting him in low power mode. Aree struggled to pull down the lever the release the airlock, and Aree, CAM, the mynocks, and everything else in the ship was blown into space. CAM pulled Aree back into the ship and closed the airlock. CAM managed to get the ship's power back up and plugged Aree into a large battery. While CAM was recording, Aree said that pilots should avoid mynocks, and he turned on the wipers after a mynock flew into his ship. The ship then launched into hyperspace.[2]
- "Our mission today brings us in search of planet Kowak's most notorious pranksters, the Kowakian monkey-lizards. There's no shortage of laughter between these creatures, but how do you become their friend?"
- ―Aree
Aree and CAM flew their ship to the planet Kowak[8] in the Outer Rim[24] to learn how to become friends with Kowakian monkey-lizards. While he was telling this to CAM, the ship's alarm went off due to the monkey-lizards stealing equipment from the ship. Aree exited his ship and saw one of the engines fall off. Aree offered the monkey-lizards fruit in exchange for the ship's parts. Instead, the monkey-lizards threw fruit at Aree until he was hit, causing him to enter defensive mode. He threw a fruit at a monkey-lizard, so all of them laughed. This convinced the monkey-lizards to repair Aree's ship, though one of them kept a piece of equipment. Aree and CAM then departed Kowak in their ship.[8]
- "Today, we are in the Batuu Wilds to see if we can teach porgs a trick or two. Let's fly on over there, and see if it's possible."
- ―SF-R3
Aree and CAM traveled to the Batuu Wilds on the planet Batuu[25] in the Outer Rim[26] to learn if was possible to teach porgs a few tricks. Aree wasn't able to teach porgs any tricks, and he was chased by a Batuuan braga bear.[25]
Behind the scenes[]
SF-R3's starship first appeared in the episodes "Porgs"[25] and "Bantha"[7] of Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures, which were both released on StarWarsKids.com on October 14, 2021.[9]
- Galaxy of Creatures book
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Tauntaun"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Rancor"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Bantha"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Blurrg"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Nexu"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Tooka"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Charhound"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Mynocks" (First identified as Aree's ship)
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Kowakian Monkey-Lizards"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Porgs" (First appearance)
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Bogling"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Eopie"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Gergilla"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Puffer Pig"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Gundark"
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Ordo Moon Dragon"
Official Trailer | Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (backup link) (First pictured)
Faithful Friends | Star Wars: List It! on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (content now obsolete; backup link)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Tauntaun"
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6
Mynocks | Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (backup link)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6
Tooka | Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (backup link)
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Mynocks"
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Nexu"
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Charhound"
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Bantha"
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Kowakian Monkey-Lizards"
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2
Meet Galactic Wildlife Big and Small in Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures on StarWars.com (backup link)
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts Activity Journal
- ↑ The Galaxy of Creatures book depicts all episodes of Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures taking place a relatively short time apart.
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Porgs" features porgs on Batuu, a species that Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge establishes were not present on the planet Batuu until the Resistance brought them there between the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens and Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Therefore, porgs must have been introduced to Batuu between those stories, which corresponds to 34 ABY per this reasoning, meaning that the events of Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures take place during or after 34 ABY.
- ↑
Echo Base in the Databank (backup link)
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Rancor"
- ↑ Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
- ↑
Tatooine in the Databank (backup link)
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Blurrg"
- ↑ Ultimate Star Wars
- ↑ Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: Traveler's Guide to Batuu
- ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Voorpak"
- ↑ Ultimate Star Wars
- ↑
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Tooka"
- ↑
Lothal in the Databank (backup link)
- ↑ The Rise of Kylo Ren 2
- ↑ Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3
Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures — "Porgs"
- ↑ Thrawn: Alliances