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There's No ARRGH in "Team"
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"There's No ARRGH in "Team"" is the eighth episode of the Sonic Prime television series, and the final episode of season one. It premiered on Netflix on 15 December 2022.


As Sonic's crew races to the Prism Shard, they quickly realize they're not the only ones after it. There's only one way to win — they gotta go fast![1]



Races and species:






Earlier, in New Yoke City, Nine is brought to the Chaos Council on their Mothership. Done-It greets him, but doesn't have any idea what he is. Nine taunts him about his appearance and gets tased by an Eggforcer. Doctor Deep asks Nine to adhere to his demands, but Nine asks him what he and the rest of the Council would need him for since they just stole his Shattercraft technology. Mr. Dr. Eggman tells Nine that they need their Mothership up and running and they need him to show them how the Shatter Craft works so that they could begin conquering the Shatterverse. Nine refuses at first, but is compliant when Dr. Don't and Dr. Babble threaten to take him apart.

With the Shatter Drive operational, the Chaos Council used it to send Rusty Rose and a submarine full of Eggforcers, later called the Kraken, to No Place, where they are attacking Sonic the Hedgehog, Dread and the Crew on the Angel's Voyage. Sonic and Dread take cover. Dread asks Sonic about his knowledge of their attackers, Sonic confirms that he knows them and doesn't, and he reveals that that they are after the Shard as well. Dread suggests that they should have it, as he explained to Sonic before he doesn't want anything to do with it. Sonic carries Dread out of the line of fire, but one of the laser blasts from the Eggforcers knocks the mast down. Rusty orders Sonic and his allies to surrender or face certain doom. Sonic attempts to reason with Rusty, since they are not in New Yoke City. Rusty tells him that she is talking to the captain, but is surprised and humored when Batten tells her that Sonic IS the Captain, though this makes Rusty disappointed that she isn't programmed to laugh. Sonic questions her presence in No Place, and she reveals that things are different now, as the tides of war have changed. She tells Sonic that the beginning of the Chaos Council's conquest of the Shatterverse is the explanation for how she is in a new Shatterspace. She then gives Sonic one last chance for him and his crew to surrender. Batten asks Sonic what they should do with their enemies, but since she was using pirate analogies, Sonic did hear her, but did not understand what she said, not even a word. Her patience lost, Rusty gives the order to continue firing. Sonic is amazed by their ship's integrity against the Eggforcer's attacks. Sails Tails agrees, telling him the ship's stronger than it looks. Sonic then sends them to their battle stations, but are just running around randomly. Dread explains that the crew's never been in combat before and have no idea what to do. Sonic takes Batten to a cannon and orders her to fire it at the sub. Batten raises the cannon too high and a cannonball is shot out into the air. Sonic Spin-Dashes it at the Eggforcers, but it didn't make enough momentum and power for the cannonball to make a dent in the ship. The Eggforcers breach the hull and the ship starts to sink. Sonic calls for Sails. Sails pops out of a barrel and Sonic asks him if he has any weapons capable of taking on the submarine. Sails said his mechanical arm and his intelligence are the only weapons he needs, which Sonic admires. Suddenly, a Security Drone scans the Regulators on Sonic's sneakers and calibrates the Shard Energy compass ability. With the compass calibrated and in her possession, Rusty bids Sonic farewell and prepares to have the Eggforcers destroy the ship. But then, Rusty spots Black Rose on the ship. Black Rose sees Rusty through a telescope. Both Rusty and Black Rose are in shock to see that there is another version of Amy in the same place at the same time, shocked at their similarities. This discovery causes Rusty to glitch. Refusing to see her counterpart get hurt, Rusty hastily orders the Eggforcers to stand down and decides that they should not waste their time destroying Dread's ship and they should leave them and continue after the Shard.

After the Kraken leaves, the Angel's Voyage begins to sink. Sonic attempts to steer it, but it is no use, since a ship can't steer while sinking. Sonic admits he can't fix this but realizes that Dread can. However, he sees that Dread is leaving his own ship and crew in a dinghy. Sonic reminds Dread that, regardless of what version of Knuckles he is, he is not the kind of person to give up. Dread isn't convinced and reminds Sonic that he gave up the day he sunk his ship trying to get the Shard. But Sonic tells him that he can ensure that doesn't happen again, because they can work together with Dread's leadership and Sonic's speed to finish what Dread failed long ago, and this time, he won't wreck on the rocks again. Dread thinks about it, since he's convinced that Sonic's speed can get the ship past the rocks. And Sonic can get home and Dread can finally get his treasure and restore his reputation...and he will forever be known as the Legendary Knuckles the Dread. Believing that Dread is not coming back, Sonic is confident that everything will be fine. Black agrees at first but accepts that it is the end. Sonic accepts this, too. However, Dread grabs his hat and resumes command. The crew is pleased by his return. Dread orders them to find and pump up every floaty they can find. Sonic is proud at Dread for coming back for his crew. Dread agrees that he has returned, but only because it's for his treasure, not his crew. The crew fix the hull and use their floaties to keep their ship on the water while Sonic recovers their supplies. They use Christmas lights to fix and straighten and secure the mast. Dread prepares for the ship to leave for the Lighthouse, but the crew remind him that the path to the Devil's Lighthouse is fraught with certain death, which Dread confirms, but assures them that he's plotted a course that will get them past the rocks. Dread tells them it will be legendary, which makes Sonic a bit uneasy about him.

Rusty contacts Dr. Deep from No Place and informs him that the Shard will soon be in their possession, but is barely able to get a signal to them before suddenly breaking up, much to the Council's chagrin. On the Mothership, despite their communication issues, Deep is proud to know interdimensional communication is possible and this is the beginning of their conquest. At Babble's suggestion, Deep confirms that they will order Rusty to destroy Sonic once their conquest is complete, with something called "Operation: Elimination". Nine, however, overhears and is against this, as it is a bad idea. Despite Mr. Dr. Eggman not being surprised that Nine is defending his only friend, Nine reminds The Chaos Council that he was captured when Sonic needed him most, but doesn't think they should have him killed before they finished perfecting the Shatter Drive technology. Done-It says the technology is perfected, since they have just traveled to another Shatterspace. Nine tells him that sending the Eggforcers and Rusty Rose to another Shatterspace is not really the same as travelling to one, and mocks them for being unable to accomplish what Sonic has done without any technology at all, and suggests that Sonic should be kept alive so that the Council could unlock the secret behind his connection to the Prism Energy. Convinced, Done-It agrees with him and that destroying Sonic will need to wait until they have gained and mastered every last drop of his Prism Energy, which the rest of the Council agrees with, laughing evilly. Unbeknownst to them, Nine is hoping Sonic will use his Shatter Powers from his gear to get whatever Shards are left before they do.

Back in No Place, using Sonic's speed to move the ship, Dread and his crew sail towards the rocks around the Devil's Lighthouse. They see that the Kraken is slowing down because of the rocks that Dread wrecked on before. Dread sails towards the rocks and, with Sonic's speed, bobs and weaves past the rocks. Rusty sees them and cautiously wonders why the ship is not slowing down, then charts a course through to the island with the Shard. Sonic increases the speed and the ship heads towards a hill that's positioned like an upwards ramp. Dread punches the stern and the ship is raised high as it jumps off the island and flies over the Kraken, then lands in the water behind them. Rusty is unimpressed, since she knows anyone with a boat can do that. However, the ship stops when Sonic's tornado rips the sails off. But Dread is not giving up. Dread orders Sonic to pull the ship toward the Lighthouse using the hover mode on his shoes, and warns him that Sonic will take the blame if anything goes wrong, just as Sails warns them of the oncoming ship. Dread then throws Sonic off the ship and Sonic, using the hover mode on his Hovercraft Kicks, pulls the ship as the Kraken gets ahead of them. Sonic pulls them around the rocks. Rusty, however, aims the Kraken's guns at Sonic and fire. Dread's crew arm and fire the cannons. Two cannons fire cannonballs, but Catfish fires a Sea Dog. The Eggforcers counter the cannonballs, but the Sea Dog lands on the ship, and the green grease causes the Eggforcer to fall off the ship. They load more sea dogs into the cannons and incapacitate more Eggforcers. Seeing the Shard on the top of the mountain ahead, Sonic pulls the ship even faster. The crew manages to fire their last sea dogs and cause Rusty to slip, hit some buttons that stop the ship and fall overboard.

Dread's ship stops next to them and Dread boards it. Hearing this, Sonic decides to help him and heads to the Kraken. Dread takes down the attacking Eggforcers and calls for his crew to board onto the sub, but Rusty rises out of the water and overpowers Dread with a small squadron of Eggforcers. But Sonic comes and backs him. Rusty berates Sonic for attacking, but Sonic just says it's what he does. He Spin-Dashes the Eggforcers, much to Rusty's frustration. Dread's crew joins Sonic and Dread. More Eggforcers arrive and Sonic and the crew attack them and Rusty. Rusty sends Eggforcers toward the Shard. Dread orders Sonic to go after them, but Sonic tells Dread to go instead, though Dread doesn't think he can make it. However, Sonic throws Dread and Dread Spin-Dashes the robots apart and heads for the Shard. Rusty sends another squad of Eggforcers after him, while she and Sonic battle.

Dread arrives at the No Place variation of the Temple Mountain and looks up at the Shard, happy that he's one step closer to getting his treasure. The Eggforcers go after him. Using his knuckles, Dread climbs the Mountain towards the Shard.

Back on the sub, Sonic Spin-Dashes Rusty 3 times, but is overpowered by the twisted variant and knocked off the ship. Sails catches him, but an Eggforcer knocks them down. Sonic and the crew stand up as Rusty thanks Sonic for proving himself as a worthy foe in her eyes, even though nobody will remember him. Eggforcers prepare to eliminate them, but Sonic gets down in a running position. Rusty asks Sonic sarcastically if he's preparing for a last charge, and Sonic agrees, then speeds off from the sub, much to the crew's disappointment and shock. But behind Rusty, Sonic leaps into the air and Spin-Dashes into the Eggforcers, destroying them and sending their parts flying. Rusty stands impressed, but also frustrated by Sonic's relentlessness as she casually swipes a rock off of her right shoulder. She is then tased and subdued by Sails.

Dread climbs closer to the top of the Mountain, destroying the Eggforcers, and finally makes it to the top. Dread, going mad with greed, gets his hands on the Shard, proud that he finally got his treasure. Sonic sees this and is happy to see this, but Eggforcers go after him. After Sonic goes to help him, Rusty and Black see each other again, much to their surprise. Batten is also surprised like this, considering Rusty and Black have similar appearances. Sails suggests tying her up, which Batten and Black agree with, much to Rusty's chagrin.

Sonic heads for the Mountain at full speed. On the Mountain, Dread greedily defends the Shard from the Eggforcers. One of them tries to take it from them, but he knocks it away. A lightning strike knocks Dread off the mountain. Sonic speeds faster towards the Mountain. A hologram of Shadow appears and tries to speak with him, but Sonic ignores it and saves Dread. but the Shard touches Sonic and sends him back into the Void. As the clouds disappear, Dread laughs triumphantly.

Back in the Void, Sonic flies back into the Void, but Shadow stops him. Sonic sees Shadow and tells him he has to get home. But Shadow tells him that there is no home to go to because Sonic destroyed it when he destroyed the Paradox Prism, in the first episode, "Shattered". The episode ends with Shadow attacking Sonic.

Regional differences[]

  • Some of Dr. Deep's lines in his message to Rusty Rose are audible in the Mandarin Chinese dub, including "可恶" ("Cursed!"), "动作快" ("Hurry up!") and "怎么搞的" ("What is wrong?!").
  • In the Mandarin Chinese dub, Dr. Done-It's line, "Oh, for the love of quiche," after breaking connection with Rusty Rose is replaced with "噢!倒霉事,接二连三" ("Oh! Bad luck, one after another").

Title in other languages[]

Language Title Translation
Arabic لا مجال لقرصان في الفريق There is no room for a pirate in the team
Chinese (Simplified) 团队面前无海盗 No pirates in front of the team
Chinese (Traditional) 團隊精神 Team spirit
Croatian Tim je na prvom mjestu The team comes first
Czech Piráti! Pirates!
Danish Holdspillere Team players
Dutch Geen plaats voor ARRGH in 'team' No place for ARRGH in "Team"
Finnish Tiimityötä Teamwork
French Tous pour un All for one
German Teamarbeit ist das Arr und O Teamwork is the Arr and O
Greek Δεν έχει πειρατές η ομάδα The team has no pirates
Hebrew אין מעצבת כעבודת צוות There is no designer for teamwork
Hindi सब टीम में All in the team
Hungarian Kalózcsapat Pirate crew
Indonesian Tidak Ada ARRGH di Dalam "Tim" There's No ARRGH in "Team"
Italian Che bella squadra! What a beautiful team!
Japanese チームに海賊(かいぞく)はいらない!? We don't need pirates on our team?!
Korean 팀을 위해서! For the team!
Malay Tiada ARRGH dalam "Pasukan" No ARRGH in "Team"
Norwegian Sjørøvere er ikke lagspillere Pirates are not team players
Polish Drużyna jest najważniejsza The team is the most important
Portuguese (Brazil) Em equipe As a team
Portuguese (Portugal) Não há piratas na equipa There's no pirates in team
Romanian O echipă perfectă A perfect team
Russian Нет никакого "Арррр" в кома��де There's No ARRGH in "Team"
Spanish (Latin American) Un equipo sin piratas A team without pirates
Spanish (Spain) ¡Qué equipazo! What a team!
Swedish Det finns inget ARRGH i "team" There's No ARRGH in "Team"
Thai "ทีมนี้" ไม่มีอ๊ากก "This team" does not exist
Turkish Bu "Takım"da Korsanlara Yer Yok There's No Place for pirates in this "team"
Ukrainian У команді немає Йо-хо-хо There's No Yo-ho-ho in "Team"
Vietnamese Không có cái tôi trong "đội" There is no I in "team"


  1. Watch Sonic Prime | Netflix Official Site. Netflix (15 December 2022). Retrieved on 15 December 2022.