
Kakariko Village is a village located in Hyrule. It was originally founded by the Sheikah.


The village's most notable appearance is arguably in Ocarina of Time, though as aforementioned it's appeared in multiple other games. The following is a list of them all -

Usually the village is portrayed as a relatively peaceful area compared to the dramatic happenings going elsewhere in Hyrule. However, in LttP, after obtaining the Master Sword, Zelda is captured and the town is put under martial guard as possessed Hylean knights patrol the village looking to apprehend Link with force.

In Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, you are required to go through it in order to get to the dungeon ahead (Death Mountain in both cases), and while they're both the same location, they've changed over time.


In both Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, a graveyard appears and plays a prominent role in the game (to some extent). It is regarded as the burial place of Hylian and Sheikah soldiers who died in battle. The gravekeeper is Dampé in Ocarina, though this isn't the case for Twilight Princess.

In both games, Poes can be captured/defeated in the graveyard.

In Breath of the Wild you are required to go inside of the village in order to meet Impa and being able to access the Locked Mementos and the Captured Memories quests, the village is more in a traditional japanese style to match the design of the Sheikah tribe.


  • Breath of the Wild
    • Enchanted
    • High Spirits Produce
    • Kakariko Graveyard
    • Lantern Lake
    • Mellie's Plum Garden
    • Olkin's Pumpkins
    • Shuteye Inn
    • The Curious Quiver
    • Ta'loh Naeg Shrine


Theory warning: This section contains theoretical information based on the research of one or several other users. It has not been officially verified by Nintendo and its factual accuracy is disputed.

Windfall Island[]

Windfall Island seems to be related to Kakariko Village. It is possible that Windfall Island is Kakariko Village; this can be supported geologically, as Kakariko Village was located on a high hill. Dragon Roost Island, which is near Windfall, could relate to Death Mountain, and Kakariko Village was near Death Mountain, making Windfall Island a possible relocation site of citizens who escaped the Great Flood. They also have a few shared notes in their background music. It is also noteworthy that a shared feature of Kakariko and Windfall is the similarities between the Windmill and the wind-powered Ferris Wheel.

Impa's Kakariko Village[]

Given the fact that both villages are in the same general location and have a graveyard, the Kakariko Village from Twilight Princess may be the same village as the one from Ocarina of Time and not the Hidden Village (which is located far from Death Mountain and lacks a Graveyard). One possibility is that after Impa opened Kakariko Village to non-Sheikah, she either founded or her tribe relocated to Old Kakarico which became the Hidden Village in order to maintain their tribes secrecy after Kakariko Village had become populated by Hylians and Human settlers. While the one in Twilight Princess lacks a windmill, it is likely that the windmill was torn down (possibly the no longer working correctly after to the Hero of Time played Song of Storms to drain Well of Three Features as a child) and the Sanctuary was constructed over where it once stood (as both the Sanctuary and the Windmill are connected to Kakariko Graveyard). It is possible that a new Well was constructed in the Graveyard to replace the Well of Three Features, but eventually dried up, though it was likely no longer needed due to the presence and/or discovery of Kakariko Hot Spring and the Spirit's Spring. It is possibly that volcanic and geological activity in the region altered the landscape, explaining way Kakariko Village in Twilight Princess is more barren as well as other changes in the local geology.

Hidden Village[]

Kakariko Village from Ocarina of Time was abandoned due to geological activity (such as a volcanic eruption or earthquake) on Death Mountain (which may have destroyed the Village or was evacuated as a precaution) and the Hidden Village was founded by Impa and other refugees from Kakariko Village. Eventually people returned to the sight of the original Kakariko Village (either rebuilding it or returning to the area once the danger had past) and Hidden Village renamed Old Kakarico, which may have been taken over by the Sheikah due to its secluded location and the original Kakariko Village (or the land it once stood upon) was turned over to Kakariko Village Hylians and Human settlers.


  • Kakariko Village, is a recurring location in The Legend of Zelda series. Its geographical and historical situation seems to change in each game. It may have been inspired by various towns in Zelda II: The Adventure of Link and, in turn, may have served as the inspiration for such future towns in the series – Mabe Village, Clock Town, Lynna City, Horon Village, Windfall Island, Hyrule Town, and various minor villages.
  • The name "Kakariko" may have originated from cocorico, a French onomatopoeia for the sound of a crowing rooster. It may also come from the Spanish verb cacarear, which means the crowing of a chicken. This is probably due to the fact that Cuccos appear in every incarnation of Kakariko Town. The Village's name in the French versions is in fact Cocorico.
  • In one of the houses in Kakariko Village from A Link to the Past, a portrait of Mario can be found. If Link pulls on it, he will obtain Rupees.
  • In Ocarina of Time, the Village's theme song in the past differs from the theme heard in the future. The future Village's version of the theme is known as the orchestrated version.
  • Segments of Windfall Island's music in The Wind Waker are a remix of Kakariko Village's theme. The music was also remixed in Twilight Princess where it can be heard when Link calms down Epona in Kakariko Village.
  • Although the Village's theme song is featured in Four Swords Adventures, it is used for the Village of the Blue Maiden and not Kakariko Village itself.


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