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Foscari's Dilemma (unofficial name) is a Hidden Exploration Objective that takes place in Petrichor, Nostoi Region.



  1. Defeat the crabs


(After defeating the Sternshield Crabs)
Foscari: Thank you, my benefactor! God King be praised, I'm saved!
Foscari: Are you one of the legionnaires who defend this city? Or a valiant soul who happened by?
Foscari: In any case, allow me to introduce myself. Faustus am I, one of the Mercatores Exquisiti appointed by the God King himself.
Foscari: I came here to transport spices from the southern realms... I did not think that those vile vishaps would surround me the instant I came ashore...
Icon Dialogue Talk Vishaps? I didn't see any vishaps.
Foscari: Hmm? My word, you truly are a mighty warrior — those foes were simply beneath your notice, I see!
Foscari: In any case, do take these. Yet I fear I must be short on pleasantries — these goods still need transporting into the city. Perhaps we shall meet again there.

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