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"Boatman"'s Task (unofficial name) is a Hidden Exploration Objective that takes place in Shirikoro Peak, Tsurumi Island. It requires the completion of the World Quest The Sun-Wheel and Mt. Kanna in Series Through the Mists.


  1. Complete the following Hidden Exploration Objectives, in any order:
    Talk to "Boatman" repeatedly to obtain hints as to which Hidden Exploration Objectives are left
  2. Talk to "Boatman" and watch all of the Illusions in Tsurumi Island pass on, he is found close to Shirikoro Peak.

Gameplay Notes[]


(Talk to "Boatman")
"Boatman": The near side of the river, hey! The cypress painted silver, hoi! The silver wormwood on the ground, the silver stones lie all around...
Icon Dialogue Talk Excuse me...
Icon Dialogue Talk Who are you?
"Boatman": Oho, who have we here? Guests? Here to board the boat, perhaps?
"Boatman": Ai yai yai, but let's see, now let's see... Oh, you seem like outsiders. That won't do, no, that won't do...
Icon Dialogue Talk "That won't do"?
Icon Dialogue Talk What are you talking about?
"Boatman": The shining silver skiff sails soft to yonder moon, but it was not prepared for you, oh no! Step not aboard, soil not the decks...
"Boatman": Ai yai yai... The fog is long scattered, and long scattered is the fog! Yet who has not boarded? The lady of the golden hall shall be angry. Most angry...
Icon Dialogue Talk Boat...? Where's the boat?
"Boatman": Aha, a-hey... The silver skiff, scion of sun and slope, hey! All must come home, all must return, to the moon-mansion that golden burns...
"Boatman": But for shame, for shame! Some children have lost their way, and still they have not boarded! The lady she shall be angry. Oh, most, most angry...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do you need any help?
Icon Dialogue Talk Are you listening to me?
"Boatman": Come, come, board the boat, the boat it is for boarding! Wander not, be lost no more, for life no longer mourning...

(Prior to completing all of the Hidden Exploration Objectives)
(Talk to "Boatman" again)
(If Abe's Fungi Needs has not been completed)
"Boatman": Ye old who linger on things yet strange and new, let us return, let us return, to the golden halls upon the moon.
(If A Gift To Shitoki, Wrapped In Conches has not been completed)
"Boatman": The child who picks shells by the shore, come, board the boat! The brother you knew has left his forebears' souls to seek a life on the far shore. Forget him now, forget the pain of parting...
(If Ipe's Fishing Advice has not been completed)
"Boatman": And you, child lingering by the shore, pray, what more have you lost? Come, now, board quickly now, be not nostalgia-crossed.
(If Lighting Chise's Path has not been completed)
"Boatman": The silver shining moon, yah-hey, the silver gleaming hearts, yah-ho... Those who guard the foggy plain, fain not in yon misty woods remain. Aye, board the boat, yes, board the boat!
(If Kito and Kina's Request has not been completed)
"Boatman": I spy the dear little children, who dearly miss their grandmother. A shame yes, a pity indeed, that they cannot board the boat.
(If Nonno's Hide And Seek has not been completed)
"Boatman": Lost, lonely, little child, are you playing on your own? Come now, come sail away, to a land where none play alone.
(If Rero's Joke has not been completed)
"Boatman": Ah, there, yes there too indeed. One who has grown too swift and wild, but whose soul is yet that of a child. One playful in a funny way, who forgot to board the boat today...
(If Una's Longing has not been completed)
"Boatman": Now I spy, with my little eye... A grandmother missing her grandchildren. She cannot put them down, no she cannot, and she cannot board the boat!

(After completing all of the Hidden Exploration Objectives)
(Talk to "Boatman" again)
"Boatman": They have all come, ya-ho, ya-hey, we have our merry cast...
"Boatman": Thank you, fair outlander, ho! We set off now at last...
"Boatman": The far side of the river, hey! The golden oak is yonder, hoi! The golden wormwood on the ground, the golden stones lie all around...
"Boatman": The sights are lovely as can be, much further than the eye can see...


  • The song "Boatman" sings references the Ainu lullaby Sixty Cradles (Ainu: レ ホッネ シンタ Re-Hotne Sinta), which describes a journey along a river lined with golden and silver forests, yomogi fields, and stones up to the golden house of a god who births life.
English Localization Ainu Translation
The near side of the river, hey! The cypress painted silver, hoi! The silver wormwood on the ground, the silver stones lie all around... ウ ペッ トゥラシ ペッ アㇻケ ワ シロカネ トゥンニ タイ シロカネ ノヤ サㇻ シロカネ スマ ウ アン ルウェ ネ
U pet turasi pet arke wa sirokane tunni tay sirokane noya sar sirokane suma u an ruwe ne
Climbing up the river, on one side, there is a silver kashiwa oak[TN • 1] forest, a silver yomogi[TN • 2] field, and silver rocks.
The far side of the river, hey! The golden oak is yonder, hoi! The golden wormwood on the ground, the golden stones lie all around... ウ ペッ アㇻケ ワ コンカネ ペロ タイ コンカネ ノヤ サㇻ コンカネ スマ オカ ルウェ ネ
U pet arke wa konkane pero tay konkane noya sar konkane suma oka ruwe ne
On the other side, there is a golden mizunara oak[TN • 3] forest, a golden yomogi[TN • 2] field, and golden rocks.
Translation Notes
  1. Kashiwa oak (Ainu: トゥンニ tunni), also known as the Japanese emperor oak, is localized as "cypress" in both English and Chinese (Chinese: 柏树 bǎishù).
  2. 2.0 2.1 Yomogi (Ainu: ノヤ noya), also known as Japanese mugwort, is localized as "wormwood" in English and "Chinese mugwort" in Chinese (Chinese: 艾草 àicǎo).
  3. Mizunara oak (Ainu: ペロ pero) is simply localized as "oak" in both English and Chinese (Chinese: 橡树 xiàngshù).

Change History[]

