Final Fantasy Wiki

Throwing weapon used with the command 'Throw'. It cannot be equipped.


The Pinwheel is a throwing weapon for Amarant in Final Fantasy IX. It is used via Throw and consumed upon use, but is usually stronger than using Attack. It is the weakest ring weapon, behind the Rising Sun and the Wing Edge, but also the cheapest to amass.


The Pinwheel is sold for 200 gil in Madain Sari's Mogshop, and the weapon shops in Alexandria and Lindblum after Amarant has joined the party, as well as in the Mogshops in Oeilvert and Desert Palace. It is also a rare treasure Choco can unearth during Chocobo Hot and Cold.


Throw deals physical non-elemental damage to one enemy. The Pinwheel's damage is calculated as follows:

Base = 25 * 2 - Enemy's Defense
Bonus = Strength + A random number 0 ... [(Level + Strength) / 8]
Damage = Base * Bonus

Bonus is reduced to 1 if Amarant is in Mini status, and is halved on a target with the Protect status. The Bonus will be 50% greater if the target is an aerial enemy, or if Amarant is equipped with the Power Throw ability. These effects also stack. If Amarant equips Healer, damage is converted to healing.


The Pinwheel is good against tough enemies, like bosses, as well as flying enemies. The player can buy them from Madain Sari as soon as Amarant joins if they have the funds to spare. The upcoming bosses in the Iifa Tree are easily dispatched with Life magic, so the first tough enemy Amarant needs to use his skills for is likely Tantarian unless the player defeated it already. Desert Palace's Mogshop is the first place the player can buy the stronger Rising Sun, meaning the Pinwheel is Amarant's best throwing ring for world map exploration on the Blue Narciss and Oeilvert. The boss at Oeilvert is also flying, a prime opportunity for Amarant to use Throw, unless he has been made a healer.

When thrown, the weapon's Attack value is doubled in the damage calculation, meaning they should be about twice as strong when used via Throw than when used with the Attack command. The Pinwheel's power is comparable to throwing the party's starter equipment, or to using mid- to late-game equipment via Attack without enhancements (physical attackers' weapons around the time the player has the Hilda Garde III). When the player can do more damage with Attack, Pinwheel is less relevant. Bird Killer adds the same bonus against aerial enemies with Attack as Throw has innately. The one boon that remains is that with Throw, Amarant can be in the back row without damage penalty.

