Final Fantasy Wiki

Spear used by dragon knights.


The Javelin is Freya's initial spear in Final Fantasy IX that teaches her Dragon Killer, which lets her do increased damage against dragon-type enemies with Attack.


Freya joins the party with the Javelin equipped. It can also be bought for 880 gil from Lindblum during the party's first storyline visit there, but there is little point doing so as Freya already has one. Much later, the Javelin is also found in Ipsen's Castle Ipsen'sCastleStairwell2.


The Javelin's damage dealt with a normal Attack is determined as follows everywhere but within Ipsen's Castle:

Base = 18 - Enemy's Defense
Bonus = Strength + A random value 0 ... [(Level + Strength) / 8]
Damage = Base * Bonus

The damage is then modified by variables like Freya's row position and equipped Killer abilities and MP Attack, as well as the enemy's Protect. Under Mini, her Bonus would be 1.

When in Ipsen's Castle, the stronger weapons do less damage than weaker weapons, and the Base part of the damage formula is altered to:

Base = 42 - Enemy's Defense


The Javelin is Freya's initial weapon that remains her strongest offering through the Festival of the Hunt, world map exploration outside Lindblum, Qu's Marsh, and Gizamaluke's Grotto, until the player finds the superior Mythril Spear from Burmecia. The Javelin teaches Dragon Killer, a Killer ability exclusive to Freya, which can be of immediate use against the Ironites and Serpions outside, though the player needs to move Freya to the front row and use Attack instead of Jump.

The Javelin is Freya's strongest weapon for Ipsen's Castle, but it is still not overly powerful, and she may be better off using her Dragon commands, like Dragon's Crest.

If the player keeps the Javelin until the endgame, they can use it in synthesis in the final dungeon to make the Save the Queen. This is simply a fun extra that does not add anything to the game as no one can equip it and it does not add an ending scene, unlike the Hammer.


The Javelin being Freya's initial weapon, it is included with her in some of her merchandise, such as Coca-Cola bottlecap figure, her official action figure, and Bring Arts.

