Final Fantasy Wiki

Coronet that radiates a mysterious light.


The Coronet is a light armor headgear in Final Fantasy IX. It is a late game hat that everyone but Steiner and Freya can equip. It teaches Man Eater, which allows the character to deal more damage to human enemies, and Return Magic, which allows the character to counterattack magic attacks with the same spell the enemy used. It nullifies Wind damage to the wearer and is used for synthesis.


The Coronet is bought for 4,400 gil in Daguerreo and Bran Bal. It is also found in Terra's "stepping stones" area SteppingStones-ffix-terra entered from the downhill path area from the bottom of the screen. The area is comprised of five "steps" which the player jumps through. The steps are in a path, however, the second step from the bottom has a step on the right that leads to a treasure chest with a Coronet.


The Coronet provides 1 Defense and 35 Magic Defense, mainly mitigating damage from magic attacks. The hat nullifies Wind damage to the wearer.


The Coronet is late game gear and good to equip to Vivi to master Return Magic; Amarant may have mastered it from a Brigandine earlier, though it takes a lot of AP for him to master and equipping both would let him master it faster. Man Eater for Zidane and Amarant can be useful for the boss battles atop Pandemonium, but afterward, is not really needed.

The Coronet's Wind-protection may come to use against Yan, Silver Dragon, Nova Dragon, Tiamat, and Deathguise.

The Coronet is used in synthesis in the endgame to make the ultimate light armor headgear: Circlet.

The guests from Tantalus can also equip the headgear, but the player cannot see this in a normal playthrough.


A coronet is a small crown consisting of ornaments fixed on a metal ring. By one definition, a coronet differs from a crown in that a coronet never has arches, and from a tiara in that a coronet completely encircles the head, while a tiara does not.
