Maisie is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius.
Maisie's Trust Master reward is the Magian Brooch.
3★ - No. 1565:An earth mage going by what is clearly an alias. Her age and career are unknown, changing each time she speaks. She spouts lie after lie in a mischievous manner, and due to the half-smile constantly plastered on her face, it is impossible to read her expression and tell her truths from her lies.
4★ - No. 1566:Despite her appearance, she is really a man. Her hair is all natural, not dyed. She worked behind the scenes during the fall of the emperor's tyrannical reign. She was born on a faraway planet, and has a younger sister she was separated from in childhood who can use wind magic. It is these kinds of lies that flow from Maisie's mouth, a liar to the very core.
5★ - No. 1567:An earth mage and pathological liar. Her current partner Diezell believes her lies to the point that even she has started feeling sympathy, and has begun saying "as if" each time Diezell falls for one. She feels comfortable with their current relationship, as she isn't forced to tell the truth.
Entries for different versions of Maisie.
Maisie's stats at her highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:
Maisie can equip the following weapons: Dagger, Staff, Rod, Mace
She can equip the following armor: Hat, Robe
She can equip accessories.