Final Fantasy Wiki

To have been able to come this far... I'm so glad I was able to meet you!

Max Trust Mastery

Primm is a character and summonable vision from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. She is a cameo character from Secret of Mana.

Primm's Trust Master reward is the Deep Thoughts special ability.



Primm's appearance is based on her appearance in Secret of Mana.



4★ - No. 0331:

A young girl who fought to save the man she loved in a world protected by the great power of mana. The daughter of the cabinet minister of the kingdom of Pandora, outside of losing her mother at a young age she was able to live a fairly carefree life, making her self-empowered and selfish. Having heard the knight Dyluck whom she loved had gone to fight an evil witch, she headed after him and left the kingdom. On her journey she was to come across a young boy about to be eaten by a great monster, which was to greatly impact her destiny.

5★ - No. 0333:

A young girl who fought to save the man she loved in a world protected by the great power of mana. On her journey to find her beloved Dyluck who left to fight a wicked witch, she ended up befriending and traveling the world with Randi, the boy in possession of the legendary holy sword, and Popoi, a sprite looking to find his way home. As they traveled around, Primm learned more and more magic from the sprites they came across at the various shrines they visited. It is said she used it to defeat her enemies, and sometimes even heal her allies.

6★ - No. 0334:

A young girl who fought to save the man she loved in a world protected by the great power of mana. On her journey to find her beloved Dyluck who left to fight a wicked witch, she traveled the world with Randi and the sprite Popoi, visiting shrine after shrine trying to take back the power of the legendary holy sword. Receiving the protection of the sprites in the form of various types of magic, it is said she continued fighting, seeking to save her beloved Dyluck who had gotten caught up in the Vandole Empire conspiracy.

Entries for different versions of Primm.



Primm's stats at her highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check*(Maximum LB crystals drop per hit)
4★ 60 1914 (+210) 106 (+45) 71 (+14) 68 (+14) 76 (+14) 85 (+14) 3 3 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ 80 2488 (+240) 138 (+60) 92 (+16) 89 (+16) 99 (+16) 111 (+16) 3 4 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ 100 3235 (+390) 180 (+85) 119 (+26) 116 (+26) 129 (+26) 144 (+26) 3 4 FFBE Limit Burst crystal


Ability Level
Detect 1
Refresh 5
Healing Waters 13
Ice Saber 21
Safeguard 23
Stone Saber 32
Thunder Saber 33
Flaming Wall 36
Flame Saber 46
SPR +20%*(Passive) 28
MAG +20%*(Passive) 60
Ability Level
Rush 25
Moon Saber 48
Molotov 72
Invigorate 80
Ability Level
Holy Saber 66
Saintly Beam 100
Haunting Guard*(Passive) 1
ATK +20%*(Passive) 35
Ability Obtained by
Mana Mana Mystery reward


Primm can equip the following weapons: swords, katanas, staves, rods, bows, axes, hammers, spears, whips, throwing and fists. She can exclusively equip the Aura Glove.

She can equip the following armors: light shields, hats, helms, clothes, light armors and robes.

She can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Rarity Name Effect Hits Cost
4★ Whirlwind Kick Base (Level 1): Physical damage (2.5x) to one enemy. Decrease SPR (20%) for 3 turns to one enemy.
Max (Level 20): Physical damage (3.2x) to one enemy. Decrease SPR (34%) for 3 turns to one enemy.
8 12 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
5★ Whirlwind Kick Base (Level 1): Physical damage (2.7x) to one enemy. Decrease SPR (30%) for 3 turns to one enemy.
Max (Level 20): Physical damage (3.65x) to one enemy. Decrease SPR (49%) for 3 turns to one enemy.
10 14 FFBE Limit Burst crystal
6★ Whirlwind Kick Base (Level 1): Physical damage (2.9x) to one enemy. Decrease SPR (40%) for 3 turns to one enemy.
Max (Level 25): Physical damage (4.1x) to one enemy. Decrease SPR (64%) for 3 turns to one enemy.
12 16 FFBE Limit Burst crystal

Awakening Materials[]

5★ 6★
Aqua Pearl x25
Heaven's Ash x13
Sacred Crystal x15
Spiritsand x8
Holy Crystal x8
Rainbow Bloom x20
Fairies' Writ x10
Calamity Writ x10
Prismatic Horn x5
Divine Crystal x5


Rarity Summoned Fused Awoken
4★ I am Primm. I look forward to working with you! That's great! We'll certainly find what we're looking for at this rate! -
5★ I can't do this alone. Please, let me go with you! So, the dead lend us their power? Surely that will come in handy! Now that I'm strong enough, I should be of better use to you, right?
6★ Having allies around makes you stronger. That's why I'd like to help out, too! I've decided to live to the utmost so as not to disappoint those I cherish. I will never forget the friends with which I've had such wonderful adventures.

