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Balthier ffxiirw
Balthier: I'm afraid the jury's still out on that one.
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Max Trust Mastery

Brother is a summonable vision and optional playable character in Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. He serves as a character representative from Final Fantasy X.

Brother's Trust Master reward is the accessory Brother's Goggles (ATK+20, DEF+20, Resist Blind 100% and Resist Water 30%).



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Brother's stats at his highest levels are as follows (with no passive abilities taken into account), along with the maximum amount of stat points that can be increased through pot-enhancements:

Rarity Level HP MP ATK DEF MAG SPR Attack Hits Drop Check*(Maximum burst stone drops per hit)
3★ 40 (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+)
4★ 60 (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+)
5★ 80 (+) (+) (+) (+) (+) (+)


Brother has four ability slots. He also has affinity to magic: Black Magic (Lvl 1-3).

Rarity 3★
Ability Lv. Learned
- -
Rarity 4★
- -
Rarity 5★
Ability Lv. Learned
- -


Brother can equip the following weapons: daggers, swords, greatswords, katanas, staves, rods, bows, axes, hammers, spears, instruments, whips, throwing weapons, guns, maces and fists.

He can equip the following armors: light shields, heavy shields, hats, helmets, clothes, light armors, heavy armors and robes.

He can equip accessories.

Limit Bursts[]

Rarity Name Change in Effect Hits Cost
3★ Maximum Speed Base (Lv. 1) FFBE Limit Burst crystal
Max (Lv. 10)
4★ Maximum Speed Base (Lv. 1) FFBE Limit Burst crystal
Max (Lv. 15)
5★ Maximum Speed Base (Lv. 1) FFBE Limit Burst crystal
Max (Lv. 20)

Awakening Materials[]

4★ 5★
Allure Power x25
Esper Cryst x15
Quality Parts
Scripture of Time x5
Sacred Crystal x5
Quality Parts x20
Scripture of Time x10
Sacred Crystal x10
God's Reliquary x5
Holy Crystal x5


Rarity Summoned Fused Awoken
3★ — — —
4★ — — —
5★ — — —

