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A Schmault-Tec bubblehead is an item in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.


Bubbleheads appear during a hallucination sequence after the Lone Wanderer is exposed to Mother Punga fumes. They are identical in appearance to normal bobbleheads but are larger in size.


There are seven bubbleheads total, but they can not be added to the player character's inventory nor do they add any benefit. Although there is a bubblehead for each S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat, they do not grant an increase to those stats, nor are there any representative bubbleheads for skills.


Messages on the bubbleheads are listed below in the order they are encountered.

Schmault-Tec bubbleheads
Image Bubblehead Message Location
SM Bubblehead Intelligence
Tsk. Tsk. Walked right into another trap. Exactly how stupid are you? Found on path near Mother Punga
SM Bubblehead Strength
This is one situation you're not going to be able to fight your way out of. On a small dot of land on the path.
SM Bubblehead Endurance
Keep it up, you're almost there... wherever 'there' may be... probably nowhere. On the path near the edge of the swamp.
SM Bubblehead Agility
Isn't it funny how everyone you get close to ends up leaving? Around the exploding Nuka-Cola Quantums.
SM Bubblehead Perception
This doesn't look right, not right at all. Found upside-down where the world is upside-down.
SM Bubblehead Charisma
Blech. If my kid looked like that, I'd abandon it too. Next to the skeleton labeled Mom.
SM Bubblehead Luck
Dead mother, life in a post-nuclear Wasteland and not a friend in it. Yeah, you aren’t exactly blessed. Found near Mister Break and the atomic bomb.

Related quests[]

  • Walking with Spirits: The bubbleheads are only seen via a series of hallucinations during this quest.


Schmault-Tec bubbleheads appear in the Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout.
