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Ghost people are difficult to kill unless dismembered or disintegrated. If Dog is in the party, however, Dog will devour them, preventing them from getting back up.— In-game description

Ravenous Hunger is a companion perk in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Dead Money.


Gaining Dog as a companion requires completing Find Collar 8: "Dog" by retrieving the Dog command tape in the basement of the Villa police station and using it to choose God as the controlling identity, then, either during or after that quest, using the Prisoner commands holotape to replace him with Dog and refraining from using the former item for the duration of the add-on.


When Dog is an active companion, whenever attacked by the ghost people and one is knocked unconscious without crippling any limbs (thus killing it), Dog will approach the body and consume it, dismembering the enemy and killing them instantly.


  • The perk's usefulness, and thus Dog's value as a companion, is rendered largely obsolete if/when one acquires the Ghost Hunter perk by choosing certain dialogue options with Dog, allowing for one to more effectively kill hostile ghost people while having Christine or Dean Domino's slightly-less situational perks.
  • The perk doesn't appear in the Pip-Boy or in the perk menu of the G.E.C.K. (which contains all perks of the game) and appears to be a scripted action only performed by Dog and not properly a perk.
  • With the Wild Wasteland trait, Dog will sometimes say "OM NOM NOM" while eating someone.[1]


  1. Dog's dialogue: OM NOM NOM